Does anybody need anything that does not exist ??, It seems to me to be quite a pointless exercise........
Something that doesn’t exist is a contradiction in itself.
No...but in the words of author Robert Heinlan "Even if there wasn't a god, man would find a need to create one".
Good to see HHGTTG made it down under.
@Uncorrugated I have been a fan for over 30 years, love it. Have the old BBC series, hated the movie though and we have the original radio screenplay plus all the books. the man is a genius, he also wrote many of the Dr Who episodes featuring tom Baker.
We used to sit in the car on a Thursday(?) night to listen to the radio series as we didn't have a radio in the flat! Happy days.
No, we need a system which teaches and enforces analytical thinking.
Nope, we don't need god, and I think the world would be better off if we got rid of religions.
Better education is the he solution.