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Star Trek vs. Star Wars

I’m just curious to see which series people on here like better so I made a poll since I’m bored.

  • 55 votes
  • 98 votes
pan_heathen97 7 July 7

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Star Trek all the way.

Anyway, SW is partly a ripoff of Dune. With more Voodoo & mumbo-jumbo...


In a battle, enterprise would destroy the millennium falcon, they have shielding so the Falcon’s weapons would be useless, the Falcon has no shielding so any strike would be fatal, and the Enterprise has transporters. They could literally beam large sections of their hull into space. Enterprise could likely easily take out even a super star destroyer with this tech. The only advantage Star Wars has is speed. They can cross a galaxy in 4 days, whereas a starship would take 200 years or so. This makes Star Wars ships roughly 18,000 times faster than a Starship. If they wanted to get away, there would be no stopping them.


Those new star trek movies tho...excellent casting


Them's fightin' words! Lol 😉


I'm not a big fan of either, but I am more of a Star Wars fan. The stories just seem more interesting and all the characters are more entertaining and interesting. There is also more action. This is entertainment people, not science class. Who cares if Star Trek is more plausible or more kumbaya? To each their own I guess.


Ive loved Star Trek the next generation since i was a kid. The fact that that human beings have created a near utopia and eliminated poverty is an optimistic view of the future.


I grew up watching Star Trek. I also like Star Wars, until the last jedi, that last movie really tried to destroy the series.


I've said it many times here. Star Trek has a much better vision of the future. If Ihad to choose which one I would want ot live in, it would definitely be Star Trek.


FWIW, I adore both!

Zster Level 8 July 8, 2018

No...please don't make me choose!


Trek all the way! It gets such little recognition these days b/c the star wars canon is growing so rapidly. ...but Trek is the utopian, boy scout, equality-based, UN of the future...where science rules. The underlying theme seems to be Science/Pragmatism/Equality against stupidity or nihilism, typically. Star Wars is v totalitarianism... neither choice in Star Wars is a preferrable option... though, if that were the choice I had to make, I'd opt to be a budhist monk over a corporate middle manager any day!


How can you not love Star Trek Wars?


I enjoy star wars, but I am a trekkie for life.


Trek all the way! Prime directive beats space spaghetti-western.

Yesssss, but not sure about beaming up, but hey still beats midichlorians


Star Trek. Less "epic" and certainly doesn't follow the pattern of the "Hero's Journey" in the way that Star Wars does, but it is more clearly sci-fi (rather than fantasy in a sci-fi-esque setting, as others have noted). But mostly I prefer it for the philosophical thought provocations that started with The Next Generation and continued in DS9 and Voyager.

In Star Wars, the only philosophical issues are "good vs. evil", whether or not the Jedi Order is actually a force for "balance" or for "good" (I would argue that in destroying the Jedi Order and the temple, young Darth Vader restored balance by reducing the "light" side's abundant numbers to be much closer to those of the Sith), and the question of whether or not the Jedi celebacy was a good philosophical and dogmatic position for them to have (I would argue it was not).

In Star Trek, on the other hand, philosophical questions dive deep into issues of ethics, morality, principles (and how absolutist they should or should not be), social orders, social justice, sexuality and sexual orientation, gender identity, and the philosophical areas of Personal Identity (what is the "self"?) and Theory of Mind (what is the "mind", where is it located, and how does it interact with the body and the wider environment, etc.?), just to name some of the sorts of philosophical topics that Star Trek touched on. I also like the way that Star Trek rarely made a definitive statement about such philosophical questions, especially on more controversial subjects, but instead explored the various takes on the subjects and left the viewer to pursue further thought on their own.

None of which is by way of saying that I don't like Star Wars, because I certainly do like that universe and (so far) 5 of the movies that have been made about it, but Star Trek is superior for my personal tastes.


This is a hard one to vote on, but I voted Star Wars because the original trilogy has always been my favorite set of movies and my favorite story. But the older I've gotten, the more I've grown to really love Star Trek TNG. I watched it while I was growing up and loved it but I've grown especially fond of it in the last few years. I've honestly not watched enough of the other Star Trek series to rate it as a whole but on the strength of TNG alone it's a hard vote.


Trek has a deeper inventory. And cool captains.


I prefer Star Trek. I see it as more science fiction, than the space fantasy of Star Wars. Plus, the religious tone of Star Wars is annoying. I do enjoy the varied aliens of Star Wars, and it's provided some wonderful characters and iconic lines, but I prefer the science and sociology of Star Trek.


I have been a fan of both all my life, I cannot pick just one


I think that I prefer Star Trek because of my age. It came out when I was a teenager and I really enjoyed it. I did like Star Wars as well but I will still watch Star Trek when it comes on TV. I must admit that I really like the parody that Earnie Fossilius did on Star Wars. (Hardware Wars)


What's next? Edison vs Tesla? ..... Newton vs Leibniz?.... Tom vs Jerry??? (Point in case, why does it have to be treated as a competition?)


I saw the original Star Wars in the theater when I was just 10...and saw it 7 times total. I was hooked. I've seen everyone in the theater since also...and multiple times.
It was just so much "bigger" than Star Trek since ST was on TV and SW was in a, while I loved ST (and Dr. Who on TV), I fell head over heels for SW.

You know there's a Star Wars group on here, right?


You could sit down and watch all starwars content in less than a few days, it would take several weeks to binge watch though all of star trek. People may say quality over quantity but imo TNG deep space 9 and voyager by themselves are a better watch than anything star wars ive seen.

Tejas Level 8 July 8, 2018

My inner child loves Star Wars. But, I prefer Star Trek.


Both airways and forever! Lol

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