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Okay, I just HAD to share this with you lovely people. I received a message on my POF account from a man. It was short and sweet. Before I answer anyone, I (1) look to see if they viewed my profile -sometimes they just look at a pic and decide to write, not knowing a thing about me, and (2) check out their profile because I want to know something about them, and not just answer a "handsome face". So...I looked at his profile, and I thought it sounded a bit "preachy", but continued to read a bit more. I had to stop when I came across the sentence stating " I'm looking for woman who will never raise her voice at me". WHAT?? Crap, I even WRITE in caps at times (ya notice??)!! What gives with people like this? Yes, I am resigned to living out the rest of my days alone......shouting! 😉

AzVixen52 7 July 2

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Scenario: An anvil is about to fall on his head from afar, you whisper "watch out honey" as the thing comes crashing down on his head.

Well, he didn't want me to raise my voice, ever.


Maybe he's just come out of an abusive relationship where his partner verbally abused him and he just can't take it anymore? Or maybe he just wants one of those women from The Handmaid's Tale? If he's that preachy it is probably the latter.
Funny how people on dating sites often just go for whatever the profile pic is, like choosing the ripest tomato in the produce section, never checking to see if the fruit might be rotten inside even though it looks good on the surface. 😀 No wonder people wind up in bad relationships.

@TheresaReid2 The 'Lord' told them? That's a new one, I've heard it called Johnson, Willie and even Big Bob and the Twins but I've never heard anyone speak of it as The Lord even though I have heard a lot of Oh God! associated with it. 😀

@TheresaReid2 they are not thinking with the brain they just wanna hook up when you realize that you can weed them out easily
not that im an expert but I have had great success I never hook up without lots of conversation and lots of men I thought might do well screwed up during those conversations and were put on the no fast track
I get 5 or ten inquiries a day on almost any sight


get rid of pof. my thought.


I’m laughing with you, and shouting too. My profile, finally, said in the first lines that I’m bisexual, liberal, and atheist, so “if you need a ‘god-fearing woman’ STOP HERE”.
Did they stop there? Even read my profile? HELL NAW.
I gave up on dating sites when I realized how preemptively hostile my profile had become. (?as if anybody READ it, anyways!)

LOL this so much.
One of my bio incarnations on here garnered this response (which made me laugh but still)
"You sound like a lot of hard work" ???

Yes...yes I am that. But that's the toll. You want mail order go do that thing.

@Qualia ROFL...yeah, I’m a lot of hard work too. Who promised them easy and simple?!

@CarolinaGirl60 Maybe if religion didn't indoctrinate them into thinking of women as chattels they wouldn't have these ridiculous notions? Wouldn't it be great if women just cut these idiots off permanently so they couldn't reproduce, in a generation or two there would be no religitards left. Women the fate of humanity is in your hands more than ever. 👍

I hear you! I also can't stand when they do message, but start it off saying "hello, beautiful/pretty/ lovely", etc. WHO falls for that crappy line???

@AzVixen52 They hope WE will. If someone calls me ‘dear’ I mark them as a scammer and block them. So effing irritating, that ingratiating tone.


Gave up on Match, Our Time and Zoosk and met someone here. The Singles Chat Room is a great opportunity to see someone for who they are-if they have a temper. Don't understand why more Singles Group members don't check it out. It worked for me and Dan and another couple Connie and Chuck. Give it a shot.


I think you should take one for the team and marry the guy. Just pretend to be meek until after the wedding, then completely let loose. There would be a very sweet and kind young woman out there somewhere that would benefit greatly from your selfless act. Sort of like when people pay the bill for the next customer in line. Your new idiot husband would probably benefit as well, and every time you yelled at him you could take comfort in the knowledge that you've done your part in service to a greater good.


He's a misogynist.


Good luck to him finding a mate is all I can say, it’s not exactly an inviting chat up line unless you have been to the Stepford Wives finishing school!

I think we have all met a few like that, pretty package but nobody home. 😉


Sadly there are still many people (men) who still hang on to antiquated, misogynistic beliefs.

Ever wonder why they don't just get a dog, maybe a Lab or one of those little dogs that wiggle their butts and pee on the floor when they see you come in the door? Those kind of guys would be doing humanity a favour by not breeding.


Sometimes people post criteria in reaction to the relationship they just left. Sounds like yelling matches might have been in this fella's recent past, or maybe childhood memories of parent's fighting, if "raising her voice" to him would be unacceptable. People change and adapt their criteria for very personal reasons. Sounds like this fella has some issues or behavior that causes women to be angry at him... Good decision to stand clear of him, I think!


Well you know what you want...demand may get it.


Damn. Hell of it is he's probably doing better than I am on POF down here in SC. Lol


I get people all the time contacting me who have how important their religion is on their profiles. I think that you are right about people just looking at the face and not reading the profile.


Often, essays reflect the problems of one's most recent relationship. He probably just dated a screamer. It's still not a good line to include.

Better a screamer than a thrower and a stabber. 😉


I don't know how but we somehow got past the shouting and found that listening then became easier. We were able to bear each other for 52 years, partly because we both understood that communications is over rated in a relationship and that some things are best left unshouted. .


if you are so picky and focused on certain rules for others then delete your account everyone does things differently that is what makes the world go round as they use to say... everyone has their druthers but making those firm rules might cause you to miss someone fun and even if you decide not to meet could be amusing for chatting or friendship or just a fucking laugh and the idiot he is

I'm allowed to be picky, just as he is allowed to be preachy and an idiot, yes? This is my druthers.

@AzVixen52 you totally are I didn't say you should just maybe not so bitchy about it


hahaha good for you!


Talk up please, ? I can't hear you !


Well, now you have me looking into your profile. ?? Heads up, don't bother looking into mine, you will be disappointed. I don't have anything offensive, I just don't have much at all.... I truly believe it doesn't matter what I write (I have tried), always the same... It's too good, too bad, too long, too short, too fishy, too this too that...meh, that's what it is know and I hope I did explained why


I am sure we could have been best friends.


If someone even hints at being religious on a dating site, it's instant DELETE and I move on.


Well give him points for honesty, and then slowly back out of the room.

I never entered the room! 😉


Dating sites are the mousetrap we all run through...a mostly harmless waste of time.
Terrible people never advertise they are terrible and good people can't prove they are good people in a profile...then all the other stuff

I think dating sites are role playing games for adults.


Even if I see a guy has checked my profile....I won't answer if he is too young and/or lives far away. Is different if I am approached for friendly conversation or to debate an issue

Oh, I don't reply to someone just because they look at my profile. There has to be some commonality.

@AzVixen52 Understood...but even if there is some commonality distance and age difference are stoppers.

I check the profiles of people who respond to my posts, especially if their response is interesting. Interesting people are hard to find in this vanilla world we live in, so it is worth taking a moment to look a bit further to find out more about them.

@DUCHESSA As they should be. I don't answer if someone just LOOKS at my profile (see...caps again! 😉 ). I require a message.

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