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What is happening to our Community?
I hope this doesn't turn into a rant... I just want to express my concern with some of the things I've seen happening on this site as of late. What spurred this on today was finding out about a new group that was created listing and talking about people that you blocked and that have blocked you and naming names. I can't see anything good coming from this.

I've been here a long time since last November and the "feel" of the community is changing. Perhaps because it has grown quite a bit and the increased numbers reflect a more representative profile of the general public. I don't know.

When I first came to the site (before there were groups) if someone was out of line or disrespectful they would be called out on it by the members but the discussion was always respectful and intelligent. But today there seems to be more and more divisiveness and arguments and disrespect.

So some of you know me and that I tend to be a positive and optimistic kind of person. Maybe that skews my perspective on this. Maybe that's not reality, again, I don't know. I have to be honest, I've had my doubts about whether I should stay on this site. I'm not sure that I am getting any benefit from the site like I use to.

I would like to get some feedback from you, the community and especially those that have been here long enough to see the changes.

Am I being unrealistic in how people should interact with each other? Are we changing for the good? Have we lost respect for each other's individual opinions and for each other? I would really like to hear your opinions, even those of you who may not agree. I'm open to listening to all points of view.
Thanks 🙂

BeeHappy 9 July 19

Enjoy being online again!

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31 comments (26 - 31)

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The blockers have invaded.

And I got a couple of ad hominems thrown at me this past week. Sad those types are here and so impolite. And often they are the ones who block others so they do not learn anything new.

I might block. I doubt i would tell publicly.

JacarC Level 8 July 19, 2018

I don't know how it used to be because iv'e only been here for about two months.
But with the exception of one person, every one I've met here has been kind and respectful.
Even if we disagree we still are civil in our discussions. And sometimes I've even learned things from others, I try to keep an open mind.

Even though i've only been here a short while I feel like I've made some new friends already.
I am really happy I found this site, it's the first place I've really felt welcomed in a long time.


Some comments are kind and profound. Let them represent the site. But for any that may be nasty, I see that at the end of a post, you can move the mouse arrow over the three lines and one of the links is labeled, "Report."

MrDMC Level 7 July 20, 2018

I am brand new to the site, but I will add my two cents. I think the civil discord has dramatically shifted in this country since the 1970's and has exponentially grown since 2016. Many feel "their time has come and political correctness has been thrown out the window", freeing them to be rude, have lack of empathy for anything other than themselves, promote bigotry, dishonesty, and ignore human traits that promote common decency. Ironically, I have witnessed this drastic civil change in Christians, especially the Evangelicals. Sometimes I wish Christian beliefs, as I understand them, were true. If their god came back today, he or she would slap the shit out 99% of those proclaiming to be devoutly worshipping their god and looking forward to "heaven". I feel the same way with the Muslims. I am a Pagan and have been more many years. I have no deities that I worship, solely believing in reason, science, and my limited understanding of my place in the universe. Maybe this group will be good and then maybe not. Nothing ventured....nothing gained.


Everyone has a "thing" that they wish not be a part of "the discussion" whatever that may be. Myself included. But then when I think about it, do I want my standards (or lack thereof) applicable? My answer is no. Then we get into a situation where one is not able to freely speak their mind. I don't like censoring based on my personal tastes. That's what the block button is for. Keep in mind however, that the freedom to speak one's mind opens a great opportunity to contribute in a thoughtful and intelligent manner, or in a stupid, ignorant, and childish manner, be prepared in that however you choose to comment here, there are going to be consequences. Some kind and agreeable, some harsh and brutal, and some neutral/meh. You'll either learn something interesting or you won't. Freedom of thought doesn't always mean one is right or one's sensitivities may not be ruffled. All I'm saying is expect consequences.


A lot of potential for damage in such groups. I mention that I've blocked some people but never offer up names.

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