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Let's pretend we're wrong and a supernatural diety shows up on earth!
What three questions would you ask this being?

RoadGoddess 7 June 13

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84 comments (26 - 50)

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Which (if any) of the religious texts throughout the world accurately portray your personality and motivations for your actions?

Why has it chosen to relay its message through dead languages and with faith (which has been proven to be unreliable in accurately determining the actual state of truth within the universe)?

If the stories of you creating existence are true, what's the purpose behind this whole thing?

  1. WTF 2. WTF and 3. WTF.........

@BigBoMclain Exactly. A lot of explaining to do!


Could you please tell me all universal truths.
What now?
Do you really make athletes and race horses win events?


Can you just do the Earth a solid and get rid of us? (Then I wouldn't need the next two questions, assuming this god grants the first).

  1. Hi. How ya doing?
  2. What's goin' on?
  3. I guess I'm going to hell?
twill Level 7 June 13, 2018

Ehh, what's up, Doc?
I bet you thought this was real funny, didn't you?
What time is it where you come from?


Well now, that depends. Does it Speak English? OK, I want to know... Where the sidewalk ends, what lies beyond space time, and is it going to eat me.


What other supernatural beings exist?

Natural selection, bit of a harsh way for an omnipotent being to hone and diversify its beloved creation don’t you think?

So I still need a working brain in order to think and to experience right? Once I’m brain dead it’s still over.


where you been?


How could you screw up so bad if you're the all knowing...?

How can you let grown men sexually abused your baby children...

Why do you need us born into sin in order to serve you...

Why do you need me to love you more than my own children...


Why make it so hard for a believer to connect with you? What is the point of suffering? Why isn't just being a good person enough?

grammy Level 4 June 13, 2018

What the f@$k, dude? Explain yourself


Why here? Why niw? Are you feeling alright?

t1nick Level 8 June 13, 2018

Is right now too soon to fuck off?
Can you take all your shit with you?
Can you make this your last visit?

StJohn Level 6 June 13, 2018

You lost? First time here? What's in it for me?


Why are you so evil?
Why pain, hurt, kids with bone cancer, get the point
Fuck you, why not?


How’s Asgard this time of year?

Forgot the other 2…


Just 1. Why? re everything.

  1. Were you dropped on your head when you were a kid?
  2. Do you have a blood fetish?
  3. What are you afraid of?

Who do you think you are?

What gives you the right?

How do you sleep at night?


If you really exist, how is Islam possible?

What makes it different from Christianity?

@legna Islam is cruel and oppressive. Its sole function is its own propagation, by any means available, including violence, deception and reproduction. The well being of its followers and of humanity in general is not a consideration of the ideology.

@PBuck0145 and your source is? Main stream media and anti Islamic propaganda? You might be somehow familiar with Christianity because your cultural background and sounding environment, but what do you know about Islam that is not coming to through the channels of that very same environment? Asumming that everything you know about Islam is true, you still know only about the deeds of a minority not representative of or it's practitioner.
What are your arguments supporting your previous statements?

@legna The Qur'an, the Sira and the Hadith are the sources. There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His messenger. Following the teachings of Muhammad and the "perfect" example of Muhammad's life inevitably results in the behavior which I described. I do not fear Muslims as people, who are enslaved and oppressed by their indoctrinated political ideology. I do fear the prospect that Islam might eventually be successful, and all of humanity will be enslaved and oppressed.
I regard the political ideology of Islam to be an infectious philosophical virus. No sane deity would create such an abomination.

@PBuck0145 still none a single argument to support your claim. And yet my original question has not been answered.

We need to reject regressive leftist group identity philosophy and revive classical liberalism. This will enable us to have rational, evidence-based discussions of the political ideology of Islam and its teachings.

  1. Why mosquitos?
  2. Did you deliberately make it difficult for men and women to get together in mutually satisfying relationships?
  3. Why the hell didn't you just tell everyone you were female to begin with?
  1. ???

Just one from me: How could you?


How hard was it to write the program? Did you use C++ or Java to simulate our Universe? Why did you create that idiot Donald Trump?


Doc, is it curable? How's the food and Will I have a roommate? If one shows up, it's likely I'm have a mental breakdown, delusional, and getting committed.

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