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Someone just asked about the educational level of this group. I took the info that @Admin provided in response and created a pie chart for those of you who would like a visual.

Duke 8 Jan 7

Enjoy being online again!

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I earned AA Degree in science from Harrisburg community college of Pennsylvania. One professor didn't believe dinosaurs coud be responsible for the oil we use today.

@Treehugger I've heard that before. There are some who believe the earth actually just produces oil naturally and if we wait long enough, the oil reserves we've depleted will refill naturally. It's great when you have an idea that can't be proven over the next 10 generations. Faith... the idiot's guide to the galaxy.

Oh I have one for you. My math instructor at the CC I went to told us that Florida was being hit by so many hurricanes because the collective negativity was drawing them to us.

@Blindbird Yeah. Wrath of God. Blah, blah, blah.


Oh! So what you are saying, via pie chart, is that we are all BRILLIANT!! I already suspected as much... 😉

Sadoi Level 7 Jan 19, 2018



Wow. For once, I am in the majority. That is unusual for me!! lol


The adult education level in the US for comparison:


Yet, most of what I’ve learned, I’ve not learned at school.


Thanks @Duke.


So it appears we are an above average group!


That's really cool!!

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