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Q. What is written on the top rung of ALL Irish step-ladders?
A. the word Stop of course.

Triphid 9 July 2
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What's on the bottom of Irish beer bottles? Please open other end.
Why did the the irishman go to hospital bleeding and with scalded feet? Because the instructions were pierce 'ere and stand in boiling water
And so they go on.
Most Irish jokes are written by the irish about the irish who live in county kerry, who are known for being a bit slow, probably because they had to live on potatoes for a long time and that doesn't promote brain development in children.

Cyklone Level 7 July 3, 2020

Did you hear about the Irish Terrorist who tried to blow up a London bus?
He end up with 3rd degree burns to his lips, tongue and mouth from the hot exhaust pipe.

@Triphid or how to confuse an Irishman. Show him a couple of spades and say, take your pick.


Of course.

Q. How do you a one armed Irishman down out of a tree?
A. Wave to him....LOL.

@Triphid It's all in the details.

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