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Today would be our 27th anniversary it's the seventh one without you and it hurts this picture would be taken on June 12th the original date we had set for the wedding but we had to get married a month before in the pastor's office and the first date that popped into my head was May 8th and I looked at you and I said how does May 8th sound to you sure wish I could change it now cuz it's too close to Mother's Day for me

The rest of the day will be spent watching Outlander reading and sleeping and probably crying but I'm used to it because that's how it's been for the past 7 years I usually put flowers on Your Grave but no way to get there today and Graves aren't essential cuz we're still under lockdown I'm thankful for the memories that get me through though and for the friends that I have to help me get through the day

Huskygirl4ever 7 May 8
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I feel your pain. I know, people say that all the time and seldom mean it, but...... I lost my beloved wife of 55 years December, 2018 to cancer and here it is almost a year and a half and I'm still grieving! I told someone recently, I cried every day/night for the first 6 months and now I'm getting better -- I only cry two or three times a week. Therefore, I KNOW what you're going through. Did I know you or your spouse, did I know the kind of life you have lead, did I know how much you loved each other, NO. But I sense by your writing what kind of life the two of you had and my entire being cries out to you in your pain. Sometimes even the smallest of a situation will trigger a memory which in turn brings on the tears -- and it can be something which one thinks is totally unrelated to the lost one, and yet, here comes the feelings in the chest, the lump in the throat, and the welling of tears! Though I feel for your loss, I cannot give any advice on how to 'get through it'. I can only send my feelings of support your way and trust that in those moments of sorrow, you will be able to remember that there are others far away who are sending their energy your way in hopes of helping you through those bad times. Never give up and always remember the good times in your past which the two of you enjoyed. Metta! πŸ™‚ Larry in western Kentucky

Justme43 Level 7 May 9, 2020

My anniversary was last month. I did better this year, but it’s still very hard to get through these special days. Sending a big hug your way.πŸ€—


The anniversaries are probably the most difficult.

freeofgod Level 8 May 8, 2020

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Posted by bookofmoronsIts been 10 years last week since I lost her. Hard to believe where that time went and yet it isn't either

Posted by RedheadedgammyToday four years ago today, at 4:15 in the morning my darling Richard passed away.

Posted by BettyEvery day. πŸ˜₯

Posted by RoseyRoseToday is the anniversary of my husbands birth.

Posted by GeorgeRocheleauI know how they feel.

Posted by Sonja44All of it.

Posted by Sonja44My love would have been 61 years old today. πŸ’”

Posted by AlchemyWow, I am grateful to find this group.

Posted by AlchemyWow, I am grateful to find this group.

Posted by Huskygirl4everToday would be our 27th anniversary it's the seventh one without you and it hurts this picture would be taken on June 12th the original date we had set for the wedding but we had to get married a ...

Posted by Huskygirl4everI remember when Norm gave this to me and the first time I ever read it I actually read my last name as Friedrich this is one of the things I will always cherish

Posted by AncientNight45 years ago, my Father told me, "Beware the Ides of March!" It was the day I got Married to my Girlfriend.

Posted by KymmacgOne of the biggest issues for me, now, even 18 years later, is the loss of life.

Posted by alonI had a nice Bacon/Cheese Omelette for my Sunday Breakfast this morning instead of my usual Eggs Benedict.

Posted by MsHolidayMemories.

Posted by MsHolidayI have chosen to place this here to let others know that we do move forward.

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