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Ladies high heels or flip-flops?

Sheannutt 9 July 23

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I can't do either. Bad feet. I'm just grateful to find comfortable shoes that aren't ugly.


The higher the better!! 70% of the time. I do it for me and no one else, they make my legs look fantastic and at 5’10”, I’m definitely over 6’. It’s fun and sexy.

You're in my team!! Props for wearing heels! 😉


Stiletto CFMs all the way! Am I rite, or am i rite?


Last time I wore heels was to a ball/gala in 2012. I prefer hiking boots and a good pair of trainers/sneakers/gym shoes. But I tend to live in my Skechers GoWalk slip-ons.

I had the good sense to have a career which required me to wear flat shoes/boots. Heels will screw up your back and your toes. They are pure vanity and completely pointless.

Nah. Some have points.


I don't wear either (I have balance issues) but I don't think I can emphasize enough just how much I hate flip flops!!!

Kat Level 5 July 24, 2018

I like choices..
Boots (not cowboy)

Sirena Level 7 July 24, 2018

Heels aren't within your options?

@Aggelos12 heeled boots. I have knee length heeled boots, yes.. I'm tall for a Latina woman and I like comfort too.


I love high heels and girls on heels look gorgeous, however, not all women have the same taste, and it is respectable, but one thing that is annoying to me, is all the women telling other women what to wear and almost mocking anyone that thinks differently

Now, I think of all the men whose feet hurt, have bunions, back problems, etc... was it for wearing heels too?? Or how about all the woman that love heels and never got any kind of problem??

Women bashing on high heels seem to me like conservatives going berserk because of abortion. If you don't like it, fine, don't do it, but STOP telling othet women what to do or what to wear...

Thank you. There was a post on this thread earlier, to which I replied, but has since been deleted that stated that women wore high heels for men and were unable to think for themselves. I thought that rude and said so in my reply.

I had someone tell me once that women over a certain age should not keep their hair long. I decided that until the time I start to look like Granny Weatherwax, I’m keeping mine long!

Exactly. Women always criticise & blame other women. My favourite is "she broke up my marriage".

@Cassiopeia Yep. I'm always horrified when women badmouth other women Some educating needed.


I see some guys have chimed in so I'm going to put in my 2 cents worth. To me this is indicative of form over function. High heels are terrible for a person' posture and podatriasts love them because it brings them lots of money [] . None of my partners wore high heels and I found that a good thing. My last, late partner was 5'0" (tall or short and the 0 was always present) and was definately a form over functions person. But even she drew the line at putting her health at risk for 'packaging'. A former friend had an expression about what the heels do to attract atention. He would say they really have a hitch in their get-along.
Interestingly, high heels were worn by the aristocracy. Increasingly they are being offered for men. [] notice the man spreading.


High heels are for the bed room. Flip flops for the deck on my yacht.


Flip flops definitely. I own heels and wedges but I haven’t worn them in over a year because I just haven’t had an occasion to wear them.

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