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Wanderlust... or homebody?

For years I have been drifting, somewhat a gypsy or traveler. I have lived a lot of places and keep thinking that I am eventually going to find the right place to call home, yet I have not been able to make it any where in particular.

Perhaps I should accept that I will always be someone full of wanderlust and not feel bad about that or admit that I am not getting any younger and find and stick to someplace I like?

Where do you fit in?

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Akfishlady 8 June 25

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I think it depends on circumstances; specifically, who you plan to share your travels or home with - if anyone at all.

Jnei Level 8 June 25, 2018

@Akfishlady Me too. Damn Atlantic ocean.


I think I am a bit of both. I really like being out in the middle of nowhere hiking and biking, yet I also like sitting at home and reading things.


you could try to settle down if you wanted, but don't let go of that camper... looks like you've made a home of it.

@Akfishlady oh...looks homey. sorry.


I've lived in the same place for 29 years. I want to move, but less so due to wanderlust and more because I can't stand GA. I have no idea where I'd want to move to. Maybe go mobile for a while, so I can see what various places are like.

bingst Level 8 June 25, 2018

I started life about 50 miles from where I live now, and grew up 142 miles from where I live. However, between birth and current residence I've moved 23 times, all over the US and overseas. I've been in Omaha 15 years, in 4 different homes. Two kids graduated from HS here in Omaha and all the kids have managed to settle in Omaha. I don't plan to move again. The kids didn't see their grandparents much when they grew up, we were always far away. I want to be close by to see my grandchildren grow up.


25 years ago, at a political protest against a new law introduced by the UK's Conservative government, a hippy handed me a leaflet in which a future involving moving houses was described. These houses would remain still during the day so that you could find them when you went home from whatever you were doing during the day, and gathered energy via solar panels; then, at night while you slept, they would grow legs and wander off somewhere so you never knew where you'd be the following day.

Jnei Level 8 June 25, 2018

I love traveling, but when I’m not: definite homebody. I’ve moved around 18 times since age 18, all within NC.


I will be going into traveling mode for at least half of every year in 2021. I've decided to downsize and simplify. I can feel the pull of wanderlust. But I will always have a home base.


I grew up within one small Idaho community and didn't leave until after high school .... then one move after another out of necessity. Now, I don't have to move and have a home, but I find myself drifting toward more wanderlust....


When I was first married I was forced to move 8 times in 16 years. Since then I have stayed in same town for 30 years. Recently met someone out of state-seeing what happens.


At the moment don't know what I want other than I want that trailer!


I think people who wander and never settle shouldn't force themselves to. That being said, some people stay in place to raise families, then decide to toss anchor and spend their remaining years on the go. And some never go anywhere, so sad! I try to travel as I can. The world is too big and amazing to not venture out.


I've worked/lived on every continent except Antarctica. But I was in the military and then working in a very lucrative field where I could choose assignments world-wide. But now, married, retired, and while still enjoying adventure travel with my wife, we've a "home base" here in Ohio.


Been right here in West Texas for 35 years and I only moved a few times getting here. Can't say I fit in very well, but I'm allowed to be more independent out here in the boondocks than I ever could be in a city. I built my own house without getting any permits. I still don't know if the county requires any because I didn't inquirer. I'm not off grid, but I am working to get there too.


I have lived in the same county since the age of seven, it's a great location, a mix of urban and rural, when I need city life (which I love), Seattle is only an hour away (including a 35 minute ferry ride). I have the best of both worlds, a sense of community, and my kids grew up here too.


I moved around a lot, never really feeling committed to any one place, and when I found "home" I knew it, and now I never want to be anywhere else. When you find it, you will know, and nobody will be able to convince you otherwise.


I've lived in the metro Detroit area my whole life, except for 2 years spent in the Army. I started taking road trips and camping about 15 years ago, and have acquired the wanderer spirit. Now that my nest is empty, I'm planning to try van dwelling for a spell, traveling and soaking up nature.


Other: I move a lot for a lot of reasons. My next move will be to vermont next year.


I love traveling a lot with a home base. I think it is because I have moved over 32 times. I love Europe but the good old USA always calls me back...I love this country despite what is happening now. I plan on ending my time on earth here. I am moving again soon...maybe it will be the final home base, maybe not...


By the way, love your home!

@Akfishlady A former student of mine is converting an old bus with her boyfriend. I'm following the progress on FB. Very exciting!


Other: I move a lot for a lot of reasons. My next move will be to vermont next year.


New England states are great

Marine Level 8 June 26, 2018

@Akfishlady U still have CT Vermount and New Hampshire

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