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What do you think of parents who home school their children? The question is about parents,not the procedures of homeschooling or kids that home school.

Humanlove 7 July 19

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They're crazy. Sending the boy off to school saved our sanity.


I would say, as a teacher and private tutor, that 75% of the home school families I have worked with did it for religious or protective reasons. Not exposing their children to other influences. The other 25%, child was advanced in some way and they could support that at home, or learning disabled and may have needed more support. With the exception of 2 kiddos all had normal social experiences. I do feel that all these parents gave it thought.

Thank you . It's nice to see a valid response from a trained professional , who is involved in the educational system .


If you raise your child in a protective bubble they will be ill-prepared to face the real world.


I was a single, working mum and home schooled my daughter. We had a lot of fun together. She is not a high achiever, but she is a kind, dependable, honest, trustworthy, science-oriented skeptic. What more could anyone ask?


It depends on the parents. I had a male colleague who was a double-e and whose wife was a teacher. They decided to home school their son while she took a good number of years off. The boy was brilliant and musically gifted, as well as athletic, and well socialized--they attended church and he was an Eagle Scout. Their son finished high school at the age of sixteen, literally aced the SAT (perfect score) and was given a scholarship at Virginia Tech (engineering, of course). Kid turned out all right, thanks to good parenting.


I don't see how public school prepares you for the real world. It certainly didn't prepare me and I was valedictorian. Being surrounded by same age peers for 12 years is overrated.

My son does online public school. That was because his experience in public school, Montessori school, and a school for autistic kids already were disasters. So we're trying this and for now it's good.

Some parents are sucky homeschool teachers. But some public school teachers are pretty sucky too. There are good homeschool parents as well. But I don't think a kid is going to be a failure just because they didn't have to put up with being around 30 other kids in a classroom day in and day out. There are lots of different ways to experience life.

Hihi Level 6 July 19, 2018

Well said . And congratulations on being valedictorian ! Can't say my public education was particularly impressive either .

@JustLynnie Although I thought I was normal , my teachers and the earliest computer results , showed I was well above average . I credit a lot of that to Mom and her library card . Each week , she'd stop at the library and check out as many books as she was allowed , with some for each of us . Even in her last years of life , a mobile library van came to her home weekly , and she'd average reading a book a day .


This can be a difficult situation. I have known several people who have been home schooled. All of them have come out fine. I do have a concern that the kids will miss out on being around other people, get a point of view not in step with reality.

I used to think it was bad for the kids. I have not found this to be true, probably just not met them yet. There are tests that the kids have to take to assure they are meeting a standard.


It's not for me to second-guess how other people raise their children and it's not my place to say if homeschooling is a good option for any particular child.

My fear is that people choose to homeschool to avoid having their kids exposed to things like evolution, sex education, schools that don't have prayer every ten minutes, or other sorts of subject matter that's been politicized. But the reality is probably that there are nearly as many reasons parents elect to homeschool their kids as there are kids getting homeschooled.


If it's for religious reasons I do think those kids are going to have a tough time in the real world where most don't subscribe to their version of whatever religion. If it's for reasons of the parents don't want kid in class with racial and ethnic minorities or exposed to gay people, then fuck them. Seriously. Fuck those people. Preferably with something made from abrasive materials. If it's because your kid has special needs you fear won't be met in your local publicly-funded schools, I totally understand and sympathize. You're probably doing the best you can. It's awful. Hang in there.


Its probably prevention of them getting shot! When I see kids graduating from high school I think wow congratulations you didn't get shot. It's pretty sad.

The number of kids getting shot at school is a very small number relative to the numbers of kids who die from other causes. Drug overdoses (4,235 in 2015)and medical mistakes (250,000 a year) kill way more than schools shootings but do not have the public's attention. Here are the school shooting statistics...Is your fear relative to the real threats or is it irrational? []

I hadn't thought of it from the perspective that people now feel their children are not safe at school. Good point.

The numbers comparison is a good point, but I think people feel they have more control over these things.
People feel they can choose good doctors or protect their kids from drugs (whether it's true or not) more so than they can control a random shooting. I think that's where the fear comes from.

@dahermit Wow , wish you'd contributed , " the deaths due to medical mistakes , " to the posts comparing "real," vs. "homeopathy ," medicine .

@Athena I do not disagree. But logically, they have no more control over the drug epidemic nor the medical mistake (not just doctors) problem than they do over school shootings. The difference (why they focus on shootings) is that it is frequently in the news and presented in a way that elicits the most emotional response (tone of voice, candlelight vigils, etc.). Human opinions, despite what they think and will state, base their opinions on emotion rather than facts or logic...that is why almost all of them cannot be swayed by either.

@JustLynnie As a former (retired) school teacher, I observed the pervasive bullying that existed within the school system. The teachers were powerless to control it (the administrators were in charge, not the teachers and what the administrators instructed the teachers to do, did not work). The administrators would not use a linear discipline system despite the appearance of having one...they manipulated it into a circular system where nothing a student did (bullying, disrupting, etc.), would result in the student being expelled. It got to the point where I would tell the good students to transfer to the charter schools for their own good. So, one huge benefit of homeschooling was to avoid the negative social structure (bullying, disruption, nonperformance, over-populated classrooms, drugs, etc.) that existed in that public school. In general, I found that the homeschool parents did a good job...which I attributed to the fact that they were parents who valued education and therefore were more likely to be diligent in directing their children's education whereas the common public school parent did not value education nor instilled that upon their public school children.


As a teacher I've had some good home schooling situations and I've seen some disasters. You usually see the disasters when they re-enroll their children back into the public school system. Usually because they came to realize that they weren't prepared for the demands associated with home schooling. What you usually encounter in these circumstsnces are students that are profoundly dysfunctional in their social skills and missing large chunks if knowledge.

Conversely, I have taught home schooled students which are genuinally gifted and way ahead of their peers. These are usually re-inserted into the public sector because things changed at home and home schooling was impractical, or their parents desired to get them more social exposure.

The trend that really launched home schooling was driven by Fundamental Christians that desired to control the information their children were exposed to. Later, disenchantment with the failings of public schools drove other parents to experiment with home scooling.

t1nick Level 8 July 19, 2018

@JustLynnie True


Though it can be done effectively by some, I'm suspect of the motivations for doing it in the first place. It seems to go hand in hand with keeping kids from being exposed to the world outside their religion (usually Christian) for as long as possible. And to limit exposure to any other way of thinking, other than what the parents dictate.

The few I've seen are doing exactly this and it makes me feel so sorry for the kids. I wish they were getting the kind if experience described by pepperjones above.


Some are simply religious nuts who don't want their kids exposed to science, especially Evolution, but others are genuinely concerned about how miserably most of our schools have been failing over the past 30 to 40 years. If you do not the money to send your children to a private school, homeschooling is an option.


When in kindergarten , my granddaughter was coming home with bruises from a pair of older boys . The bus driver , had her sit directly behind him , which provided protection , while she was on the bus . The school didn't even talk with the boys or the parents . So she pulled her , and began homeschooling her . She's very bright . When her younger brother started kindergarten , the school tested him and told his mother , he was reading at the third grade level . They seem to be doing much better at home , than in school .


There is a wide range in this, isn't there? On the shallow end of the gene pool we have the ones who fear their children may learn ungodliness and homosexuality from the Godless school system. On the other end are PhD parents who want to be able to discuss quantum physics and calculus with their kids before their tenth birthday.


I think they’re making a very poor decision.


I think it's wrong because maybe half of "education" is dealing with other kids and being in "society."

lerlo Level 8 July 19, 2018

I think if it is homeschooling in the US, their children might not get shot. Unless of course, the parents are drunks who leave guns around the house.


I've never met anyone who has home schooled their children.

I answer this knowing it's the question you're asking, specifically about parents, which seems to have been ignored in this thread, in some cases.

Athena Level 8 July 19, 2018

Yes,I asked about parents,not kids. Not the system. Are they just helicopter parents?


If I'd met any I could answer this with fair input, but I haven't.

My guess is that people home school for all sorts of reasons, anywhere from their opinions about the education system, to controlling what they're exposed to.

It's also possible there are people who feel equipped to home school and want to spend more time with their kids.


It's a crap shoot, just like everything else.
Some have excellent intentions and work hard to do a good job.
Others are idiots and shouldn't be permitted to own a dog, let alone
raise children.


My daughter in law home schools. It didn't hurt the oldest any so I don't suppose it'll hurt the other 3. Whatever makes them happy.


It depends on the parent some will do it for good reasons,crappy local schools schools not being able to meet kids specific needs etc a lot seem to do it for religious reasons it seems to be easier to do in your country over here not so much

weeman Level 7 July 19, 2018

Just curious , were you in private , public , or home schooled ?

@Cast1es public


I think very few parents have the ability or time to do this properly, and their motives are often highly suspect. Children also need to interact with their peers.

Coffeo Level 8 July 19, 2018

You have answered the question ,which is about parents,not the procedures of homeschooling or kids that homeschool.


I depends on why..

Varn Level 8 July 19, 2018

I think many parents homeschool their kids to keep them away from "bad influences." Often there is a religious element to this: they want to keep their children away from "ungodly influences." I watched a friend of mine rush to sell her home and move to a small town to prevent her daughter's having to attend the local public high school. I lost a lot of respect when I saw her take what I perceived as a cowardly action. Help your child to learn to manage a challenging world; don't hide them away from it.

I presume that home-schooling is the province of the affluent; how many parents with limited resources can afford to have one parent stay home full-time to serve as teacher? Also, I think there are relatively few parents who have the skills needed to teach all the things that students need to know in this day and age. It may work for some people, but I think it does the kids a disservice in terms of their ability to adapt to the real world. And it's a slap in the face to the teachers in the public schools, who in essence are being told that THEIR skills are not equal to the skills the parent can wield. Or that a public school education is so frightening that it must be avoided at all costs.

Well put, besides,if homeschooling is that great,why do they take to public places to do a GED in order to enroll in college? Why do they even take them to college or University? They should so everything at home.


I have known people who have done it very well and also people who have done it very poorly. I think there should be a little more oversight to ensure the children are meeting their educational milestones. I also think parents should keep in mind that the children need social development outside the home.

"Social development" is a key word,I craved to hear.Thank you.

@JustLynnie not always true. Some families homeschool as a way to prevent or control social influence.

@JustLynnie I was actually referencing abusive and controlling families in general. They may be the minority but they are out there.

@JustLynnie I also doubt there is such a study. That must mean isolation for the purpose of control and abuse has never happened and I am wrong.

@JustLynnie at no point was I trying to lump ALL of ANY group of people into anything.

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