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Do you consider Barack Obama a Super Hero?

He was always Presidential and professional. He was always polite and respectful to everyone. Sadly, I think he had the most death threats of any president, but he never mentioned it.

Don't forget this.
Near the end of Bush's 2nd term the stock market was spiraling toward a total economic crash that would have spread worldwide. Barack led the economic rescue of America. The stock market at least double during his tenure.

JohnINFP 7 July 12

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I think he was a racist idiot who did a lot of bad and stupid things to the US. He was a regulation nut job who seemed intent on destroying the US economy and his foreign policy was idiotic!


It absolutely depresses me that he isn't our president now. He had more class in the tip end of his pinky finger than Trump has in his whole body!

Daphne Level 4 July 12, 2018

Obama was a screwball racist left wing idiot. He did a lot of harm in the 8 years he was in office.


Obama did the hard work and was kicked to the curb! He was a true man of honor in my book, but I don’t do hero worship. He did an outstanding job, against what appeared to me to be, great odds! He is unlike so many other big name politicians, who should walk the ‘hall of shame!’ And, there have been so many of them in the last 40 short years! I can’t understand how the people keep voting these same ‘get nothing done,’ politicians back into represent them?


He was not perfect. He murdered at least two American citizens with drone strikes who had not been convicted of anything, depriving them of their Constitutional right of due process of law. He also acknowledged that he did not have the constitutional authority to use presidential decrees in certain instances of immigration issues but then used them anyway, setting a precedent for the duffus who is now president to follow suit. He was seemingly brash in some of his decisions. He was no super hero...he weakened the Constitution.

I hate that those two Americans were killed his presidential mistake. I think he did the best he could with surgical strikes. Every president mistakes. I also hate that he oversaw more immigrant deportations than any other president.

@JohnINFP a handful of mistakes are not condoned, but they are understandable, running a country of 300 odd million people! A mistake is just that and not deliberate evil...not by any stretch of the imagination!

@Freedompath murder = "mistake"?

@dahermit as I understood was ‘in error,...for me murder is never ok! We have a ‘military machine’...put into use, grave mistakes are made! They are never condoned...

@Freedompath This was no error...he was targeted.

@dahermit I vaguely remembe this, I would need to go back and research the whole episode to remember what happen! I have moved on from Obama...I can hardly keep up with the present moment, much less dredge up the past of Obama. I never live in the past...obviously, you are not a fan of Obama’s, fine...I accept that!

@Freedompath I voted for him but am old enough to know that it is illogical to idolize humans beyond what they are.

@dahermit you will not find me idolizing any person. There are just people who strive to do the right thing and people who don’t!


I’m not very political so I tend to judge politicians on superficial qualities. I thought the guy was classy as hellz.



He's not a super hero (well compared to current dipshit he is) but he was a damned fine man that the republifucks shit all over, repeatedly. Barack Obama bore it with amazing grace and fortitude.

I still believe he was a superhero.

@JohnINFP I'm glad you think that way. There could be far worse superheroes.


Can you just imagine what this country could have been like if Obama didn't have 8 years of obstruction to battle instead of spending that time improving on the lives of everyday Americans? What a missed opportunity and fuck those repulsican pigs for creating those obstructions......not that I'm bitter or anything! Fucking fuckwits ??

That's exactly what would have happened. If Kentucky Rednecks and Evangelicals hadn't reelected Senator and weasel Mitch McConnell for the 100th time. He became the Senator leader.
The first days of Barack's term McConnell said that he would obstruct everything Barack and the Democrats wanted.

@JohnINFP I remember that well and never forgot it. I remember reminding people of that for 8 years.

@JohnINFP Yes! Someone mentioned Kentucky... oh...


No not a superhero but certainly a man of integrity, worth and just all around goodness. sigh...


No, not a superhero. But one fine man, who handled his difficult position with class and grace.

How ever did we go from that to endless nightmare !?



Obama was no superhero. He made his own mistakes and missteps.
However, given the disaster he inherited from Dubya, I'd say he did a
damned good job getting this country moving forward again.
Something 45 is trying to take credit for now.
He tried to get us out of wars we never had to (or should have) become involved in.
He has more class than 45 could ever try to buy (you know, because no one can
"buy" class, but there are an awful lot of rich people who try to). He hasn't had multiple children with multiple women. No women have come forward to accuse him of any kind of misconduct. There have never been allegations that he ever
cheated on his wife with anyone.
He's never filed bankruptcy. He's never been accused of running a fraudulent
university or foundation.
He didn't keep fact-checkers employed and busy, 24/7/365.
He's never screwed contracted workers out of their promised compensation.
He's never been sued for failure to carry out legal contracts.
It's also likely that he's never had anyone sign an NDA to protect his public image.
He was actually intelligent, well educated, well read, and well spoken.
He was thoughtful and clearly showed he cared about ALL the American people.
I respect Obama more than I've respected ANY of the men occupying that job
in my lifetime.
He is no superhero, he's no saint, he's damned sure not perfect, he's a human being.
However, he is a damn sight better than the current piece of shit occupying the job. By a country mile.

KKGator Level 9 July 12, 2018

I agree with everything you said, except 1. I still think he was a Superhero.

@JohnINFP That's cool. Believe whatever you please.
I don't believe in superheros.

Oh you forgot President Pathological Liar's over 3,000 lies already. In less than 2 years.

@JohnINFP I didn't forget. That is what the comment about the fact-checkers being kept employed and busy was about.

Dubya ROTFL. Don't mean to rain on the seriousness of your comment but that just tickled my funny bone! It was some much needed relief after grieving for the loss of Obama as President. Those were the days.

@patchoullijulie I refused to acknowledge him by his name either. As soon as I saw Dubya, that's what I used henceforth.
Glad I could give you a smile.

@jorj Disagreed.

@jorj I'm not discussing anything with you.

@jorj Of course you will. Your ego won't allow you to do anything else.

@jorj That's the thing. I have no interest in debating you, on anything. I won't defend anything I say, because there is no point. You commented on something I said. I didn't invite you to engage. I disagreed with you. That doesn't mean I have any intention, or obligation, to discuss it with you any further. Your assumptions about your particular position being the correct one don't mean fuckall to me. Your ego compels you to try to belittle me to bolster your need to be right. You accuse me of what you are guilty of.


I love and miss President and Michelle Obama.

President Obama is highly intelligent, well read, calm, ethical, measured, thoughtful, loving and funny with great people skills. He is kind, polite and respectful to everyone.

President Obama is deeply missed.

I really miss them too


No, I don't. He's just a man who's better than most. They say that Rome wasn't built in a day. But it can fall in a day. You can kind of apply that to the influence that presidents actually have on the economy. So I wouldn't credit Obama so much with the economic turnaround after the recession, despite him being at the helm. But you can see right now how quickly a president can fuck things up with a stroke of the pen.

I'm with you on the 'stroke of a pen'


There's VERY few politicians who I could say this about, but Obama has my utmost respect. He did a difficult job, and undoubtedly made mistakes, but less than most and he never let go if his core values and beliefs. I'll never forget his frustration over theoretically being the most powerful person in the world but being rendered powerless to do anything about access to guns. His heart was in the right place.

Salo Level 7 July 12, 2018

Absolutely right!


I'm not for policies and agendas, but one thing I really like that obama did try to push forward the learning of critical think ing, and the use of learning the Scientific method to Question everything. Learn what you can but do the research yourself to learn about how to learn to think rather that being tolled what to think,
One great example was Obamma got to bring the Mythbusters on for a show about What is the data saying is believed, rather than asumming what we think.


he wasnt perfect but did a good job. I felt comfortable with him as my representative

btroje Level 9 July 12, 2018 least most people felt comfortable that an adult was in charge and we weren’t looking for the other shoe to fall...EVERY DAY!


No, but he is a good guy.

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