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How do you respond to the “what church do you go to”? Question? Just out of curiosity.

Ashxoleyxo 5 Sep 5

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"I have been an atheist since age 13," I reply firmly.

It is important to normalize the word "atheist" with Christians. I call myself an atheist with strength and pride.

I couldn't agree more.

I like this! Agreed 100%


I just say “ I don’t” or “ I’m not religious”. I’m growing in my confidence as an atheist though and that probably needs to reflect with how I address that question.


That's a common question to get in my part of the Bible Belt, too. People here just automatically assume that everyone is a Christian of some flavor. I answer depending on my mood:

  1. The one in my basement.
  2. The one across the street from yours. (You can't swing a dead cat in this town without hitting a church, so that response is always plausible.)
  3. What's a church?
  4. Why do you ask?
  5. Every time I enter a church lightning strikes the steeple and I always get asked to leave.
Deb57 Level 8 Sep 6, 2018




I just say, "I don't believe in that stuff," and change the subject. If they try to argue I look bored and leave the room.


I tell them I go everyday....Agnostic. com


"I don't go to church."

Depending on whether I'm in the mood for a discussion, it could be, "I don't go to church - I'm atheist."


I say "I don't believe in organized religion" and people generally say "oh' and go away.


Put this in any order:
St. Francis – well he appeals to everyone, but especially to Catholics
National – that appeals to established Church types
Evangelical – obviously appeals to…
Spiritual – maybe the charismatics?
Baptist – of course…
Tabernacle - why not?

“I go to the National, Spiritual, Evangelical, Baptist Church of St. Francis Tabenacle”

That’ll shut their pie holes up!

Livia Level 6 Sep 6, 2018

Actually, maybe not. They will want to join.


I tell them I'm not a churchgoer.

skado Level 9 Sep 6, 2018

Haven't gotten the question in decades, an then only once or twice, from a fellow believer (back when I was one). This must be a Southern cultural thing. It's considered nosy everywhere else, as far as I can tell, except maybe within the Christian subculture. And in most places it's also considered irrelevant, just like it would be if I asked you what laxative you use or whether you're an innie or an outie.

But if I were asked the question I would generally reply with a minimally revealing statement such as "I'm not religious".

lol at the laxative and innie or outie question ??? thanks for your reply!


I typically say "I don't". If I was in a bad mood I might take mock offense at them believing that I'd be stupid enough to believe in god.


I just say that I don't attend, but I know what you mean about people in the South asking that. If they persist I tell them that I follow my Granny's rule of never discussing religion in public.


None.... Next question?


I just tell them that church and religion are not my thing. My experience has been that most people accept that, while others proceed to try and convert me.


I might say something like this: I'm a happy atheist. I spend my Sunday mornings pondering philosophical questions in quiet peace and natural beauty, all by myself or with like-minded others. (In other words, I go to the beach!) My learning about how best to serve humanity isn't limited to Sunday mornings, but is a daily effort toward inspiring faith in humanity to solve the world's problems with knowledge, wisdom, love, respect and compassion. I have more faith in humanity, than a deity in the sky to deliver us out of the troubles we find oursleves in.



i don't get asked that. i sometimes get asked which synagogue i go to. to this i respond "i am not religious" or "i'm an atheist" depending on the context, how well i know the person, etc. i'm not shy about telling people what i do or do not believe but with being jewish it's not as if they're inquiring about my denomination (we just have degrees of orthodoxy). anyone can see i'm not orthodox. the question usually literally means what location, rather than what KIND of synagogue. i can understand that the question is more complex with christianity since there are so many different kinds of christians. still, the question assumes you go to some church! so if you want to be honest you could say "i'm not religious," "i'm not a church-goer," "i'm an atheist," "i am not a christian" or any variation thereof. then the ball is in their court. you've been honest and polite!


@JustKip my surname is feldman. if they know my surname, they know i'm jewish. they can't tell i'm an atheist by my name lol. but they can tell i'm jewish. also, i don't get out much, and when i do go out, i am in a good enough mix of people (i was at a political labor day bbq last weekend) that most wouldn't just assume i was christian, even not knowing my name. one place i do go regularly is to adult day care, because my guy has alzheimer's and he won't go without me, so i bring my computer and hang out too. it is associated with a jewish assisted living place, so while not everyone in the day care is jewish, many are, and between that and the name of the place, which is distinctly jewish, people do not tend to assume there either. sometimes someone will ask me if i am jewish. no one there has ever asked me if i am christian. they could. i wouldn't be offended. i'd just answer honestly.


@AmiSue with strangers you never know which is going to end up being more shocking lol


@AmiSue that too pops up in the oddest places.



It's not a question I've ever been asked. I don't think it's as important in the North as in the South. Plenty of people assume you go to church, but don't really worry about which one.

Do they have a ranking system of different denominations?

JimG Level 8 Sep 6, 2018

No one has ever ask me that.


I usually just say I don't...if anyone asks further questions, I simply tell them that I am on my own path and will get there eventually on my own, so thank you very much, but no thanks....


i've never been asked! maybe it's my jewish surname. i suppose i should think of an answer in case i ever AM asked. "i am an atheist" would be the most convenient answer, i suppose. it would depend on who was asking. i might instead ask "why?" (it depends on whether the person was being friendly or snoopy!) the assumption that i went to any place of worship would be competing for my attention with the assumption that if i went to one it would be a church. i probably wouldn't feel that i owed a long explanation to someone who knew me little enough to ask the question to begin with and yet felt it was okay to ask it. i guess i would stick with "i am an atheist."




BD66 Level 8 Sep 6, 2018
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