Too much, just right or not enough?
I've decided to try the whole online dating thing again and put this disclaimer on my profile (not here, this isn't a date site for me).
"Disclaimer: If "GOD" is anywhere on your profile or is something you value, please understand we will NOT be compatible. Thank you for being respectful and moving on."
There can't be too many geographically desirable non-believers in Kentucky.
I have a hard time imagining how I could live with a Christian, but the number of female non-believers in the Los Angeles basin is very small, and most (all) of them have profound problems (It's L.A and misandry is standard).
Women are usually only on a dating site to assuage their guilt over being single; they very rarely respond to solicitations except to get out for a free meal.
You like being alone, and you could change that any time you like. You should get used to being single. Relationships are really just too much work. Love isn't worth it (sarcasm).
Gee where were you 30 years ago !!!!!!
Interesting approach. Please do let us know how people respond to it. I wish you success in finding who you are looking for. Be well.
I wouldn't have thought, once you're able to screen the god squad out, that you would have much problem getting a date, unless you're a real pain in the ass or really smelly?
Someone described you as a Kentucky Redhead, thought that made you sound like a chicken but that's a Rhode Island Red lol
Oh man you in Ky. Be hard to find free thinkers there I think. Its hard enough here in California. In class we went around and introduced our selves one of my my statement was I am atheist out and proud. It is more acceptable to gay or lesbian to be atheist here. I am an atheist, hippy liberal.
I think it's fine. Your being open and up front about it and hopefully people will respect that.
It sounds good to me. Let us know how it works. I'm thinking you will hear from believers anyway; but I want to know why. Do they not read the profile, do they not care, or do they feel the need to try to change you? You could turn this into a scientific study and sell your results. Ok, my mind is racing, I think I need a Saturday afternoon nap. lol
I had a whole paragraph about my atheism on another site and still got believers wanting to meet me.
They either think you are easy or want to save you LOL
What ever makes you happy.... 'envy the smart guy that will put religion in the back burner for a Lady like you! I know I woild kill the pope if you ask me too. Happy Hunting!
I don't get automatically excluding someone because they're a believer.
Really? You're a level 7, so you've read countless posts and comments on this very subject. I would wager that the vast majority of people here would prefer -- or even require -- any potential partner to have similar worldview. What don't you get about it? Simply because it works for you?