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Can you survive? Say all transportation which brings in food was disabled. Would you know what plants to eat? Could you make a still to gather water? Would you hunt and kill animals. Can you make weapons to protect your families? Is strategy something you think about?

azzow2 9 Aug 10

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39 comments (26 - 39)

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Yes, I've been studying plants all my life & know the edible ones. I also have chickens & goats. Would they count? I don't eat meat so getting enough calories in the long run could be an issue. One thing I've never done is grind acorns into meal & soak the tannins out to make them edible...that was the staple of the Native Americans in my area.

Carin Level 8 Aug 10, 2018

I would be dead on 30 minutes from share panic.


I'd be dead meat. Unless I could write some software to do this.

godef Level 7 Aug 11, 2018

Nope. I'm another one who'd end up useless sans meds and therefore dead.


I'm not wasting my life preparing for something that will never happen.
I'm pretty skinny though. Skinny people do better in famine situations and losing 1k of fat will statistically extend your life more than having a nuclear bunker.
I'm adaptable and optimistic too. I'll be fine.


If I need to know I'll just google it. 😉


I have two fat cats and a six pack of beer, after that I'd be out of luck


I probably could pick out some wild plants to eat although when I've tried purslane it doesnt seem to agree with me so it would be hit and miss for a bit. As for the rest I know a bit. Unfortunately none of that does me much good against a jerk with a glock.


I can sail. I'd just steal a boat.


I've noted the locations of all of the Trumpanzees in my area. In the case of some sort of cataclysm or major breakdown in civil society, I'm not ashamed to say that ritual cannibalism is On The MENU!


As a Marine, I took a number of environmental survival schools. I feel I could do pretty well. I can fish and hunt, so I can provide a steady source of protein. The real issue in survival is water. You can go many weeks without eating. You can't go more than about two days or so without water.


Without a doubt, yes. If I lost all the weapons I have, I have skills to make more, as well as traps snares and booby traps if needed. But if I have food, hopefully the boobies will come to me on their own. (couldn't resist, sorry) I know several ways to make fire without a bic lighter, and where to gather water and filter it.
Too many worry about food and water first but depending on the weather, shelter might be your first priority. You need to remember the rule of threes. Breath first, without air you can suffocate in three minutes. Shelter, in the cold, you can freeze to death in three hours. Water, you can last three days without water. Food, you can go about three weeks without food.


I still have some of the knowledge but not the mobility necessary.


Would start a pile to bring bugs we are squeamish about bugs in this country bugs are the best source of protein. Lots forget about roots most roost are edible take a potato it is a root yet it's plant is deadly nightshade. Even though wood is not the best form of nourishment it can sustain you until better food can be located. Even in the driest condition water can be pulled out of the air with a proper still.

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