What's your most outlandish belief? (Mine is, I believe crop circles are not man-made.)
i believe it matters not what we believe, there is only one truth and science exposes more of it every day. I know that any knee jerk reaction to believeng unfounded theories is misguided and I can reason well enough to see when my brain is trying to get one over on my mind.
I am a bit surprised no 911 conspiracy theories yet...
@Redcupcoffee uuuuuffff where do I start... Here it goes, as of today I have never seen footage of the plane crashing at the Pentagon, neither a picture showing any airplane parts. That's the outlandish thing, it wasn't a plane what hit the Pentagon
I do not believe in aliens from outer space. The distances involved would require beings essentially immortal to make the journey, and time is relative to the journey--35 million light years distance is a journey of 35 million years to get here at the speed of light. I just don't buy the whole little green men scene.
I believe in aliens, that make most of the crop circles, ghosts, seen and experienced them and bigfoot, yet to see.
@Hercules3000 No personal experiences, but I've seen t.v programs, documentaries, read enough books and can't see how there could not be. I think the government know they are real, and its now just a waiting game. I think there are all kinds of them. I hope I live long enough to see them make themselves known.
That I exist
@Hercules3000 or are you experiencing a hologram as reality....
@Meili some scientists theorize that due to the mathematical nature of the universe that we are actually in a computer program
@Drsmash253 Well, that would explain a lot.
@Hercules3000 pretty awesome to think about huh
If I step on a crack, I will break my mom mas back! ........................ha ha
Here is an article that the origins were a scheme of two people in England.
@Redcupcoffee Agree with you, that IS an outlandish believe..... ?
I certainly do not consider your belief that crop circles are not man made to be outlandish. While some may be man made it seems to me fairly clear that most or at least done are not man made. My outlandish belief would have to be that philosophically I am a non-dualist. I believe that ultimate reality is non-dual and the world of duality is the equivalent of a dream.
Wow! You're right! That IS an outlandish belief. ?
Who or what do you believe made the crop circles?
@Hercules3000 Humans create them as a large art project.