27 5

What creative outlets do you enjoy? Putting on headphones and drawing something or breaking out a story I've been working on and chiseling away on it... I love it! You?

silvereyes 8 Feb 27
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I am a seamstress and quilter. The first quilt is on my lap now, my family room (basment) is a tad chilly.
The second has some of the same fabrics as the first and is at work. The quilt on the bed was made about a year ago. I have tons of other stuff I've made. I crochet, knit, make lotions, lip balms, and soaps, to name a few.

delightful! i am so impressed with your beautiful creations. ... & i know halfway what i talk about, being & knitter & seamstress myself.

Very good work indeed.



I translate things. I'm a language nerd and I find it relaxing to take something written in Spanish or Romanian and translate to English, or vice versa. Or even Spanish to Romanian.

Amy0825 Level 6 Feb 27, 2018

I love English, I love to learn new words and I use unusual words from time to time, My nerd flag flies high, but I've never been able to master a foreign language. I admire folks that do.

@HippieChick58 I only know when I'm being sworn at in about 4 languages. 😉


I make sculpture.


raising my voice, as in siiiiingiiiiing!

No more house building in the bush?

no, @farmboy2017, not for some time now. actually paring down my belongings, focusing on a nomadic lifestyle.

@walklightly ...a tiny house on wheels, maybe?

@silvereyes, totally. i'm in a choir, & we do gigs on smaller festivals too.

@farmboy2017, like this?

@walklightly Yeah!! I guess you'd have to sleep standing up.


For me it's playing the piano!

Manestor Level 4 Feb 27, 2018

Say, you sort of resemble Joe Jonas, lead singer of DNCE, LOL!

Ahaha, not me sorry


My favorite college art piece that is on my wall at home.

Sarahroo29 Level 8 Feb 28, 2018

@silvereyes Thanks.


I am a percussionist. I used to say "drummer" because it sounds less pretentious but the fact is I pound on lots of things that aren't drums so W.T.F. . Some time ago I was invited to join a band that had been together for many years. They were pros. A Blues, Funk, R&B outfit that at one time sold a bunch of records and were fairly well known. When the gal who fronted the band left for a solo career the eight remaining players quit touring but stayed together. They rehearsed a lot and gigged occasionally around Northern California. I describe them as close knit, professional and particular about what and how they played. Except when it came to me. I was a stranger. I am completely not professional and 100% self taught. As I set up my equipment for my audition they warmed up. The more I heard the more intimidated I became. I had been playing all my life, but never in a band. I was thinking ofr excuses to just run. The only reason I stayed was the fact that....This was my dream fantasy coming true right before my eyes. I made a decision to play as hard as I could until..they threw me out. Then I could die a happy man. So...With the rest of the band watching, the bass and lead guitar guy and me on congas played. Santana's Oyea Como Vas. . "Multiple Dimensions" do exist and when I returned to this one I realized they were making room for me next to the Hammond B3 organ. I went into the bathroom and when I finished crying I stepped out and into a new life. In my old life I was getting divorced after 18 years. Closing my business. Visiting my two year old daughter, when it was convenient for the ex and company. Moving out of my home on 5 acres in the Sierra Foothills and into my R.V. parked, of course, down by the river, with the ghost of Chriss Farly. Not really, I was alone. So I started rehearsing and playing gigs. The funny thing, to me anyway was that I just showede up and played. I guess they thought I knew what I was doing because I received no direction, instruction, criticism, not zip. After a while I started experimenting. Re purposing things I liked the sound of. At this I was an expert because I did that as a kid. Chunks of metal, a toy police car with a funky sirene, paint cans. plumbing stuff, whatever. Nobody said a word, as if this was normal. I am no longer in the band but I still bang on stuff. For the last couple of years I've been working on a project using and recording playground equipment.for an album sans any real instruments. Wow, I didn't know I had such a long answer to you're question. So anyway, that's my creative outlet. If this doesn't work out as music it may just be a sculpture, who knows?.. . . .. .

Casey07 Level 7 Feb 28, 2018

Good story.


I head into the kitchen to bake something. Cooking is fun, but baking is my true passion.

PhoebeCat Level 7 Feb 28, 2018

I have not sketched for 20 years since I was a teenager. I tried to pick it up as a hobby again in 2010. After a couple of years, I lost the interest again. Here is my sketch of Starbuck (Kater Sachoff) from Battlestar Galactica from that time.

SamKerry Level 7 Feb 27, 2018

I'd like to do much more welding.


Painting (oils/acrylics), crochet, singing, sketching - and I know I'm forgetting something,
Oh candle making! Love the new soy waxes/non paraffins.

RavenCT Level 9 Feb 28, 2018

I like to build things and sometimes invent them first. I work with wood and steel mostly all though I am competent in the use of other materials. I do a little wood carving as well.
I also engage in creative thinking as an advocate and activist.

I'd used to help design and my Dad would create it in wood. I value the heck out of those pieces.

He and my brother made a cuff out of steel for me as a kid. I still have it. (He worked as a tool and die maker - that thing will never break!).


I am surrounded by my own colourful artwork I made lots of shelves do woodwork and plastering and am always fiddling around with textiles, paper, love finding new, tools new methods, crazy ideas some I leave halfway through but its the process of making that I like - My hands seem to always be wanting something. to go at

jacpod Level 8 Feb 28, 2018

When come to musical instruments I am all knobs as if I was born a boxer. But I can do wonders with PC's so you can say that software and creativity are my instrument and imagination outlet. I can write within my limitations in 2 languages and because I had lived a lot and experienced a lot I continue seeing inspiration in real life. I will like to work in wood with a chisel and sandpaper and then cover the work with leather in a naughty way because I used to work in leather. My first job was as an illustrator and commercial artist so I got plenty of outlets for my imagination. Including painting. Capable of dancing and live it up on the dance floor. Let it be foxtrot, tango, swing or salsa, even the hated bachata I can waggle my tail at and fake that I am loving it. I love to write poetry to the woman I love or the woman of my attention. I can find beauty and joy everywhere... including a catholic church with all those saints and works of art despite the blood money, every building was built the same way with money that could had been used better in another way. Let it be Vatican or Machu Picchu. Louvre or Del Prado. Pyramids or The Strip at Las Vegas. I can entertain myself alone or with others. I am always Happy because I had lived and can talk about it without regrets or tears. Everything this life offers is worth the price of admission to the right soul. Find you niche and be happy with the results!!!


Jamming with other musicians, writing, drawing, designing and sewing clothes, bird photography, making and testing new invention prototypes, learning new languages.

birdingnut Level 8 Feb 27, 2018

@silvereyes Keyboard, piano, skin drums, electric base. What do you play?

@silvereyes I suppose if you'd had the inclination, you'd have done it on your own. My mom worked for years to teach my older brothers piano, but gave up when I caught up with them in one or two piano lessons. Instead, she asked my brothers what instruments they preferred.
Both picked guitars, saved their birthday money to order them from the Sears catalogue (they shipped them to Haiti) and went on to become excellent guitarists and recording artists, as well as some of their children.

@silvereyes I suppose, but anyone can learn anything at any age. There does seem to be an age sweet spot to learn tonal languages, which requires perfect pitch, but even that has exceptions, so can't be completely true. Still, your own interest should push you into doing it, if that's your thing. Or not. I wasn't given a choice in learning music when I was little, but I did choose to get into horses, art, photography, sewing, etc.


I love to draw and listen to music.

Sarahroo29 Level 8 Feb 28, 2018

I love to write, paint, sew, sing, and do improv.

bleurowz Level 8 Feb 28, 2018

Not an artistic or creative bone in my body.
The closest I get is restructuring some organisation I am involved with, you know, all the fun stuff, sacking the senior staff, trashing their budgets, turning the whole system inside out. It is just as boring as it sounds, but, it's a hobby.

Rugglesby Level 8 Feb 28, 2018

@Akfishlady thanks, and yes, you are probably right, and it is something I really enjoy, daily.


Making music is high on my list. This morning, played with a group that does a sing-along at a Senior Center. This evening, did a little banjo picking just for me as I am the only one home. My wife is playing piano for a rehearsal at a community theater tonight. This afternoon she led and accompanied her Cabaret Choir as they visited a alzheimer unit. Had the patients singing and dancing to several of the songs they perform They mostly liked some 60's rock songs. So we do some music.


I play Dungeons & Dragons. I spend many hours creating characters, dungeons and fantasy worlds. And then I get to share my creations with my friends.

RandyMoose Level 7 Feb 27, 2018

Looking at bodies. Not in a creepy way but I've always been fascinated by how people are built and move. This is why I'm so into bodybuilding and why I help folks with muscular development. I do it to my own body too. Living sculpture.

kmdskit3 Level 8 Feb 27, 2018

I get high then pursue academic endeavors down a rabbit hole taking them as far as I can in study. I am currently studying the cultural evolution of man from homo habilus in Africa to cro-magnon/neandertal/denisovan migration to ice age population declines to cro-magnon taking over as lead hominid to present man's life as a hunter gatherer to our beginnings as farmers in the fertile crescent to the beginnings of communities to the first writings in sanskrit to the vedas to indus valley civilization to the far, near and middle east advancements to modern history to the present.

JeffMesser Level 8 Feb 28, 2018

I love to write and do it everyday. Sometimes, I like to sketch.

Gohan Level 7 Feb 28, 2018

I love to buy and refurbish mid century modern furniture. My home has become a constant rotation of fabulous furniture from the 60s. I do most of my work in my driveway, which makes Wisconsin winters seem excruciatingly long. Everything gets put on hold until the weather cooperates. I have given a lot of things to my two older kids, who both have apartments. I sell some things to my friend who has a shop in Chicago. It helps me buy more projects!

@silvereyes Honestly, it is a lot of trial and error, along with reading. There are so many different opinions on how to achieve the best result. Lots of wasted money on products I didn't like! Amd a few ugly outcomes! 😛


I used to crochet. A lot. I never bought hats, scarves, mittens, sweaters when my four kids were young. My daughters and my niece all had skirts, jumpers, tops well into elementary school. All of my kids, nieces and nephews all had a special bear that I made for them when they were born. My youngest son had a hoodie that he would not take off. As they grew I started crocheting doilies and table mats. It all kind of went away as the kids grew and work became more demanding. I recently started up again when my daughter-in-law showed interest. I made a shawl/wrap for her and I recently finished a sweater jacket for her daughter, my 2 y.o. granddaughter. It's nice to have busy work for my hands when I watch t.v. as I am trying to quit smoking...again. That's a story for another day.

LuckySeven Level 4 Feb 28, 2018
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Posted by pmar044After weeks of exercise and healthy eating, my body got a nasty shock this Fri/Sat with a blowout of rich food, sugary drinks and beer.

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Posted by pmar044After weeks of exercise and healthy eating, my body got a nasty shock this Fri/Sat with a blowout of rich food, sugary drinks and beer.

Posted by pmar044After weeks of exercise and healthy eating, my body got a nasty shock this Fri/Sat with a blowout of rich food, sugary drinks and beer.

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