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Alright, so finally getting around to my bio. I was born a poor black boy... sorry, old Steve Martin joke. 😉

I was raised conservative Catholic, although in fairness, I don't recall there was a whole lot of the heavy dogma in the house that Catholics are known for. Possibly the worse was being made to memorize the Apostle's Creed. Yuck!

I turned atheist mostly during my high school years; can't quite recall if the process was complete by the time I started college, but it would have been close. It wasn't due to any traumatic event; I just dared myself to consider the possibility one day, and things started to make sense. There was one last burst of religiosity in the 9th grade due to being sent to a Catholic High School, although that school didn't have much to do with my change.

Full Bio


If nice guys/gals finish last then what's the point in being nice?
godef comments on Dec 4, 2017:
You'd be last to last to run off the flat earth... ;)
It seems to me that the people on this site know the Bible, Quran etc.
godef comments on Dec 6, 2017:
The more closely you pay attention and understand what the bible says, the more you realize it's a bunch of crap.
Do you agree one of the following three conditions is true?
godef comments on Dec 7, 2017:
It's more like... Belief in God messes with our lives ALL of the time. Belief in God messes with our lives SOME of the time. Belief in God messes with our lives lives NONE of the time.
T-Rex snowball fight
godef comments on Dec 7, 2017:
How about Donald Trump and Roy Moore mud wrestling. Which one of those dinosaurs would win?
Isn’t it funny that religious people from all religions think if you’re an atheist, you’re ...
godef comments on Dec 9, 2017:
Actually, they're the one's who are angry that we dare exist.
I'm a skeptical agnostic, but there is this small bit of Jesus Christ which I can't seem to ...
godef comments on Dec 10, 2017:
Kinda like Santa Clause when you were, oh, nine or so?
Good morning, all! Here's a little something for breakfast:
godef comments on Dec 10, 2017:
Is that Dawkins I see?
Where are all the good, tolerant, creative, funny, open-minded and available men?
godef comments on Dec 10, 2017:
Astronomers to Check Mysterious Interstellar Object for Signs of Technology
godef comments on Dec 11, 2017:
Rendezvous With Rama
There's no need to look any further.
godef comments on Dec 11, 2017:
I'm a star!
On its merit, what use IS god?
godef comments on Dec 11, 2017:
Seriously, what a gig.
Who started this crazy crap that you need something on your head some shit just doesn't make any ...
godef comments on Dec 13, 2017:
How about an anti-halo?
This is fucking priceless! lmfao!! this is the epitome of ignorance.
godef comments on Dec 14, 2017:
He's a mouth-breather!
Pastor brags about punching ‘dangerously bright’ kid
godef comments on Dec 14, 2017:
Where's a lion when you need one?
PICK-UP LINES/INTRODUCTIONS This is supposed to be somewhat of a dating site so: What pick-up ...
godef comments on Dec 14, 2017:
If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?
Do you think religious people are mean most of the just too be mean?
godef comments on Dec 15, 2017:
"Mean" people and the power of authority go hand in hand. Religion gives these people the opportunity to exert authority. As we often see, religion doesn't actually mean anything to them.
Do you expect to get the tax break we were promised?
godef comments on Dec 15, 2017:
Does Donald Trump shit?
Should U.S. candidates be required to release tax returns as public knowledge?
godef comments on Dec 15, 2017:
It's gonna be a moot issue once the tax plan is passed.
Wouldn’t the Bible be considered a book full of hear-say?
godef comments on Dec 15, 2017:
Back when written books were few and far between, there was oral history. Then finally, somebody writes down this oral history, replete with all the expected mythology that gets built up.
LOL, from the mouth of God
godef comments on Dec 15, 2017:
What do you think when people refer to abortion providers and pro-choice activists as baby killers?
godef comments on Dec 16, 2017:
Religious maniacs.
A christian, a muslim, a jew, an atheist, a homosexual man, a lesbian woman, a brexiteer, a ...
godef comments on Dec 16, 2017:
And then Trump walks in...
What should I do when someone talks about my atheism like a mental disorder?
godef comments on Dec 16, 2017:
Shoot them and claim mental disability.
I'm currently debating a Christian about carbon dating of dinosaur fossils. Can you help?
godef comments on Dec 16, 2017:
Yes. Stop trying; they are invested in their beliefs.
Do you support the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)?
godef comments on Dec 16, 2017:
The solution we need was the original version before the GOP watered it down. Back then, it was called Health Care REFORM. They took the REFORM out of it, thus the continued high costs.
Who really created Terrorism? Anyone?
godef comments on Dec 16, 2017:
The big bully that lived around the corner from me when I was a little kid.
Are the 10 commandments a bucket list for Atheist?
godef comments on Dec 16, 2017:
I had to become atheist because I broke them so often.
Who else was indoctrinated as a child, but left their parent's religion?
godef comments on Dec 16, 2017:
I'd think that be most of us here...
According to Steve Wells, statistics display if we remand the killings to just biblical numbers ...
godef comments on Dec 17, 2017:
Does that include Kolob?
Do You Have a ‘Bible?
godef comments on Dec 17, 2017:
I have a bible a sister gave me as a gift; the thing is huge; I use it to prop up my alarm clock on the nightstand.
Atheists declare war... XD
godef comments on Dec 17, 2017:
Theat one woman looks like she's doing a jig.
Is it bad that I pity religious people?
godef comments on Dec 18, 2017:
They definitely pity you being atheist, so you're even. ;)
Should companies be required to include sales tax in their pricing per item?
godef comments on Dec 18, 2017:
The problem is that different states have different sales tax levels. Some states, like NH, don't have a sales tax at all. So it would be problematic for a company to track this for 50 different states (and other countries) they may sell their product to.
Damn him! :)
godef comments on Dec 18, 2017:
Rather he turned the wine to water...
You know I am just as good a person without god as I was with god.
godef comments on Dec 18, 2017:
All hype. No substance. Good for you!
President's Job Approval Rating
godef comments on Dec 19, 2017:
It's a shut out!
What does it mean: "So and so TAGGED you"?
godef comments on Dec 19, 2017:
See the @ button under second level responses? You click that and it initiates a response to that person complete with their user name referenced.
9 Deadly words used by a women
godef comments on Dec 20, 2017:
What do you think the world would be like if religious people were finally raptured?
godef comments on Dec 20, 2017:
I hope firemen aren't religious.
What is your response when people threaten you with religious punishments? (i.e. Hell/Jahannam)
godef comments on Dec 20, 2017:
Where the Hell is Jahannam?
I'm new and don't quite know how to work this thing.
godef comments on Dec 21, 2017:
Just us old folks here. SPEAK UP!
God is a ____________?
godef comments on Dec 21, 2017:
Adult Santa Claus
Today I had a visit from my home health nurse who happens to be a southern Baptist with a preacher ...
godef comments on Dec 21, 2017:
Well, she's obviously under control.
For shits and giggles ????
godef comments on Dec 21, 2017:
Holy is here, too.
Limited biological machine.
godef comments on Dec 21, 2017:
I yam what I yam.
James Veitch: This is what happens when you reply to spam email | TED Talk
godef comments on Dec 21, 2017:
That was amazing. I LMAOd.
UFOs and Atheists
godef comments on Dec 22, 2017:
It's complicated. It is a bit of hypocrisy to not believe in God yet be so gullible about the existence of UFOs. First of all, let's distinguish between UFOs and extra-terrestrial life. UFOs are, by definition, real: Unidentified Flying Objects. They do in fact exist; the question is whether they are weather balloons or are ET in nature. The physical limits imposed by the speed of light make the ET explanation unlikely. Perhaps there are ways to overcome these limitations, but that's a moot issue until we understand what they are. To summarize, I believe we are not alone in the universe, but am also skeptical that we have ever been visited by them in the form of UFOs.
If you could ask "god" just 2 questions, what would they be ?
godef comments on Dec 22, 2017:
1. Who the hell are you? 2. What's the weather like up there?
This winter solstice has been my favorite by far.
godef comments on Dec 22, 2017:
Yeh, longer days, but it will get colder still.
How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?
godef comments on Dec 22, 2017:
At least you use a small a. They like to depict "Atheist" (with a captial A) as being just another religion.
Apart from religion, why human beings invented "marriage" What is the purpose of making a legal ...
godef comments on Dec 22, 2017:
The reasons are more biological than anything. We know of many species on this earth that have such one-on-one relationships with the other sex, and we also know o many that don't. Humans happens to be a species that does.
Am I the only person on the planet who has to work today?
godef comments on Dec 22, 2017:
Get back to work.
When a rotten politician is in your pocket, possibilities are endless. Am I Wrong?
godef comments on Dec 22, 2017:
Like gangster with a cop in his.
In your opinion, what is the most fascinating thing happening in the world of science right now?
godef comments on Dec 23, 2017:
Memory recall. This has really fascinated me. Apparently, you don't just recall a memory; you recall it into paint shop pro, then redesign it. If you recall a bad memory but you're in a good mood, that memory will be repainted in a more positive version than before. Or vice versa. This is what brainwashing is based on. This also has to do with PTSD; you don't just remember images of what happened, you also store the emotion that went with it. And if that emotion is strong enough, then you "remember" it when it is triggered by a similar stimuli. Research is developing the means of eliminating these emotional memories.
The 700 Club is the worst show on television.
godef comments on Dec 23, 2017:
Still 700? Whatsa matter with them?
Where have the nice Atheists & Agnostics gone during the Trump times?
godef comments on Dec 23, 2017:
Out of my mind. Like a crappy religious experience.
My Christmas humor!! Merry agnostic/atheist Christmas!!!
godef comments on Dec 25, 2017:
Is the middle meme cut off at the bottom?
If the US had a recall on the presidential election tomorrow, do you think the result would be much ...
godef comments on Dec 25, 2017:
Trumpists will be Trumpists; he would still have a core following (re: the Despicables). But I'm thinking there were many not from New York who did not really understand what he was about (all the suckers of the minute), and it would be enough to change the outcome, considering how close it was to begin with.
And God Created Man On the very first day, God created the cow.
godef comments on Dec 25, 2017:
Whatdoya mean I sit in fornt of the door and bark at people? Go &^$#@ yerself. ;)
Neil deGrasse Tyson's Christmas post
godef comments on Dec 25, 2017:
But the West knows best!! ;)
Proof there is a Jesus and a Santa!
godef comments on Dec 26, 2017:
He was still fat back then?
I’ve been on this site almost a week now, and haven’t received a single unsolicited dick pic so ...
godef comments on Dec 26, 2017:
Here you go.
Is dating, long-terming, or marrying out of the question for you with a religious person or persons?
godef comments on Dec 27, 2017:
Just as long as they respect what I believe and doesn't feel it conflicts with theirs, I would be fine with it.
Anyone believe that UFO sighting that's all over the news?
godef comments on Dec 27, 2017:
Yes. Was it a weather balloon or ET?
Hello, Atheists and Agnostics.
godef comments on Dec 28, 2017:
I certainly don't disagree. I stated the other day that inflation occurs because too many people want more than their fair share of the pie.
I realized that I was an atheist when I first started learning about mythology, did anyone else have...
godef comments on Dec 29, 2017:
You could be Einstein if you are good with math, because it takes the same out-of-the-box thinking that you do to become one. You might be considered a genius, but instead you are "fringed" by being an atheist. You could say mythology influenced my being atheist but in a different way; when I was a kid, though I wasn't particularly religious like you, I loved the album Jesus Christ Superstar, much like a kid might like Star Wars now, would sing it every day in the shower (I was a really clean kid then). If you're familiar with JC Superstar, you would know it to be a more humanistic telling of JC's end days, and I think that helped lead me away from the dogmatic, perfect-JC-never-sinned of main stream religions.
Watching bill Maher when he stated some religious people pay no mind to climate and human activities...
godef comments on Dec 29, 2017:
What the heck, the rapture is coming anyhow.
If freethinkers / atheists / agnostics had a moniker / symbol / flag, then what would it be?
godef comments on Dec 30, 2017:
I kinda like the fish with feet, but I guess that's specific to evolutionists (ME! for one)
made level 5! yes I'm going to be the greatest unbeliever of all time I believe lol
godef comments on Dec 30, 2017:
I hear they give double points on Sundays and Christmas.
What would it be like to be married to you?
godef comments on Dec 31, 2017:
I'll leave that to my ex.
What I learned in 2017:
godef comments on Dec 31, 2017:
What I learned: 2018 can't come fast enough.
The parade was very nice.
godef comments on Jan 1, 2018:
Kinda like Santa Claus in the Christmas parade.
DARPA Is Planning to Hack the Human Brain to Let Us "Upload" Skills
godef comments on Jan 1, 2018:
The title's a bit misleading, yea sensationalism. It doesn't seem they're talking about specific skills, rather somehow allowing the brain to learn whatever skill they choose to give you faster.
Global warming
godef comments on Jan 1, 2018:
Is that Pluto?
Global warming
godef comments on Jan 1, 2018:
What do guns / crime policy, minimum wage, and the non-existent "gender wage gap" have to do with science. Sounds more like greed. OK, psychology I guess
Have you written a Letter To an Editor for publication?
godef comments on Jan 2, 2018:
I had a letter appear in the Boston Globe, maybe 20-25 years ago when a series of abortion clinics were bombed or were being heavily protested by pro-lifers. I recall my letter was in protest of a pro-life leader who I felt was responsible for inciting the violence. Had another letter in a Rochester NY paper perhaps another 10 years before that which is more vague in my mind but had to do with secular humanism; at that time, the Rochester School Board was being infested by the religious right.
Protecting young men from the evil of the world with blindfolds. Ridiculous.
godef comments on Jan 2, 2018:
Isn't that how Luke Skywalker learned to master the force? Or was it on Game of Thrones?...
Does evolution occur in leaps or slowly, both?
godef comments on Jan 2, 2018:
The more stressed a species is, the faster they are forced to evolve to adapt (unless it's too quick like the asteroids that wiped out whole species). So yeah, I certainly would expect that the pace of evolution varies.
What is your moral compass?
godef comments on Jan 4, 2018:
Mine's gone south.
An article about how the US got to where it is now .
godef comments on Jan 5, 2018:
To quote a Grand Funk song: "There's money in them war machines, now, ain't that a bitch?"
Ruth Bader Ginsberg slaps trump in the face when he tells her to resign.
godef comments on Jan 7, 2018:
If only it was literal...
If you lived in the Hundred Acre Wood, which character would you be most like?
godef comments on Jan 8, 2018:
That's why I get called a pig...
My mom's religious boyfriend came up with a silly theory he claims 'disproving' evolution.
godef comments on Jan 8, 2018:
Has he told you about dragons and unicorns?
Somersworth atheist raises flag next to Ten Commandments monument
godef comments on Jan 8, 2018:
At the risk of sounding ignorant... where is Somersworth?
This has always been MY argument .... ;)
godef comments on Jan 9, 2018:
Don't forget Peter Gabriel.
Anyone else an insomniac in the group?
godef comments on Jan 10, 2018:
I've always had a hard time falling asleep, but in recent years it's gotten to the point where a need a couple of cocktails to get to sleep and not wake up at some ungodly hour of the night.
godef comments on Jan 11, 2018:
Still doesn't explain Trump. Maybe just need an extra S.
If it were offered, all expenses paid, would you travel in space?
godef comments on Jan 12, 2018:
depends on where we're going
The fact that there is a god, is incontrovertible.
godef comments on Jan 14, 2018:
Money + Church = ?
godef comments on Jan 14, 2018:
Want of more money.
"To be or not to be?" What?
godef comments on Jan 14, 2018:
To behave or not to behave.
Donald Trump
godef comments on Jan 15, 2018:
LMAO. Oh sorry, I only read the header.
Does anyone else here have aphantasia? I just found out that I do.
godef comments on Jan 15, 2018:
What made you realize that. That'd be like a deaf man discovering he can't hear.
Ya'll know how a wooden motorcycle goes? wooden, wooden!
godef comments on Jan 16, 2018:
Whst do use when Santa Claus gets stuck in the chimney? Santa-Flush
How long has everyone been single. For me it's been over 2 years.
godef comments on Jan 18, 2018:
5-6 years... not the longest
Olympus Mons: The Largest Volcano in the Solar System - Universe Today
godef comments on Jan 19, 2018:
Don't tell Republicans, they'll blame it for global warming.
Ok so who here is from the Midwest of the United States and had a chance to see the Meteor that ...
godef comments on Jan 20, 2018:
I saw a fireball driving through Rhode Island years ago, around 1980 or so. Pretty cool sight.
74-Year-Old Man Accused of Getting His Entire Church High on Weed Cookies - MUNCHIES
godef comments on Jan 22, 2018:
They musta thought they were having a religious experience.
What is the best bible rebuttal for John 3:16?
godef comments on Jan 22, 2018:
Hit them over the head with it.
Are You A Litter Bug?
godef comments on Jan 24, 2018:
Litter bug, litter bug, shame on you!


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Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Freethinker, Spiritual
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