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To you haters

Renickulous 7 June 20

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Taken from an article....
He claimed a judge was biased because “he’s a Mexican”
In May, Trump implied that Gonzalo Curiel, the federal judge presiding over a class action against the for-profit Trump University, could not fairly hear the case because of his Mexican heritage.
“He’s a Mexican,” Trump told CNN of Curiel. “We’re building a wall between here and Mexico. The answer is, he is giving us very unfair rulings — rulings that people can’t even believe.”
Curiel, it should be noted, is an American citizen who was born in Indiana. And as a prosecutor in the late 1990s, he went after Mexican drug cartels, making him a target for assassination by a Tijuana drug lord.
Even members of Trump’s own party slammed the racist remarks.
“Claiming a person can’t do their job because of their race is sort of like the textbook definition of a racist comment,” House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said in a reaction to Trump’s comments, though he clarified that he still endorses the nominee.


His characterization of border people last week as “not people. They’re animals.”, IS Racism - its anti-HUMAN Race.

But, back to the topic - Racism in Immigration from Trump though carefully not said aloud, is obvious to any fair minded observer.

Explain the "Why do we get all these people from shithole countries. Why can't we get people from places like Norway" comment.

The problem is with posters like the one above, it just proves the point about Trump, by trying to squirm around with language. If the truth wasnt obvious, there would be no attempt at denying it.

That was a characterization of the MS13 gang. Do I understand correctly that you are a supporter of the raping murdering MS13 gang?

@Renickulous How about "Trump treated black employees at his casinos differently from whites, according to multiple sources. A former hotel executive said Trump criticized a black accountant: “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks.”"

@Renickulous When Trump referred to "border people" as animals he was talking about the raping murdering MS13 gang. In fact an MS13 member just convicted of murder had the gang nickname "Animal"(I can't make this stuff up). Any Democrats who want to criticize Trump for that need to own their support for the raping murdering MS13 gang.

@Renickulous What is the "verification" of these "multiple sources"? Disgruntled ex-employee Jack O'Donnell and who else? Even Liberal fact checker snopes isn't buying it. [] I'm starting to worry that after one month on this website you'll have become a brainwashed Trump hater. LOL


I don't know that Trump has any definable moral or ethical beliefs. He seems to act in ways which will enrich him either financially or by increasing his power (fan base). So if his action pleases his racist supporters (and you must admit many of them are) he will do it. His involvement with the NFL players, calling them unAmerican or unpatriotic was a bow to racists, so was his equating Nazi sympathizers and KKK to the anti-crowd. His general discriminatory, anti brown people immigration policies are racist even though you don't seem to think so. He took out a full-page ad in The NYTimes calliing for the death penalty for the young men of color arrested for attacking the Central Park jogger. He never appologized for it. And then there is his Birther campaign to declare President Obama a non-citizen. In as much as he believes anything I am certain he considers himself racially superior to any brown person.

sulewe Level 2 June 20, 2018

You are getting too many points from me. LOL. 'Bye


And the ironic thing about this whole issue of immigration is, tho these people seeking asylum are not of our country, their DNA has been here for centuries longer than yours. They are of Mayan & Aztec and other native American peoples unlike the first illegal alien Christopher Columbus. Then too the Mexican dictator sold half of Mexico to the US in the 1800's.The Mexican people had no say in the matter so the sale was illegal & many Mexicans feel that California,Arizona,New Mexico, Utah, Colorado belong to them & not the US. It was sold illegally by a despot.

@Renickulous He is racist exemplified in his actions which are a reflection of his father's teachings & who was a member of the American terrorist group the KKK.


"This cult of personality reminds me of 1932 Germany" General Hayden

@Renickulous Only you can change your mind, sir. I can only suggest you read lots of history that was conveniently left out in school. Lots of evidence but it took me decades to accrue it all & you have to do the same. I can't spend the rest of my life focused on one young man. On your own volition read history. And not the official text books which dwell on names & dates. C-SPAN has lots of lectures on the weekend. TED talks on Youtube . Seek alternative authors & not inaccurate one like Bill O'Reilly


Seig VILE. Seig VILE! The haters are the ones at HIS rallies. There is no such thing as a" good Nazi". They are traitors to the American ideal. We will NOT go back to the days of the KKK marching down Pennsylvania in the thousands. Never again!

@Renickulous Yes I am passionate about my country & its policies. I am angry. I cannot LOL about suffering especially of children & animals. He is racist because he believes one race is superior to another by virtue of birth. It is manifest in his behavior, his language his policies. His father marched on Pennsylvania with the KKK as a member of this racist, domestic terrorist organization. He would not rent or sell to our African citizens in his building.s He has one black folk in his cabinet.LOL if you choose as children are terrorized by HIM. LOL if you want but I will be damned if he takes MY country backwards. I will stand against him in the streets before HE takes my country my flag, my patriotism & sullies it with his ilk. Read some history or we are condemned to repeat it.


Someone hasn't found the Conservative Atheist rabbit hole group or someone has ventured out to talk to the humans.

@Renickulous If your goal is to challenge others’ beliefs in an attempt to convince them, then you should probably first start by attempting to understand why they believe what they believe. The meme? Thing you posted suggests you have no idea why people are saying his immigration policies are racist. Simply posting conservative strawmen isn’t going to convice anyone not already firmly on your side.


I think that he needs some serious education.

@Renickulous Manners, politics, how you treat women/disabled/veterans, etc, etc.

@Renickulous So tell me one great thing that is good for all people in the US that he has implemented?


But keeping them out because they're black,brown, and working class is racism.

He wants a merit based system. He doesn't want anyone from shithole countries. He is a racist and so is Stephen Miller who is pushing racist policies.

@Renickulous "Why can't we have people come here like Norway & not these shithole countries" Here he is openly racist. "Infesting" is the word used in regards to the Jews of Nazi Germany.

@Renickulous They've escaped one crowd to nestle completely in the safe, secure arms of another. Lots of them here.

Still its better here than where they share consumption and manufacture of hot air with the theological fanatics. There should be an atheist, apolitical party site. Unfortunately reducing the number of addicts still won't eliminate them entirely.

We love our artifice, we humans. 🙂

But Sassygirl, what if they come from some shithole country? BTW, what is a merit based system? Isn't that like we only take those with the education we want and need and nobody else can come here? We will let in the space scientist and he can get Donnie's Space Cadet program going.

@Renickulous Yep. Been there. They are shithole countries because for years our government in the past beginning with Eisenhower if not prior propped up dictators that exterminated their own indian people in favor of the elite euro centric spanish blooded descendents, who stole our aid money , held all of the wealth & oppressed the indigenious people. Racism is the belief that one race is by virtue of its birth is superior to another. HIS actions speak louder than words.

@Renickulous Both shady & racist in that he believes one race is superior to another by virtue of their birth via his KKK member father,

@Renickulous You must be like a horse with "blinkers".

@Renickulous Just like it is my freedom of speech to say that the US is a shit hole to then and you should be ok with it.

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