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So when I was about 7 yrs old. I was in Sunday school. (Raised Methodist) A girl in my Sunday school class asked if Jesus had a middle name. Before the Sunday school teacher could answer, I blurted out. "Fucking. His middle name is Fucking. I hear my dad say it all the time." "Jesus Fucking Christ." I envisioned Jesus's mother Mary yelling. "Jesus Fucking Christ! Go clean your room." Like when your parents used your full name. You knew you were in trouble. That's how my 7 year old self perceived it. Made sence to me.??????

Spag84 6 Aug 2

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Do you think Mary ever yelled at Jesus: "Close the damn door, were you born in a barn?"




I thought it was 'H'...............


Sure, why not? Since there isn't a Jesus, who cares how you use his name?


So funny! LOL


You might learn how to spell sense! LOL.

Ok. English teacher. Sense. It was late at night I wrote this. Not cool to nit pick people's post over something so trivial as a misspelling. Wish I could live in your perfect world.

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