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What are the articles of clothing you hate to wear but must at certain times?

For me, I abhor wearing suits, ties, dress shoes. Also, I've yet to find underpants that are truly comfortable! Haven't worn a suit or a tie since I retired eight years ago this month . . . Even at my mother and father's funerals! In fact, I wore red, high top sneakers to my father's wake. Thought for a moment I started to see him turn over in his open casket. I should mention here that soon after both died, I went out (at age sixty) and got a very large tribal tattoo on my left upper arm.

Terrible that you sometimes have to wait for family to croak before you feel really free! But that's an issue for another post.

RobLawrence 7 July 14

Enjoy being online again!

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I won't wear heels anymore, regardless of the circumstances. Social expectations
mean nothing to me, and I will not be uncomfortable for any reason.
I'm not a fan of wearing a bra either, but I'm more uncomfortable going out in public without one.
I'm finding that the older I get, the less I'm giving a shit about what is "expected" by anyone.

You are preaching to the choir! My give-a-damn barely runs anymore. (:

@Maiasaura Whatever works for you.


Panty hose! They never fit comfortably (both too tight while falling down, and almost always too short) and feel like a torture device.

I also dislike what passes for professional clothing in general. They don't require the dreaded hose, but tend to bind and make me look dumpy. One of my first acts in retirement will be to donate my entire work wardrobe. (:

Zster Level 8 July 14, 2018

Garter and stockings an option?

@Maiasaura We have the option to wear scrubs in the lab. I LOVE lab days! Our scrubs are water repellant. They feel like silky pajamas! (:


For most of my professional life, suits, sport coats, ties, and dress shoes were expected by those i worked with. To do anything different would have distracted people from what i was there to do, so i complied and conformed from Mondays to Fridays, but sometimes on weekends too. LLOL

Since 2008 though, the ties, suits, jackets and dress shoes haven't come out of the closet in which they're being stored. Love the freedom!


Can’t wait to get out of my bra each evening. Do any other ladies find it seems to get tighter as the day gets later. I also hate tights (panty-hose) and only wear them when it can’t be avoided,


Boxers. I hate flippy-flopping all over the place. In the words of Kramer, "my little man needs a house!"


I hate bra's. Hate, hate, hate them. I burnt my bra's in the sixties and never looked back.


All clothing, really, but if I must be clothed, let it be in cozy yoga pants and a worn, supersoft t-shirt. No bra, no knickers, no socks.


Nothing, l always wear what l want.


I hate bras and swimsuits. Elastic under the breasts is horrific. Makes me break out.


I always thought that the bra was most likely invented/created by a man. In fact it was invented by a woman Mary Phelps-Jacob who was granted the patent in 1914. Silly woman. What the hell was she thinking? 😕


I can handle a bra, as long as it is Jersey type material and no wire. What I can't stand is pants with no pockets, shoes with no cushioning, skinny jeans, and swimsuits.


No matter what I'm always wearing my sketchers.


Tie. If my dress shirt fits in the chest and sleeves, the neck would be too small to button up for a tie. Screw that, I'm going tie-less, even with a suit.


Man, I hate ties! I chose a career that did not require that kind of self-torture.

Reminds me of the time I almost walked into a church wearing a suit and tie—and my Auburn cap. I caught myself at the door, thankfully, or I would have been razzed thoroughly by old classmates. Said classmates told me afterwards: “William, we didn’t know you had a suit! You clean up pretty well”.


FR clothing.

For those wondering, FR is fire resistant.

@nvrnuff Thanks , the only thing I could think of , was , "Free Range ," which made no sense at all !


Girdles and condoms




I'm not a big fan of underwear, shoes, and hats. I hate hardhats...

Hardhats do suck.


Hi Rob..regarding underwear..Hankster a frequent and eloquent AG member and contributor did a post about that very subject was hilarious..but more to the point he provided some sound advice on men's underwear. You should check it out.


Yes...of course the bra is a torture unless you are a runner! Then sports bras rule...even stated all bras are not equal.
the nipple thing that damn wire and please the hook and eye that snags everything in the dryer!
(Oh...and those throngs. styled that)

I love bras. I like taking them off.


Actually, nothing I can think of.


I don’t really enjoy wearing any clothing. At home, and on low-travelled roads, I don’t. I also look for nudist spots.


If I die today, I have all the money I need.

Grecio Level 7 July 15, 2018

A dairy cow and a pig were talking one day. The pig said "I give mankind pork chops, ham, and ribs". The milk cow replied "yes, but I give while I am alive".

Grecio Level 7 July 15, 2018

An old man went to his doctor for a regular check up. The doctor asked "How are you getting along". The man replied "Well, I wake up every morning, have a good pee, then have a good bowel movement a little later: then I realize I an still in bed".

Grecio Level 7 July 15, 2018
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