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45 years ago, my Father told me, "Beware the Ides of March!"
It was the day I got Married to my Girlfriend. I miss her. It's been almost 3 years since she lost her battle with cancer. Together, we went through a lot. Financial troubles. Raising two kids (the teenage years were the worst). Empty Nest Syndrome. Her COPD. And then the cancer.

Now, this is one of the few nights a year that I'll be getting drunk. If I had some Cannabis, I would smoke that, too. It's the only thing that can drown out the pain.

AncientNight 8 Mar 15
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I appreciate your sharing. What type of Cancer did your lady love die from? I have had cancer a number of times... did chemo twice... never again

Alchemy Level 6 May 31, 2020

I lost my wife without loosing my wife, she was physically disabled and I supported her through 10 years of breast cancer after which she decided she wanted a different life and to be on her own and do what she wanted when she wanted without having to consider me. 27 years of marriage gone just like that. At the end of the day it meant nothing to her.

Fallout Level 4 Apr 3, 2020

I just passed 4 years of loosing Annette. getting duller but will never go away and I don't want it to. Sometimes I still tear up and suspect I always will. So will you and that's good. Peace


Welcome to the club no one wants to join. I lost my wife just about two years ago to ALS. It's never easy, and it never really goes away. Her 70th birthday would have been four days from now, and I'll have a few drinks to celebrate her memory.

Spudgun Level 7 Mar 15, 2020

@AncientNight Did you miss the part where I said that my wife died two years ago?

@AncientNight Okay, that makes sense. I talk to Cathy all the time, but never get an answer.


It does suck but at least the memories are good and not everyone has that


My heart goes out to you. It will be 2 years in June that my darling Richard past away. The pain of losing the ones we love never completely leaves us. It only gets a little easier with each passing year. Sending hugs your way.

@AncientNight So true. This website and the people I have befriended have helped me get through the worst experience of my life. I hope the site never goes away because I would feel lost without it.😍


Very sorry for your loss.

Detritus Level 7 Mar 15, 2020
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Posted by bookofmoronsIts been 10 years last week since I lost her. Hard to believe where that time went and yet it isn't either

Posted by RedheadedgammyToday four years ago today, at 4:15 in the morning my darling Richard passed away.

Posted by BettyEvery day. 😥

Posted by RoseyRoseToday is the anniversary of my husbands birth.

Posted by GeorgeRocheleauI know how they feel.

Posted by Sonja44All of it.

Posted by Sonja44My love would have been 61 years old today. 💔

Posted by AlchemyWow, I am grateful to find this group.

Posted by AlchemyWow, I am grateful to find this group.

Posted by Huskygirl4everToday would be our 27th anniversary it's the seventh one without you and it hurts this picture would be taken on June 12th the original date we had set for the wedding but we had to get married a ...

Posted by Huskygirl4everI remember when Norm gave this to me and the first time I ever read it I actually read my last name as Friedrich this is one of the things I will always cherish

Posted by AncientNight45 years ago, my Father told me, "Beware the Ides of March!" It was the day I got Married to my Girlfriend.

Posted by KymmacgOne of the biggest issues for me, now, even 18 years later, is the loss of life.

Posted by alonI had a nice Bacon/Cheese Omelette for my Sunday Breakfast this morning instead of my usual Eggs Benedict.

Posted by MsHolidayMemories.

Posted by MsHolidayI have chosen to place this here to let others know that we do move forward.

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