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Strange food combo.?

Sheannutt 9 July 12

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The strangest combo I've ever seen someone else eat was when I was a kid and I watched my grandpa eat fig bars dipped in potted meat . I think it was somewhat traumatic to see that and I never tried it myself ...never will.


Open face peanut butter with peach preserves with nacho cheese Doritos.

@Sheannutt It's really good with the Doritos.


Cashews and blueberries !


I don't eat this anymore, but l used to love pork'n beans and canned tamales. I eat much healthier now, except for the donuts, cake, and pie.

@Sheannutt Oh yes! I had to find something to ease the pain of male pattern baldness. It was either donuts or heroin.

@Sheannutt Cheaper too!


Ketchup on cottage cheese.


Doritos and grapes


Canned tuna mixed with small curd cottage cheese.

@MrLizard With some salt and pepper yes!


At the theater, I mix my Junior Mints with my popcorn.

MikeEC Level 7 July 12, 2018

That's not strange. That's normal.


I can't think of one, but I've never been pregnant before. Women who have been or are pregnant can come up with some pretty strange combos.

@Donotbelieve There you have it. The woman that's built backwards. 😉


Bugles and a Hershey bar...

But that's not strange. A bunch of people like salt and sugar together.


watermelon and balsamic vinegar...I like the sweet and tart combo

@Sheannutt I also add some mint and feta cheese to make an unusual salad...half my friends love it, the other half hates

That's a combo I would never have considered.


@Bierbasstard I love that as well! lol we obviously have refined palettes, right? lol

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