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I keep hearing things like, all these women couldn't have possibly dealt with sexual harassment. This is just a fad.

Oh really?!? You really think most men don't think that they're the best thing on the planet and their dicks should be worshipped? Really? Women can't go through life without some idiot male making unwanted sexual comments.

"Why did it take them so long to say anything then?"

Well, it's not something woman or anyone wants to brag about! I was raped as a teenager, but I didn't run home and tell everyone at school. Hell, my husband didn't even know it happened. Why? Because the stigma associated with it. Why didn't I go to the cops? Because I just wanted to forget it happened. Unfortunately I never did.

Aivery 7 June 21

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A close look at the history of the human animal reveals almost what I will call a rape culture. Homeo sapiens has killed off other human species as the most successful predators and it is certain the females were sexually assaulted, as a rule. Just read the old testament's history of the tribes. Moses took virgins for his men and himself when they defeated another tribe. Every culture did this to any culture it defeated. so many men are socio or psychopathic by nature driven by the genes to get themselves into the next generation. Read Dawkin's Selfish Gene.


Sigmund Freud came to the same conclusion, that Most of his "female hysteria" patients had been sexually assaulted, mosty by relatives. When he published these results, he was almost driven from the medical establishment.
Nobody wanted to hear That!


Anita Hill was Right, plus incredibly brave!


I was molested as a child and as an adult fired from two jobs as the female boss came on to me and I said no.


Perhaps women should consider going on strike until men get their act together. Never before in the history of the civilization has there been this level of opportunities and societal permission to meet and shag, and a bunch of dickheads are ruining it for everyone.

Like I stated above, it has always been this way.


I went to a retreat with 10 of my closest friends...when we exchanged stories one evening, only one has not had any kind of sexual harrassment in the work place and only three were not physically abused as children or is not a has been happening for a very very long time...after my first rape at the age of 16, the sheriff said beautiful young girls like me were meant for men to enjoy...yep...nothing has to whom?


The statistic is that 1out of every 5 women (and many children)are sexually harrassed or assaulted in their lifetimes. #metoo. It is epidemic. I am reading a book of essays published by the author Roxanne Gay called "Not That Bad". So good.

Melind Level 6 June 21, 2018

Pretty sure it’s that1 in 5 experience some unwanted sexual (physical) contact. Probably closer to 90-98% experience verbal harassment at some point.


You could sneeze in an elevator & they would think it was a come-on. It has been a constant in my life & I don't know why. I dress like a nun, but if my hair grows beyond my ears it begins. So I always wore my hair boyishly short. Stop me for directions in a car? After the directions they ask for a blow job. I hate men.

@Aivery If it was boyishly short it helped. But I was always at war & always hyper vigilant. As I worked in public there was always some man who required my vicious tongue & my middle finger. Harassment at work ended after my 90 day probationary period & humiliating them in front of their group kept them at a distance for their own good. But I am a warrior princess emeritus & not all women can be as brutal as I can.


I've never thought it right how the double standard exists for women. I have never dated a women who hasn't been sexual ly assaulted at some point in her life. It's nor fair. My ex-wife was molesters as a youth, and raped as an adult. i witnessed her PTSD and fear our entire msrriage.

t1nick Level 8 June 21, 2018

Same here. I was sexually assaulted by a doctor relative who was giving us physicals during our furlough to the US when I was 15 years old. I told my mom, and she said nothing, so I realized I was supposed to be quiet about it.

I learned self-defense and began carrying non-lethal weapons that could do real harm, so from then on, men were more wary, although many kept trying.

Later on, I did send a letter to the AMA about my relative and accused him. By then he was probably retired, though.


Sad world we live in.


I have to admit that almost every woman I have ever gotten close to, be they friends, partners, lovers, wives, sisters, co workers...they have ALL dealt with some form of inappropriate sexual behavior from a man!!! Makes me shameful and want to apologize for (nearly all) men!

It is quite shameful that rape culture has outlived itself in the evolution of humans

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