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Men, what would you think of a woman if they were forward with you and asked you out on a date.
Presume it's not about sex.
Honest response please. Thanks.

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Akfishlady 8 July 4

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72 comments (51 - 72)

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I enjoy it when it happens.


Yep let’s go out and have some fun. The sex can come down the road if at all.


I would welcome the opportunity to get to know her. In recent years, I have found that often the most interesting and engaging people I meet are women.


There are places where this actually happens quite frequently. If you are a white male in Thailand, you will be inundated with more female attention than you can possibly handle.

The first time I visited, by my fifth evening in Bangkok I elected to spend the night by myself in my hotel room because I was so overwhelmed by how relentless it was. I was actually experiencing attention overload, and it was really nice for a change.

"Presume it's not about sex." was part of the post.


You say that like it's a bad thing. LOL!

Of course they're looking for a guy who can give them and their family a better lifestyle than living in a centipede and scorpion infested hut in northern Thailand, Laos or Cambodia. I don't have a problem with that.


I would love a much or aggressive female to actually take over once in a while, and let me ride shotgun, so to speak...and even occasionally be the aggressor for sex....
THO I will be honest, has been so long, I have forgotten what it tastes like. LOL


It's totally normal in my experience. Sometimes I ask and sometimes I get asked. I'm always nervous asking someone out for the first time so really respect it when someone else takes the risk to do it!


Of course after that I would then have to figure out how to go on a date cuz I don't know how to do that either


That would be awesome when it's about my business I can talk to women just fine but actually trying to ask them out I find myself to be very awkward and shy it would be nice if women would at least let us know if it was okay for us to be interested in them because I certainly wouldn't want it to be misconstrued I know that sounds very awkward but let's face it that's why I'm single in the first place


Hit it!


It has happened but i thought it was a scam as she was beautiful and scared the pants off me ?x


It can be about sex. You want to use me for sex? I'm down.

Oh, but the question is "assume it's not about sex." I'm flattered! I most certainly do not hold against her that she did it and I think this means she's likely to be a confident, assertive person which is something I like in a date. I'm pleased.

And I'd probably say yes.


Women can work up the courage like us.


That would be awesome!


If the woman is interested enough she'll ask you to go out.


I've had women be open enough to ask for sex repeatedly. Sometimes I accepted and sometimes I rejected. It's more common than you think for ladies to be up front.


This would make things a lot easier, wouldn't it ? Come at me, ladies !


In my upbringing, I find the woman I always levitate towards were those that I considered as an equal, feeling superior is not only selfishness, is also something that only an inferior person uses as a defense, for lack of vision, self esteem and gray matter...


Well i wouldn't think it was about sex immediately. I would guess that if she was asking me out ,intimacy and Sex would happen soomer or later. Personally i would be thrilled if a Lady asked me out. Its something that should happen more often..,just my opinion


As far as my experience goes, that only happens in movies (which reading between the lines, it means I would be perfectly fine if a woman were forward)

If it's not forward for a man to ask, thinking it's forward for a woman to ask is a serious double standard.

@LimeySteve I don't think I can say that I follow.... If you feel like to elaborate a bit more then please go ahead

@IamNobody "I would be perfectly fine if a woman were forward" Why is it forward when a woman asks someone out on a date?

@LimeySteve it's semantics, how else can/should I say its ok for me if she is the one to ask??

@IamNobody You just did.

Words have the power we give them. Using the words of misogyny, racism, bigotry, sexism or any of the other isms, strengthens the problem. If we don't learn to stop, the problems will persist. It begins with small steps.

@LimeySteve still lost... I read what you said but your point still escapes me. The easy way out for me is to ignore and move on. However, I really wonder what did I do to deserve such response?


It would be great if it were someone I wanted to go out with.

I would give her a chance.

Women have always had to deal with the discomfort of rejecting men who ask them out when they aren't interested, and men have always had to take the risk of rejection. I can understand why you wouldn't necessarily want to be asked out by a woman that you weren't interested in, but realistically, deal with it, because they've had to deal with it their whole lives.

@Akfishlady It wouldn’t be as great.


I find it interesting how many men are saying they would LOVE it if women asked them out. As though supermodels are going to start calling out of the blue. But what happens when a woman asks you out that you are not interested in? What if there is zero attraction or the woman puts you off in some way? Does that still sound awesome?

On dating sites, a lot of women get used to drawing attention from a wide variety of men that are completely wrong for them - because honestly a lot of men tend to 'go fishing' and see what they catch. Not to be sexist (and I know all men and women are not the same), but I think a lot of women might spend more time trying to decide if this guy is a good fit before pursuing him. In this case, it would be a bigger deal to be rejected and you have to be strong enough to deal with rejection. And as the rejector - well, t's just not fun.

I have sent messages to guys on other sites. Mostly just to be friendly and not to pursue anything. These men usually answer and we have a nice conversation and nothing comes of it. I have sent messages to some guys who (and it shows they read my message) never answered. Some of them I REALLY liked their profile. And they ignore me. Which is fine because I ignore guys on these sites all the time. It's their right. But it makes me wonder sometimes.

Hihi Level 6 July 4, 2018

The premise established by the survey says "Presume is not about sex & be honest" I did presumed that and I was honest. If a woman comes forward, why would I want to turn her down? Anyhow, just last night (since I am not working today), I went out and started conversation with two and same old same old. Back to square one, waiting on the one that will take the initiative some day, yes I would like that even if it is for friendship.

@IamNobody Good point. But I guess my thought was that I am not asking a man out 'for ' but in a perfect world we would be perfect for each other and the will follow. Some men ask women out just for .

But I have made a lot of male friends on some of these dating sites that turn into Facebook friends and we keep in touch here and there and it's been nice. Male/female friendships can be awesome.

Did this website censor the word 'sex' in my last reply???


My wife might introduce her to Zorak the Wonder Dog.

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