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Random thought. My birth date is 10th October. I've had two triple 10 birthdays. The first was in 1977, my 10th birthday, I was 10 on the 10th day of the 10th month. 101010. The second was in 2010 when I turned 43. As the sun rose that morning, while I was still 42, I was born at 12 noon, the date was 10th October 2010. 101010. According to the late, great Douglas Adams and his wonderful 'The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy', the answer to meaning of life, the universe and everything is 42. DA was asked many times why he chose the number 42 as the answer. Many theories were proposed, including 42 is 101010 in binary code, that light refracts through a water surface by 42 degrees to create a rainbow, that light requires 10−42 seconds to cross the diameter of a proton. DA rejected them all. He said he just needed a word, any word, a small word and felt that a random number would be good. 42 just popped into his head. Whether he rejected it or not I like it and I'm going to stick with it, especially as I can attach some significance to it and it's connection with my birth date.

Keymaiden 6 June 30

Enjoy being online again!

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October 10th is one of my nephew's birthdays. Maybe it has to do with him winning scratch offs as often as he takes a drink of water. It's almost every week that he informs me that he wins. $150 here, $50 there.


Every March 10 is MAR10. Mario day! Nobody ever gets me anything.


Don't think I can match that lot but was 7 years old on 7/7, therefore 17 on 7/7/77, I was married on 07/07/07, both my daughter's christian names have 7 letters, my surname has 7 letters, my favourite soccer team has 7 letters, my favourite football team has 7 letters, my baseball team has 7 letters, my Ice Hockey team has 7 letters and none of this by design 🙂.

ipdg77 Level 8 June 30, 2018

7 is my magic number. My birthday is 7/28/1953, each part is divisible by 7. I can easily divide the major eras in my life into 7 year segments , each one distinctive and profoundly different from each of the others. This era saw me downsize and retire. I dunno what 70 has in store for me, but I have 5 years to prep for it . ?

zeuser Level 9 June 30, 2018
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