Men, what would you think of a woman if they were forward with you and asked you out on a date.
Presume it's not about sex.
Honest response please. Thanks.
Of course after that I would then have to figure out how to go on a date cuz I don't know how to do that either
I asked. He accepted. We are meeting. Dinner and drinks, laughter and friendship...then who knows? None of it would happen if someone doesn't make the first move.
I asked Terry to marry me.
He had trouble making decisions.
I knew what I wanted.
He said yes.
I've read about this. There seems to be two camps of men. Those who love it and those who associate it with 'aggressive' behaviour.
I think it's great personally, and it must be nerve wracking to ask someone out on a date, so letting women have a share in that role is a move closer to equality.
I agree with you. If we look at people as people there won't be such a gender disparity.
@RobLawrence If its strictly plutonic, I don't see that the risk of rejection is any greater than the risk of rejection that can occur in general terms.
I've always thought that the whole idea of men asking women out on dates and women not asking men out on dates was sexist.
Why should a woman wait around for a man to ask her out? Why should men always be the ones making themselves vulnerable and taking the risk of rejection? Why should women always be the ones facing the discomfort of having to reject someone they aren't interested in (particularly when that risk is sometimes a risk of real physical harm at the hands of someone who can't handle the rejection)? Why should men have the control over who gets asked out and who doesn't?
It seems to me that the idea that men should be the ones to ask women out all the time, and women never ought to ask men out, is a sad leftover of patriarchy that our society would be better off without. If we're going to (rightly) demand that women be made equal in our societies, including opportunities, pay, and sexual autonomy and consent control, then we ought to give them equality in power (and risk) regarding dating as well.
So I wish there were more like her.
I'm shy , I love confidence in a woman and LOVE it when I'm asked. ASK and you shall receive
I'm the same.
I would welcome it, I think most men would. Suspect most people do not like dating, it's a constant source of rejection and would like anything that made it easier. Perhaps even less humiliating.
Dear God yes.
It's soul crushing sometimes, you never no for sure... And the idea that a friend of mine is just waiting for me to see it... Lol speak up.
What's the big deal nowadays? We're supposed to be equal aren't we. Especially the older we get, I have no problem with a women asking me out. Glad for the interest, i mean if you want something it's better to go for it no matter what than wait and and sit at home when you could be having a good time.
Every relationship has to have some balance, and a woman has to read the signs and be prepared to be rejected just as a man would. If the guy seems to like you, you just have to risk it. If you don't want it to be about sex do something casual and public like a lecture, zoo or a daytime concert in a park. Romantic restaurants, drinking and dancing or a secluded picnic would send their own message. The cool part about doing the asking is you set the tone.
I greatly prefer It when the woman asks. I am not that concerned about being rejected, when it happens you suck it up and move on. But I do worry that if I ask her out, and she's not interested, that I've just made it awkward and uncomfortable for her. I get so concerned about this that I don't even make a move. So if a woman wants to ask me out? By all means ssk away!
Ask. Never hurts to ask. Turning down a date doesn’t have to be awkward as long as the invitation is simple, like “I’m free this Saturday. Would you like to go out and get to know each other better?”
That's how 90% of my dates/relationships start, with the women making the first move. Apparently I'm not good at reading signals so unless they come directly out and ask me I just assume status quo is where they want to keep things.
I'd curl up in a little ball and whimper. Of course, that's how I respond to all social interactions.
In my experience , if I make any attempt to even just talk to a man , they get very defensive . This is not asking for a date . It may even be here , on line . If I initiate a conversation , they get very defensive . I get messages like , " but I'm only XX years old , " or , " I'm gay ."
That's just an easy way for you to cull your selections.