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How do you start a conversation? I tell my best pun

LorenceYufa 3 June 29

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One time at band camp ....

Simon1 Level 7 June 29, 2018

I'd heard there was a pun thread...


Sometimes I like telling a story. Like about when I was making out with this guy on his couch and he whispered "let's take this upstairs" but my end was super heavy.


I very casually and calmly say 'Make words with Grog!'


"What are you in for?"

Hermit Level 7 June 29, 2018

I usually start conversations with a compliment. I didn't realize I did that until you asked 😀


I knew a creepy 50ish guy with long tangled, thinning hair who looked 32 months pregnant who'd say, "I was admiring your breasts and wanted to go down on you" I saw him him doing his schlitck and yeah he got laid after disgusting about 10 women. I was surprised nobody slapped him or threw a drink in his face, honesty is the best policy.

Personally just watching them wt creepiness then a comment about a possible mutual interest has had some success.

Carrying a Sam Harris book in Utah is a seductive bewitchment, two women have commented on the book. The first is too young, but I'm going on a 3rd date with the other this weekend. That could be their utter desperation to find a human with no ties to LDS, chicks dig literacy.

ewww ick on the 50'ish guy. Good grief how could that even begin to be a turn on. What is wrong with women!!!!! 😀


How the f&$k did a misogynistic, lying and moronic asshole like Trump take the presidency?

I am stealing this! 🙂


I saw this girl carrying a guitar at my college reunion. She looked sort of cute, and I wanted to talk to her. Here is my opener:

"Hi, I'm with the Guitar Inspection Bureau and I need to verify you can actually play that thing, and you aren't just carrying it as a prop."

(She did play me the most beautiful of songs, that she wrote herself. So there's that.)

Deveno Level 7 June 29, 2018



Just ask a question, they have to answer it ?

Thank you dear lady !


Depends on the situation, usually I make a joke at my own expense, get a laugh, and then proceed, but it varies greatly

dellik Level 6 June 29, 2018

Hi, How are you today?


SOOOO what's your best pun, or is copyright protected?


With great effort and discomfort on my face I proceed to step all over societal norms governing etiquette and personal boundaries. I usually say something like “F@ck Trump and Clinton” or “F@ck Christianity “ or “what is your opinion of hierarchical polyamory?” or “did you know that entropy is the mathematical negative of information?”

Then I withdraw into my smart phone and check out what people are talking about on


Big smile and how are you doing. Make them laugh. Ask them to tell me something totally random. Random facts are fun.

I still want to know your best pun.


Ha i just say hi whats up how are ya


I tell myself whatever myself want to hear.


ok, I am not lying. Here is my all time best line ...

"Is it any more fun over here than it is over there?"

68% of the time it is 100% effective.


I'm an introvert, I don't believe in starting conversations, I let them pun me first.


I just wing it.


If I'm meeting someone online I check their profile first then come up with a clever joke. Even if they don't respond it gives me a chuckle and is worth it.


I love your Grindr profile!


I just try to say something fun. The other person already knows if they want to talk to you or not. Just find out and be ok with either result. If they don't want to talk, is their issue. Just talk and don't say something uncomfortable.


Hi, Lorence, and welcome to the website,

Many people don't like puns, but I suppose somebody does!

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