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What do organized religion and Republicans have in common?

ezwryder 7 Sep 3

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Don't leave out all of the other political parties in the comparison. That would be the paramount hypocrisy because they are all functionally identical.

In fact, they are also equally disabling of the ability of their memberships to think independently. To belong to an organization with a philosophy that promises one a reward/s in return for loyalty; in return for favoring doctrines over perceptions; in return for favoring group advantage over individual advantage is a functional description of them all in the most general of terms. They operate on many more specific common bases as well.

The end of my 'bio' describes these commonalities, so I'll not repeat them here. Anybody believing that there is ten cents worth of difference between a Right-wing, Bible thumping fanatic and a Left-wing Progressive, collectivist fanatic is deluded by their own 'captive' sense of perspective.

Political parties and theologies captivate minds and 'faiths' by methods identical with one another. Holy writ with presence or absence of gods, prophets' promises, platforms, contributions from deluded constituents, 'gifts' from the devout, indoctrination of their young and proselytizing outsiders are all the same crap; all vital elements in the process of getting masses of people endowed with the ability to think and reason for themselves to abdicate those faculties for empty promises.


Hypocrisy at the highest levels.


Hay! Stop picking on republicans. I'm a republican athiest. And, my man Trump embarrasses me, every time he opens his mouth. I'm just sorry that crooked Hillory was the only other choice. I voted for a democrat once (Gabby), and she got shot.

Not many people around here that are going to stop picking on republicans, calling Hillary crooked with what’s now going on in Washington is blind ignorance, denial or both. And I can imagine your response, better just block me.... If you voted for Trump the end of democracy and leading us down a path to Fascism is on your hands. He embarrasses you but you voted for him, great.


A select few dictate what everyone else is to feel, think and do!


An inability to think, therefore they are believers in myth & a savior.


Disdain for the poor
Opposition to education
Alternative facts

JimG Level 8 Sep 3, 2018

Thirst for oppressive power.


How much time do you have? 🙂


They both use fear to garner support.


They have the same belief system and lack critical thinking skills.


The evangelical movement was originally (1940s and 50s) intended to reform Christian fundamentalism but sometime in the 80s and 90s morphed into a political movement or, if you will, a political influence peddling machine. It no longer has relevance as a religious movement, it is just that the press has always used the term "evangelical" to refer to them. I am guilty of this, also. "Evangelical" sounds less stridently dogmatic than "Fundamentalist".

So the short answer is that Republicans are almost completely mind melded with a particular kind of religion, Christian fundamentalism. It informs Trumpism and the Tea Party and "traditional" Republicanism in different ways, but it is heavily influential throughout.


The ability to lead, instead of sitting back and bitching about everything.

Yes lead us in America to an impovershed middle class while supporting the war machine and ruling class.

@RDaneel I am middle class and doing great, but then again I have held a job since I was 12 years old and never relied on government handouts. If it were not for a ruling class, you would have no place to work. Democrats and liberals love to bash conservative Republicans, but you certainly need us to protect you and provide you with employment.

@16classic Were you ever orphaned, sick, handicapped, or unemployed?


Refusal to examine what they believe and why. They just blindly believe its "right". Can't explain why if you ask.


Well, you have the G.O.P. and the P.O.G. The first is " gaseous ol' pricks" and the second is "purveyors of greed." Take you pick as to which is which.


Faith (Belief without evidence and in defense of evidence that demonstrates their beliefs are not accurate). Think this explains why most his supporters are theists. A brain conditioned to accept BS without evidence as fact. . tRump is a continuation of their belief structure.


The con! Followers are sheep to be fleased.

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