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Trump is destroying the country and yet he has these people cheering him on.What is preventing them from understanding that the actions he is taking is hurting them?How do we inform them before the November elections? I have tried with letters to the editor, contacting my people in Congress and speaking to many people but I remain discouraged by the actions these trump supporters take.

Marine 8 Aug 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Despotic leaders enjoy the same suspension of reality from their believers as do the televangelist and snake oil salesmen. A part of the human brain is ripe for these con men and women to worm their way into it and take over their thought process. They become unable to sustain rational thought and for many they are led to perceive some form of success. Under the very worst of dictators, some people become very powerful and successful. They in turn make their followers believe that at some time, they will achieve that success as well. It is the entire premise of Pyramid schemes. At some point of course they collapse destroy themselves. Sadly we may see that in this country if we do not succeed in changing the momentum in November.


Blow up Fox so they have to listen to Real news?


Cognitive dissonance, poor critical thinking skills and Dunning-Kruger.


My life has gotten better since Trump took office. I no longer have that damn unconstitutional healthcare mandate to worry about anymore. The economy is gradually getting better. The interest rates have gone up a bit and will do some more by year end which means I'm making more money on my investments. A year and a half into his presidency finds me at a good paying job. Illegal immigrants and those who may wish this country ill are being kept at bay. There is focus on creating more jobs in our country. Talk about something that's truly wonderful, progress with N Korea has been made and the remains of American soldiers have been shipped home after all these years. If anyone is in denial over those points I just made, they must be living in their own world then, because those are my honest observations and during the Obama years all those said points were opposite of that. The Obama Admin was eight long years of suffering for me and many others that I know personally. Lastly, please understand that this does not automatically mean I like President Trump as an individual, can't say I do, but I so far mostly approve of the job he is doing. He is going to be our President for the next two+ years at the very least so best get used to that. I don't see the sense in stressing yourself out over this Marine, that can't be good for your health...

Hi spike No stress here just effort to make sure he does not get elected again. I feel bad about the damage he has done to the environment,allies and the lower and middle classes. I just hope that we are able to take back the senate and house to correct his errors. Obama did a lot of good considering the republicans signed a letter not to pass any legislation he proposed on the day he was made president. This was really stupid and did nothing for the country. Where is the compromise and legislation that they are to provide?

Hi Spike Speaking of things unconstitututional what about the republicans ignoring separation of church and state. We have school vouchers to private schools,preaching from th pulpit, a religious task force headed by atty general to impose christian priciples on the population and an attempt to declare the USA. a chriistian nation.None of these comply with the Constitution.Your comments please.

@Marine Very simple, because the far right is as bad as the far left, the two party monopoly has got to go as they both violate the US Constitution. The ACA healthcare mandate pushed forward by Obama was unconstitutional, no one should be forced to pay for a service they may not have an interest in. You don't seem to hear about this much, but these days alot of Democrats are also highly religious and think the national day of prayer is a wonderful thing. Anyone who attempts to inject theocracy in our politics is dead wrong. What you described above is one of the reasons why I don't respect the GOP and will not register to vote with them. If memory serves correct, I had listed a few things the Democrats do/favor that is unconstitutional as well. I can't stress this enough, both major political parties do their fair share of wrongdoing.

@SpikeTalon If we can require a person to haver a drivers license to drive a car and to have insurance to own a car or a house what is wrong with requireing them to have health insurance. The concept of any type of insurance is to have the largest base possible to keep preiums low and that the healthy pay premiums to cover the ill until they become the patient which they will some day. No one will ever pay in their lifetime what they will recover from health insurance as one instant can cost thousands of dolars.

@Marine The problem there lies in the fact that people have accepted and gotten used to what you mentioned in the first part of your comment. As free citizens we should not ever be forced to get insurance for anything if we do not want it. Also, you are attempting to mix what is a privilege and what is a service, driving a car/getting a license is not a service whereas healthcare is. Forcing people to get anything in what's supposed to be a free country reminds me too much of communism. Regarding the last part of your comment, keep in mind that not everyone who paid for health insurance will have an emergency as you described. Making otherwise healthy people pay for a service that they do not want or even need is plain wrong, and only serves to fund those who may have made poor lifestyle choices and thus require medical attention for such.


Go to youtube and watch the George Carlin take on Angels. I can't be kind about this because he is destroying the earth which is a personal assault on me, my family and all humans, and himself. Now tell me if that isn't the essence of stupendous stupidity and insanity. You may pee your pants when George says with that face, what are you EFFIN STUPID?????🙂🙂🙂

His supporters are incapable of making any analyisis of what he is taking away from them.The removal of the medicine and medical bills from income tax deductions is huge for the seniors with large medicine and medical bills. The tax refund in comparison was small. My tax refund decreased $2000 becaused I was not able to deduct the $14000 in medical expenses.


Honestly, I'm not sure you can reach some of them - or at least enough to make any difference in how they think . I've tried too, with dismal , or no results at all !


Most of his ‘supporters’ have a prideful ignorance that doesn't allow for mistakes - because they know how hard they'd pound anyone else for having made one.. Assholes. Ignore them, or, use their behavior and conditions in life as ‘Exhibit A’ when describing the importance of heading in a healthier direction.

It’s those in the middle ‘we’ need to convince and/ or motivate. And, keep our own on track. ‘Our side’ was attacked, battered, even scattered with the ‘last election.’ We need to understand that - that divisions were created from sources outside our nation.

Happy to hear of your LTE’s (letters to editors), so important.. Envision your ‘audience.’ Many feel they need to trounce their enemy … which simply antagonizes & invigorates them. We need to reach, not only each other, but the ‘middle.’ Talk to the middle.

The far left is primed, the far (wrong) right should be ashamed(!) … and the middle should be ready to listen to logic - keep it coming ~

Varn Level 8 Aug 4, 2018

Adolf Hitler, Caligula, Josef Stalin they were all cheered!


As already mentioned, there's no way to reason with Trump supporters. I mean, I understand if they voted for him because he's a Republican and they always vote Republican, but actually defending or agreeing with any of his positions (with the possible exception of the tax cuts that have long been part of the Republican agenda despite no proof that they actually help the economy) requires huge leaps of logic. The abundance of fake news claims and conspiracy theories that are emblematic of the cognitive dissonance required to support Trump, enabled by the notion that science and reason are something you can selectively support, make it impossible to reason with them. Maybe one day we'll wake up and this will all be over, but given the lack of thinking skills that make claims of fake news a position that doesn't result in automatic ridicule, has me worried that this nightmare will go on for quite some time.


I know. Just today I met a lady and we started talking. We had so many things in common. Once I got to the Trump grocery ID cards she wanted to shut me down by saying he had made one mistake there and she would not let me talk bad about him. I told her I could name many mistakes of this type and that Trump himself is the "fake news" that he talks about. She came back with the remark that before Trump got on the scene we all lived in our own little world and in our own little bubble. My reply was that we STILL live in our own little world and our own little bubble. Trump has nothing to do with it.

You cannot reason with these people. It's impossible. In Wilkes-Barr, Pa. at a rally recently a woman wants to thank Trump for the tax cuts so badly because for the first time she gets back $300 and no other president has ever done something like that for her. She is so glad that Trump is all for the people. My question is what world was she living in before? Nothing of Trump has made anything any better. Trump even chooses the worst people.

Add to these things that he removed from the common people the tax deduction for medical and medicine which is the second highest deduction the elderly have and this far outweights the little sum received from a tax deduction. My tax refund went down $2000 because I could not deduct the $14000 paid for medicine and medical bills.These people have no understanding of how they are being taken. They are voting against their own self interests.


I understand. His supporters are scared that people who they consider themselves to be superior to, are getting things they feel only they themselves should be entitled to. I don't see a lot of them changing their minds. I believe we have to motivate liberal minded non-voters to start voting--& get rid of or circumvent the electoral college. Never forget that T.Rump lost the popular vote by about 3 million!

Carin Level 8 Aug 4, 2018

His supporters are scared that people who they consider themselves to be superior to, are getting things they feel only they themselves should be entitled to.

These key words of yours are what it is all about. Add a few lies and people are being manipulated by pure greed.

@DenoPenno I read it somewhere-that's a rough translation. But it really rang true for me--I've lived lots of places & known all sorts of people. My ex-to-be's family are all T.Rump voters.


Watching The Left Fight Back In Portland, Oregon. Home Town 😉

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