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Rude neighbors: What is your preferred method of dealing with them?

maturin1919 8 July 7

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My roommates have a band. They jam 2 times a week. So the neighbor to the right of us is, for lack of a better term, a real bitch.
She come over one time screaming and yelling about the bass. I asked her why she is yelling in a calm voice, she gives me a crappy answer and continues on about how us living where we are is "destroying" the neighborhood. In a calm voice I told her to contact RCMP. Cops show up, bitching about the bass. I tell the female cop that we are willing to turn the bass down but if the complaining from the neighbor continues we will stop complying and start standing on our constitutional protections.


I've had several occasions , when I had to deal with noisy neighbors . This works . whether you're at a pump at the gas station , at your home , in your yard , at a stop light . Let's say you pull up to a stop light . The car next to you is blaring out their favorite metal . Turn your radio up to full blast , but on a different channel - like opera or country . Don't say a word . Let the noises dual it out . If at home , set your radio on the window sill closest to where their music is , open the window , choose a different channel , turn it on full blast and leave your house . When you return , their music will be off , not a word was spoken , there was no , " fight ." And it won't happen again .


my neighbor used to make a point of peeing in the street in front of my house.Thought he had the old man excuse. I would ignore him but he would never stop until my helper made the point of peeing in front of him. while he did too. A true pissing match. That worked. My neighbor is very sophisticated


I avoid neighbors as much as possible. I am an INTROVERT.


I avoid neighbors as much as possible. I am an INTROVERT.


Try to be nice to them. You never know what happened in their day to make them behave poorly.


Ask if you've done something to offend them, as it's important to you that you get along given that your neighbors.


Some people are crazy. Some try to bully. If at all possible, ignore. You end up lowering yourself if you engage them. Be aware of legality. If you retaliate in some way, you may open yourself up to legal problems.

I had a neighbor who thought it was a good idea to call the police on me. When the police got there, I'd try to remain calm and explain myself as to what I thought the problem was. Then I'd ask if they had spoken with him, which of course they had. Then I'd say, "you can see what I'm dealing with. I'm not going to lower myself to his level". It never got physical, fortunately, but if it did, I was going for the body punch to take his breath away, or a kidney punch. If that didn't work I'd think about taking out a knee. Sometimes the thought of beating him to death was enough bring me calm.

Good luck.


Lately, I answer the door with a throwing axe. Apparently I am a poor neighbor because I refuse to buy him whiskey, smokes, and food. Oh and to help out with his rent. It tends to convince him I am not joking about the need to sleep during the day since I work at night, and no, I will not support him.


If he's yelling at you outside, I'd just walk up to him and maintain eye contact, and quietly correct his rude behavior.


Try talking with them-try to involve other neighbors first.


First, I try talking with them.


Try to be nice first. That achieves more, even if they don't deserve it.


Be civil, but label their misconduct for what it is and make sure that they know you will do that. Offer an olive branch if they are willing to accept it. If they will not, screw them.


Ignore them. And live your life.

@maturin1919 why is he yelling at you?


Be rude back, of course.

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