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Today four years ago today, at 4:15 in the morning my darling Richard passed away.

Each year gets a little easier, but the longing for his embrace never fades. He wasn’t a perfect man, no one is, but he was perfect for me. ❤️

Redheadedgammy 9 June 22
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Dang! After posting last night, my friend called this AM and she went to oncologist with highly elevated platlets and he told her she has Cancer, just don't know where yet. More tests in follow ups. Life can really throw some mean curve balls! Oh well, at my age, what else is to be expected. Hoping the best for her in coming months -- wait and see! She helped me through several months during my Chemo, so now it's my turn to help her. PS Thanks for your comments.

Justme43 Level 7 July 1, 2022

Wow Larry, that’s a real kick in the teeth isn’t it? Life does throw us some pretty tough curveballs sometimes. I think the best thing to do at this point is try to keep positive thoughts in your mind about your friend and this cancer diagnosis, because I know going through the cancer with my husband's, his oncologist told us that. That you can’t get down in the dumps and think the worst that you need to think as positive as possible because a positive frame of mind helps you get through situation like this. Life is not always easy for us when we get older as you well know. Cancer is one of the biggest challenges for us unfortunately, but these days with medical science it’s not always a death sentence. I would say take a wait and see attitude and find out what kind of cancer it is where it is and then go from there and be by her side just as she was by your side. I will keep good and positive thoughts in my mind about the two of you. Please keep in contact with me and let me know how things go. Wishing you both the best.😘


Rhonda, I lost my wife of 55 years, Dec 2018 and thought I'd never get past that loss; and indeed I never will, but at 79 I have only a few years left. Just finished Chemo a few weeks ago and got a clear Pet scan report! Last year a high school classmate whom I dated the Summer of 1959 as Sophamores, called me and we met up, having not seen her in many years, I didn't know what to expect. She had changed as had I, but she had lost her first husband (my best high school buddy) and she had also lost her second husband. She had been alone for several years and understood what I was going through. After a few meetings, we had our first intimate hug and I can tell you that was a most wonderful feeling! Since then, we each express our feelings concerning our intimate moments though sex is still in the future. (Unbelievable at our age to even mention that!) Our only problem is her religion and my agnostic beliefs. But I think we can work through that; just have to wait and see. It is so difficult to find agnostic friends in the Bible Belt. If you keep looking you WILL find that someone to share parts of your life with. Maybe nothing permanent, but at least to share outings, meals, TV, sporting events, etc, so don't give up and don't feel guilty when you do meet that person. My wife and I did not argue and fight and the last 12 years of her life she was my caregiver and we were together 24-7; so her passing was doublely hard on me. Good luck and live every moment with a smile and keep looking for that HUG and more. It will come.

Justme43 Level 7 July 1, 2022

Thank you Larry for your touching comment. I am so very happy for you and your 1959 classmate! That is something to reconnect with someone from so long ago. 😍 I am thrilled for you and her to be able to spend time together and have some wonderful moments now! Like I said to someone else, I never say never because of stories like yours! ❤️ Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me! 😉


My longtime girlfriend ,Sonia, also passed away four years ago. My heart will never fully heal,as I am just biding time,and waiting my turn.

There will always be a place in your heart for her Wayne, but that does not mean that you cannot go on and have a happy life. I know how difficult it is but life does go on for us who are left behind and we must make the best of what life we have left and try to find happiness wherever we can. I hope that for you.


Sorry, Rhonda. I hope the pain's fading.

LucyLoohoo Level 9 June 22, 2022

Thank you Pam. It is fading as time goes by, and the tears are coming less. I still miss him so much. 😘

@Redheadedgammy At least you had him!

@LucyLoohoo Yes! We had a good run together at marriage, something I didn’t expect when I had been single after my divorce from my first husband in 1987.

I met Richard in a grocery store of all places! He walked up to me and said, “I just had to come over and tell you how pretty your red hair is”. He asked if he could give me his number, and if I wanted, he would like to take me for coffee and get to know me. I took a chance two weeks later and called him. That was in 2004. We married in April of 2006. ❤️

@Redheadedgammy i lost my wife 7 years ago. the pain eases but the memories remain.

@Redheadedgammy I love that love story! What a lovely romance. I hope those memories ease some of your sorrow, but I know it never leaves us altogether.

@TheDoubter Thank goodness for the memories right? The pain and sorrow does ease as the years go by thankfully. ❤️

@TheDoubter, @Lauren I do hold on to the memories tightly. It was a wonderful love story while it lasted, and I am so glad he walked up to me that day and renewed my. faith in men. 😘

@Redheadedgammy hope you find new happiness

@TheDoubter I’m not sure that’s going to happen at my age, but again as people say, never say never. 😘

@Lauren It never leaves you, but the good that was the relationship does take over the sadness of losing it. 😘

@Redheadedgammy keep your eyes peeled. but you're way younger than i am

@TheDoubter I wasn’t looking at all when I met Richard, because I had been dating a few different men for years but nothing ever came of those relationships. After a few months you figure out that they are just not a match with you, and instead of trying to stay with it and hope something works out I decided it was best to leave. I was single for a very long time before I met Richard. He was one in 1 million.

@Redheadedgammy maybe it won't take as long this time

@TheDoubter Time will tell as they say. 😉

@Redheadedgammy the wait is excruciating at times. but sometimes it;'s worth it. you're a deserving woman from what i've gleaned from your posts.

@TheDoubter I appreciate your kind words Dale. I’m learning to navigate life without a partner again, and it is a little harder now than when I was younger. At least I have a loving family to lean on. 😉

@Redheadedgammy One of the many things widowhood taught me is...we're all stronger than we think we are! Yes, we are!

@Redheadedgammy family is strong support. i have a son and a daughter in the SD area.

@Redheadedgammy, @LucyLoohoo you don't know strong you are until you're tested

@LucyLoohoo You are so right Pam. I was single from 1987 till 2006 and I managed to have a pretty good life without a partner. I made a few mistakes along the way, like trusting a broker about keeping my Enron stock and then losing everything, but I climbed out of my pit of despair and started over. I never fully recovered financially, but I paid my bills and went on with my life. Thanks for reminding me of my own strength! 😘

@LucyLoohoo, @TheDoubter Yep, some of those test are brutal, but it’s what you do afterwards that counts in the long run. 😉

@Redheadedgammy I've met you,'re a tough cookie! Just remember that!

@LucyLoohoo I’m thankful for meeting other strong women like you who remind me of that fact Pam. 😘

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Posted by RedheadedgammyToday four years ago today, at 4:15 in the morning my darling Richard passed away.

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