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Sandy hook. Here we go. When I hear religious people talk about this I wince. god had a reason for it? It was in his plan. The guardian angels were watching over the children wtf!...What I have always known here? It wasn't guardian angels shielding those little children. It was some of the most brave men and women using their own flesh and blood bodies as human shields. I have fought in theaters of war...its scary. I can only bow to what is real and I bow to this the spark of humanity in them that arose to the occasion.

jaggededge 5 Dec 23

Enjoy being online again!

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And those Evangelicals the very next day after the tragedy bought more guns then ever.


I love how the god squad thinks it is a miracle when a bible survives a wreck or a fire. Nevermind all the OTHER books and papers et al that survived. Besides, have you ever tried to burn a book. I remember throwing a telephone book on a bonfire and an hour later it was still intact. Was THAT a miracle?


One example why, if gawd were to show up, i would begin screaming at him/her..........


pile of crap


It is very difficult to fathom how the religious mind reasons things out. Their 'God' exists only in their own minds. Leave them be, happy and 'contented' in their little imaginary world.


This is one of my biggest pet peeves. When a child dies and someone says, " It's Gods plan". I've worked with a lady for about 8 years now and a couple of years back her 13 year old daughter died a horrible death from brain cancer. They fought so hard, raised money for treatment after treatment but sadly she only made it 8 months. I went to the funeral and cried my eyes out. And this is what she said, " God has a plan and purpose for her death". Like really??? You're beautiful smart daughter was tortured for months with pain till she couldn't walk or talk. The medication and treatments only made it harder for her and it was gods plan. If she truly felt this way, then why fight so hard to keep her alive? Well, you can keep your god because he sounds like a sick fuck to me. Sorry, this just sits to close to home for me when people say things like that. My younger brother died from cancer right after his 8th birthday almost 30 years ago and it has a lot to with why I'm an Atheist today.


I had pretty much the same thought Dec. 26, 2004, when the massive Southeast Asia tsunami killed hundreds of thousands and wiped entire municipalities off the map in multiple countries. Part of God's plan?!? What kind of sick-bastard sadistic God is that, exactly?

Just months later, LIVING IN NEW Orleans, I had to evacuate and wasn't allowed back in the city for 6 weeks. Upon returning, I found my home spared, with only a ruined fridge and minor damage to roof shingles. Many of my friends and other community neighbors were not so lucky. Well, my devout evangelical father started telling people, rather boastfully I have to say, that he had been praying tirelessly for my safety. Yeah. So tens of thousands of Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, etc., most sincere in their faith, prayed diligently but lost everything material anyway. Meanwhile, my dad's powerful faith convinced God that this complete heathen should sail through the disaster with only minor inconveniences. God is really messing with us. What a sicko!


Also the people who say that their house being spared by the tornado/flood/fire is proof that god exists. Nevermind all the people who did lose their homes or family members, god exists because I’m ok.

Fortunately, planes don’t crash as often as they once did … but I couldn’t stand them claiming what a “Miracle it was” for 3 to have survived a crash that killed 218… Really? Leaving us to assume those having perished were no longer worthy of life..?


Have any of us not thought … ‘This one’s got to be the end!’.. Not only the end to unlimited assault rifles & banana clips of armor-piercing shells … but the end of a religion, any religion that, as you describe - supposedly protects children..? Sure, religious Apologists may claim it was ‘the devil’s work.’ An entity obviously more powerful and apparently more active than their ‘ever-present all-loving all-powerful god’? Yes - WTF!

How about all those ‘Prayers for Paris?’ I had to repost a meme on facebook asking, “Pray to which god? The one that inspired the killing, or the one that did nothing to stop it?” ...I got 3 likes - pitiful! Religion not only rule’s fools - it kills our innocent ~

Varn Level 8 Dec 23, 2017

I not only like it I love it...


Try not to seek logic and good sense where there is none ...for some - absolutely none at all.


I've never heard Waco was god's will. Why is the Right saying that about Sandy Brook? Could it be Connecticut is a Democratic liberal state that wants a national referendum on gun control which the Right opposes? Nothing to do with god's plan. Wicked cruel god.


The entire Christian community has lost its collective mind. I hate the new normal.

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