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Has anyone here lost a great friend who died from their addictions from alcohol or drugs, i recent did this past February

ScienceBill72 7 June 15

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My dad was an alcoholic as am I and all four of my brothers. Three of my brothers are dead, all as a result of alcoholism. My older brother was killed in a one-car accident. His alcohol level was . 028. My youngest brother died of acute kidney and liver failure three years ago. Just last August, another of my younger brothers died in his sleep. He had been treated for several alcohol-induced medical conditions.

I often think about my brothers and how sad it is that each died because of addiction to alcohol. I stopped drinking one and a half years ago.

MikeEC Level 7 June 17, 2018

Wow such an incredibly sad post here im so sorry for your loss and words definitely can't describe your pain, im glad you decided to stop drinking i certainly know its very hard to do


Seems almost every one has been touched by addiction. I truly hope we find a way to solve this epidemic. I wish all of you that lost someone to find peace in your journey.


It's such a helpless feeling. I lost two siblings to drugs and alcohol.

Now losing siblings is beyond incredibly tragic, how are you doing coping with that

@ScienceBill72 its been hard. The pain never goes away it just becomes a part of you.

@Kojaksmom i can definitely understand that, i feel that way now and it wa s a close friend of mine that passed


My daughter's friend Tiffany died of heroin overdose by the boy who lived across the street. Good kid gone bad. Sad. Was friends with his Mom at one time. Just learned she's incarcerated for dealing.


I lost a nephew. He was murdered over drugs almost 7 years ago. Our family will never be the same.

I am so sorry to hear of the extreme loss your family has suffered. No, sadly, life is never the same.

@Iamkratom No its not. It happened on 12.23 so I hate the holidays even more. I don't celebrate Christmas but of course the family does and it just brings back that terrible time.

@Presley1209 I really don't know how people cope with such a loss. I have no words that could provide any comfort to you. Even sharing your story must be difficult. I wish peace to you and your family.

Crimes like that are absolutely horrendous, im so sorry!!!

@Iamkratom Thank you. I honestly don't know how my sister and brother in law do it each day. They do have a grandchild from him, but if it wasn't for her who knows.

@Iamkratom, @ScienceBill72 They are and he's killed before. The trial was a joke. There are serious problems in KC, KS. We don't live there but its bad.


Yes, a good friend OD'd on methadone in my house.I didn't even know he was doing it.


My husband died of fentanyl intoxication in November after a long struggle. Doctors were too generous with opioids, xanax, and muscle relaxers for about a decade. Throw in assorted psychotropics. The last few years were crack and heroin and a psychiatrist who thought ritalin was a good idea... The doctors fed the problem so much more than dealers.

Spot on. The harsh reality of addiction. The one that's pushed under the carpet. Thank you for speaking out.


I lost a nephew to a methadone OD.


I had a friend who OD'd some years ago. It still sticks with me.


Yes- my Mom drank and smoke for 60 years. She stopped about 5 years before she passed but the last five years were just horrendous agony from COPD, PAD and everything else...


Yes and also my friend lost her son 5 months ago. Addiction is a very sad thing. We need a better system for rehabilitation

Exactly we definitely do need a better system i Agree

My thoughts .... Shouldn't be more effective to keep working relentlessly on prevention instead? The ones kept away from starting any addiction won't need a rehab system at all

@Stacey48 I understand rehab is important, however every resource spent (time and money) on rehab today, open the door for someone else getting hooked into an addiction. Going that way (as current state of events indicate), we are never going to catch up and we are loosing this battle. In my humble opinion, prevention is the best course of action going forward. Thanks for your comment @Stacey48

@IamNobody we do need to work on prevention but we also have a lot of addicts out there that need rehab. It needs to be a double prong attack.


I worry about someone who drinks. It hurts my heart.


I have one old friend who's now in a nursing home with alcoholic dementia.

Thats very sad OldDave ,im sorry, that nursing home shit can be awful most of the time ive heard,. I hope he or she doesnt suffer that much longer


Nope, been lucky in that respect, but have had some close calls !


I lost a good friend two years ago due to lung cancer from smoking. We found out when she had a craniotomy for cancer that turn out to be lung cancer that had already spread. I'd been telling her for 18 months to go see the doctor for her hacking but she refused and it was too late for her 45 years of smoking. she was 64

So sorry for your loss

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