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Is organised religion dangerous, just a harmless benign fantasy or somewhere in between? My own personal view is that it is dangerous for a variety of reasons but many people including atheists do not share this perspective. What do you think?

Flanman 3 June 25

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My quote: "I find all organized religions to be the antithesis of the tomes from which they are derived." XYZ123.
If you haven't see 'American Gods season 2', what the last couple of episodes with all the Jesus' walking around representing the various incarnations of the avatar. People are crazy when it comes to I'm right and you're wrong.

xyz123 Level 7 June 26, 2018

For me, one of the most dangerous aspects of religions is that they are collective social entities, sort of ideas trying to survive. There's nothing wrong with that in and of itself but because they peddle in the irrational, they have to socially engineer society to their benefit, and in ways that have a lot of possibly unintended but disastrous consequences and side effects including the prevailing psychological health of the population. Being from Ireland, a country that is finally just starting to emerge from a long and dark period of theocracy, albeit slowly and cautiously, I have seen these effects first hand.


Religion is dangerous. religion is corrupt, it is so full of self righteous , deluded, harmful and corrosive elements of humanity hide in its false fake , and distasteful . deceitful , cruel, and barbaric .... mother Teresa being a classic example of seeking god through human suffering . the only way to eternal life alongside god is through pain and misery... read about the evil Albanian witch. religion has the faithful defending the absurd . believing fiction and your sickening Ray Comforts of the world refuse to even allow the slightest dought. in the words of Dawkins religion poisons everything. a thought for Hithchens and the four horsemen who went against the popular opinion . seek truth ..... not religion.


When I was a part of it I used to think that religion was harmless and that the poor other religious souls just hadn't found the "true religion" like I had. As an atheist today I realize religion is the most dangerous thing on the planet. More people have been killed because of religion than in our major wars. This is hard to figure exactly because a lot of those wars involved religion in some way. Take away the Sky Daddy and a lot of reasons to fight go away as well.

Now a little perspective on that. We want your oil, gas, and minerals so the best thing we know to do is keep you fighting with each other over religion while we steal you blind. Your head man let us come in and steal the resources but rather than be angry at him you remembered our lead and was angry with us because of religion. This is a tool for both ignorant and smart people. Nobody wins.


It depends on the religion. I don't think anyone lies awake at night worrying about what the Baha'is will do next.


I feel it’s dangerous. It requires people to act on non-existing evidence, pretending the words, thoughts or desires of another are more relevant than their own. It makes one a follower, thus easily used by devious controlling minds..

All lies are sprinkled with some truth, which you’ll instantly be directed to when questioning any aspect of a religion. It’s the twists & turns, often based on the ‘revelations’ of one leader, or a cloister of brethren that can’t be explained, only followed ... that would terrify me ~

Varn Level 8 June 25, 2018

It certainly CAN be dangerous, but is not necessarily so. Many people lead good, kind and functional lives, feeling guided by god or whatever, taking comfort in their beliefs. And others use it to justify their hatred and misdeeds.


Hi, Flanman, and welcome to the website,

Yup..religion is the source of most wars, "ethnic cleansing," persecution, and evil in this world over the centuries.

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I think it has proven to be dangerous, over and over again historically. There appears to be an intolerance built in that gives believers the ok to resort to violence in defense of their religous truths. Perhaps it is just human nature, to periodically do violence to those with different viewpoints. I hope that we will evolve beyond these traits, but am not holding my breath waiting.

LB67 Level 7 June 25, 2018
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