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Episode 3 of "Stupid things Christians say to me"

A coworker and I were discussing the circumstances that had resulted in another employee being escorted out of the facility and told to not come back.

I mentioned that she had been inappropriate with me as well on an occasion related to her trying to force religion on me.
I made the statement, "She just couldn't understand that I could be a good person without "god" and didn't need the hocus pocus.

My coworker said, "Well it isn't about being a good person it is about believing."

She is christian so I said, "so being a christian isn't about being a good person?"

Her answer was, "No, anybody can be a good person but to get into heaven you have to believe in god. It is about having faith in something you can't see."

Yeah, I just had to walk away on that one.

Crimson67 8 Aug 17

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Wow you can’t make this stuff up it’s too good.


I can see how Twump got elected.

godef Level 7 Aug 17, 2018

Um, wut?


Ooooo. We are outside of logic and objective reality here, and no, nothing you can say to someone like that.


Like uncle George Takei would've said..... oh my !!


What she said is definitely crazy, but it's exactly what Christianity is all about. She didn't lie.


I've discussed various bible topics with my christian mother. It seems to her that the book is true simply because it's old and cannot be disclaimed.
I respond with the fact that many momentus events are recorded throughout history by more than one source and can be substantiated that way. The bible cannot boast this.


What they don't understand is that belief is demonstrated through action. If you fail to act then you disprove your belief.


The adult version of Santa Claus...




Wow! Its amazing to me so many people are brainwashed! Next time religion comes up just say you don't discuss that or politics at the work place. Idiots I tell ya!


Walking away was the right move. You never win trying to have a logical debate with an idiot!


There is a point there. At least as far as (fundamentalist) Christianity goes, you can be an axe-murdering pederast and as long as you have accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior, you will still go to Heaven (whoopdedoo; get to spend eternity with all the other such people). ‘Good people’ don’t necessarily get to go there — matter of fact, because we’re all sinners, there really aren’t any ‘good people’.... OK, enough of that, my brain’s starting to hurt....

zuch Level 3 Aug 18, 2018

I used to go to a church, but they were way too controlling. I left because they're still trying to control my life. :-/

Any church should provide some guidance, but shouldn't be anal in what they do. That's the path to brainwashing!


Just imagine the depths of embarrassment if she was chosen to represent our kind on an alien planet.


I understand what she means. In retrospect (on my own former beliefs): it's* stupid.

At least she's honest, I guess. Too bad she can't be (or hasn't yet been) honest with herself about the immorality of it.

* EDIT: That is, it's a stupid idea, not she's stupid. Indoctrination is a powerful thing.


Exactly! And that's how they convince themselves that all the good non-Xtian people in the planet will still go to hell. I think Jebus said it about 50 times..."believe in me and be saved." So..all those charitable Buddhists, B'hais, Jews, Muslims and yes....even HUMANISTS are still doomed.

I'm proud of you for holding your tongue!


People are so concerned wether or not "god" exists, they don't stop to think wether or not they should care. I know...if ya don't believe in a tale that has less credibility then Santa Claus, ur gonna burn in hell, blah. That right there should raise some red flags. Read the Bible, this diety is a complete asshole. He makes people die in the most awful ways for the most minor infractions and we worship him? Really?? God (knew) all the people would make the supposed choices they made because ur life is all part of his wonderful plan. Talk about being set up to fail. I don't like a rigged game and I certainly ain't gonna worship the asshole that rigged it. That being said, obviously the Bible is a complete distortion of the truth and god is about as real as the Easter Bunny. On the off chance I'm wrong tho, I'll be happy to explain my reasoning for choosing not to believe in, let alone worship, a bully and be on my merry way to hell.


I wouldn't advise getting into it at work, but just watched Matt Dillahunty on "Atheist Experience" give an excellent response to this. Essentially, it was, why do you have to have faith? In the OT, Yahweh showed himself, both physically to some, and by signs and miracles to the masses. He even hardend Pharos heart so he could 1) subjugate free will and 2) show off his awesome powers of blights. So why did the playbook change? Why was it ok to not rely on faith then, but now it's required? The woman who called in was quiet for about 5 seconds and finally responded with something along the lines of, "Hmmm, that's a good question. I don't know." LOL - yea, one of the main tenants of your religion and you never thought to examine the logic behind the beliefs. Honestly, not surprising though...

I think he later started talking about the hypothetical Hitler accepted Jesus right before dying, but a good person devoted their life to peace and helping others, yet Hitler gets to heaven and the good person goes to hell. Where is the logic, love, or justice in that? Again, you could actually hear the rusted gears in her head trying to turn!

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