Time Sensitive!
I need some advice!
I met a cute guy on Wednesday who seemed into me. I sent him an email asking if he wanted to go out with me on Sunday, my birthday. I received a limp answer 2 days later. Today I sent another email asking if he could tell me something definite. Still no answer. My birthday started 2 hours ago, and it will still be when I wake up Sunday morning.
Should I ...
Happy belated birthday! You know, I can see both sides of the issue. If he doesn't want to commit to a date, say goodbye to him. But I have personally had women get mad at me for not keeping in touch on a daily basis when we've only been on 1 or 2 dates without any kind of talk about commitment. Maybe he's gun-shy? My experience is that women what a commitment before they're willing to make a commitment, therefore I'm gun-shy.
You are much too good for this man. Forget him and do something fabulous (alone or with a friend). It's my opinion that if he contacts you now you should politely (or impolitely) tell him to fuck off. He missed out. You're moving on to something (or someone) better. Honestly, if he can't respect you enough at this stage to respect that you might want to know whether you have a date for your birthday then the future doesn't look real bright to me. You deserve more. Oh yes, happy birthday!
You just met him. I would not ask another question until he responds to the current question. You may scare him away with too many questions and too much pressure when you just met him. If you want his attention stop trying so hard. Don't make yourself too available.