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Farmer in Iowa who voted for Trump is now on track to lose $250,000 this year. Volvo plant normally employs 1600 people is down to 6oo. No steel to build their vehicles. Lt. Col. Ralph Peters (Ret.) quit the "propaganda machine" of Pox Spews. He says anchors knowingly lie & spread false information& conspiracy theories. Says Fox is a dangerous propaganda machine.

Mooolah 8 June 22

Enjoy being online again!

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I have zero tears and no fucks to give for the trump voters who get hurt when he confirms for them what intelligent people knew would happen. He’s a fraud and they should have known before they voted for him.


I see info like this and I fact check it because there is so much false information out there masquerading as news. FOX News does not have an obligation to tell the truth on it's shows because the Supreme Court ruled that it is not a news station but an entertainment station.
If in doubt about what you read it is good practice to check it out for yourself, don't count on someone else to do your fact checking for you.


It's not that I doubt you, but it would be nice to have a source for these items. Otherwise it's no better than Fox...

I don't know about the first part of the post, but a couple of weeks or so ago I saw an interview with Col. Peters. If you do a search for his name, you will find several references to his resignation from Fox news. Here is one I randomly selected:


@AncientNight I'll second that plan.

@AncientNight The Blue Wave is coming!

@AncientNight Yes, please!!! I think the backlash is going to be a whole lot bigger than they're predicting. Especially the more people he intentionally hurts. Some of them will actually wake up!

@AncientNight Let's not forget, however, the Democratic party's tendency to shoot gift horses in the mouth (while aiming at their own feet). I fully expect them to step on their own collective wang come November. (Ladies excluded, of course.)

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