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Now for my American friends,a question,I have had since August of 2006 3 bowel operations,1 Terps opereation,1 hernia operation and 1 hip replacement,those alone meant 9.5 weeks in hospital =66.5 days as an inpatient followed with another smaller stays not all at once amounting to 50 days as an impatient.a grand total of 116.5 days and it has not cost me one dollar,except for the taxes I paid while I was in the work force,so my question is how much would this have cost me in the USA in hospital for all those days and operations.

PeterJohn 6 Jan 24

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E.r. visit for possible broken foot. One x ray and 10 minutes on a bed...... 1700$ my insurance covered 1000$ my foot wasn't broken and there was no treatment other than the Dr saying " damn that's gonna hurt until the bruise heals" we can't have socialized medicine though because....uuuhhhh.... freedom.... and uhh... pull yourself up by your boot straps!....the American way......yeah.... freedom.... to beg for money from strangers to get your kid a new heart.


Hospitals charge between $2000 to $4000 day. Doctors are paid separately for each specialty. Operations also charged separately-the surgeon and anistheologist as well. Medications, surgical supplies. You are probably talking over $500,000 minimum.

I got charged 25$ for a nurse to pull the needle out of my arm after a shot!


It would have bankrupted you here in the USA -- all because too many Americans seem to have a pathological fear of anything which might be called 😕ocialized medicine."


I spent 2 nights in a hospital three and a half years ago. Just the cost of the room for the two nights was $48,000. My insurance company paid the majority of all of the billing but, it still cost me about $3000 out of my pocket.

Duke Level 8 Jan 25, 2018

You wouldn't even be allowed to come into the country. you are not material.

What do you mean by not material.

@PeterJohn we are no longer looking for "Give me your poor, give me your weak". Phrase in the statue of liberty. Plus in a hospital one aspirin may cost you 5.00 US dollars in your bill.

@PeterJohn he's referring to 45 and how he's 'Murica first..... forgive me for not writing his name I don't want to accidently summon him like bloody Mary

@Pooska Thank You.

@GipsyOfNewSpain I forget that some people in the world are not trapped in the USA bubble....and I get a bit jealous..... bit then I remember I can go and buy guns out of the back of a van and it's completely yeah....we have that going for us

@Pooska You can't have it all but if you have the right connection... you can get some from the back of a pick up truck I had seen it... he, he, ha.


Beaucoup bucks. With insurance about 20% of billed. Without insurance a sliding scale would be applied based on your income. Medical bankruptcy would most likely be your fate. Some states have catastrophic pools to assist you.

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