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Do you buy bottled water? I have hot and cold running water at home, why do I need all that plastic?

myownmind 7 June 28

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Absolutely not. I love sparkling water in a can. I hate plastic too and recycle. I know it isn't good either but who knows what comes out of the tap? Maybe this shot came out of the tap.

Most of the bottled/canned/etc water comes from municipal sources, so yeah, out of the tap.

@DonThiebaut I like the bubbles. I know it is trite but true.

@confidentrealm You can get a machine like this that can add carbonation to tap water for you. Not sure if it's better in the long run, but it's probably cheaper (if you get an off-brand machine, anyway!), so it's worth looking into if you want the fizz without the cans


I do not buy bottled water.
I keep a couple of gallons in the fridge at all times.
I make ice cubes constantly.


Bottled water is extremely useful under very specific circumstances. Otherwise, it's a total waste, both of money and environment. I never buy it.


Never! Single use plastic is probably the worst contributor to ocean trash and general environmental degradation. Recycling the plastic water bottles still wouldn't solve the problem, as the production, transportation and recycling itself would still contribute to pollution. Even where water quality is low, you can use filtration to make water potable.


Never. I save bottles and reuse them.


You live in Flint?


I have never bought bottled water! If someone gives me bottled water, I wash and save the bottle and fill it from my facet and reuse it...when I go out or someone visits. I must be in pretty good health at 78, since all my blood work... all comes back with normal levels (for years). So it must be good water! Because, my intake of water is way larger than my intake of food!

@myownmind I knew that I couldn’t be the only one! Lol


Wenatchee,WA has water so clean and good-tasting, there is talk of bottling and selling our water.

Very funny!


I drink the fuck out of it. Go through a 32 pack in 3 or 5 days. I know, I’m horrible. Hell, I’ve got an environmental degree from Texas A&M. I know I suck, but I work in the Texas sun and humidity and need portable water, and the supply from my apartment faucet is disgusting. Not to mention, since my son’s death, I don’t give a fuck about anything.

My condolences at the demise of your beloved son.

I hope things will get best!


Only occasionally. Place where I work has one of those water fountains where there is a sensor for a water bottle.

Imagine telling someone in the '60's that people would pay $2 or more for water.

Way more if it...."sparkles."


I buy sparkling water as i sometimes drink it with a meal instead of wine. I then keep the empty bottles and fill them from the tap to take with me when I go out for the day.


It's one of the most successful marketing scams in modern history. Except, of course, if you live in Flint.


No, I do not. I think it's a waste...unless you live in Flint, Michigan or somewhere else without clean water


disposable bottles of water are a huge source of irritation to me. I carry my own bottle and just add to it or rinse it out. There are certain circumstances where a new bottle of water is required but always recycle the plastic!


It just kills me realizing how much oil is used to make plastic and then we bottle water in plastic. I do realize also water is becoming short supply but our intelligence is in question. Glass would be so much better but then everyone would sue if they got cut.
I am fortunate I have a deep well and get pure water.

EMC2 Level 8 June 28, 2018

I have always t hought that.


I buy about one bottle a year, and refill it with tap water to keep in the fridge. When it gets too battered or dirty, I replace it.


I have municipal water and they proudly publish their ratings from independent testing every year, usually 10/10. I rememer dad climbing down the well to remove animals (racoons, skunks, birds) that drowned in it. I like municipal!

@sarahjustme I have l8ved here 40 years and read the entire thing every year. It tastes good, too


I feel the same. Unfortunately our water comes from the green river and it was named the dirtiest river in the states if I remember that correctly. I drink it anyway unless we're under a boil water advisory. I recycle all plastic at my own expense because it's worth it to me.
The things man does to the earth is shameful. I keep two small compost boxes even though I live in town. As long as you don't put anything cooked or processed in them any fruit, vegetable,egg shells or coffee grounds will decompose and make beautiful, rich,wonderful smelling earth.


I have to get water fron the store. Most tap water in San Angelo is trash. Hurray for America’s infastructure!


During summer months, my tap water smells like a swamp and tastes like whatever I imagine mildew tastes like. Of course I buy drinking water, but I get it 9 gallons at a time in refillable jugs from the water and ice store, where it's R/O. I don't have a good setup under my sink for an R/O system, so I suffer with this arrangement.


Unless you live in Flint, MI. O_O

I actually use a Brita bottle. Best thing I've bought for my job at a campground. I can fill that thing from the many faucets thru out the park.


When I was in the US I bought a $15 distiller from WalMart and made my own water, carried it with me when at work. I have no use for the toxic flouride and other rat poison chemicals put in the tap water to purify it.

Here in Thailand I buy reverse osmosis water from the water machine dispenser downstairs.


I don't buy bottled water.


We have a well. Our water is filled with iron to the point of everything turning orange. Thats with a softener system and the iron salt pellets. everyone in our neighborhood has a polar water stand and uses reusable water bottles.


We have a well. The water is always icy cold, clear and pure. We have it tested every few years, however, there has never been a problem.

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