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How good are you at striking up conversation with a stranger? Do you allow your prejudices and assumptions prevent you saying even hello let alone being able to allow others differing opinions or do you simply hubristically block to protect your ego, time, patience or anger?
A recent study comes up with some surprising conclusions:


FrayedBear 9 Sep 18

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37 comments (26 - 37)

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I have never had a problem talking to almost anyone.

The boy can shout at the Emperor "you've got no bloody clothes on" take on life? Seemingly these days there are many who simply block you.

@FrayedBear While l find humanity extremely disappointing, l do enjoy talking with individuals. I seem to have a curiosity about people.

@Sticks48 As my bro said "the day that you stop learning is the day that you are dead". He stopped learning 20 years ago this month when he was hit head on whilst riding his motorbike on his birthday weekend by an inexperienced motorcyclist wearing an illegal black masked look good helmet on the wrong side of the road on a blind corner.

@FrayedBear So sorry to hear that. Of all the emotions, grief is by far the worst for me. Everything else pales in comparison.

@Sticks48 Strangely my bro was the only one out of my family that I briefly grieved. We were like cat and dog for nearly 50 years and so had business that will never be accomplished now.
I guess my motto is "live the day and do not grieve if tomorrow does not arrive - just try and make sure that your bucket list with each person is fully ticked off."

@FrayedBear Sounds good to me. ☺


I'm terrible at it because I'm really awkward. I always end up saying stupid shit. So usually I don't even try because I'd rather spare everyone else the embarrassment.

Like I suggested below and got stomped on have you tried Toastmasters? They can be very good at continuing your learning. Practice makes perfect - perhaps you also need to know that the person who doesn't make mistakes and talk shit at some time has not yet been born. I remember my first day behind a broadcasting microphone - it was fortunate that I wasn't wearing shorts otherwise the noise of my knocking knees would have been broadcast throughout the land! ?


I actually talk to strangers often, much to the embarrassment of my daughters.


I do not like to be imposed upon uninvited, nor do I like to impose myself upon others, I find it very bad manners.

After 40+ years of Australia Len you may find that habit dies off a little. ?

You would hate it in California. Lots of friendly people here. Strangers strike up conversations with each other all the time.

@misternatureboy "wow, that was a BIG one!" after an earthquake is not generally viewed as an imposition, right? lol! been there, done that! i rode plenty of buses in california. one of the best conversations i ever had was on a bus with someone who had been a stranger. (strangers don't always remain strangers.) she was a little girl, riding the public bus, alone, to school. she sat down next to me and we talked. one day she started to say something and then she stopped. "what?" i asked.

"oh," she said, sheepishly. "i forgot you weren't a kid. i was just going to tell you some kid stuff."

that was one of the highest compliments i ever received!

funnily enough, her mother and i also used to strike up conversations on the bus, and it took me ages to realize that these two even knew each other, because i never encountered them on the same ride. they lived a couple blocks from me and i never would have met them had i been unwilling to strike up conversations with strangers.

on the other hand, i haven't only done that in california. but i could not help noticing that minnesotans are, or at least were when i first got here, more reserved.


"she was a little girl, riding the public bus, alone, to school. she sat down next to me and we talked."
Do that in the UK you'd be on the sex offenders register before you could say "Stranger Danger"

@LenHazell53 why? she sat down next to me. i probably said hello or something similarly suspicious.


@genessa, @misternatureboy Don't get me wrong, I'll talk to people in social situations, or at places of shared interest, but if I am out alone, I am invariably doing something and so am busy, I don't particularly want to know about you unless you have something interesting to say and I have asked you about it.
If you are a cab driver I'd rather you concentrated on driving instead of telling me who you once had in the back of the cab.
I have a very low bullshit tolerance, even less so for trivialities and small talk.
I know what the weather is like, i am out in it
I know buses are always late
No you don't know me from somewhere or else you would know who I am
No I don't want a Sweet, I am sugar intolerant
I am not interested in someone's Aunt sally who once went to a hospital for a check up and came home with her arm in a cast, and when they removed the cast there was just her fingers and her shoulder and the arm was missing.

@LenHazell53 gee, i usually just tell people if i like something they're wearing. if they look as if they're absorbed in some other activity i leave them alone. i don't just yack for the sake of yacking. is there no in-between for you, no possibility that someone could be friendly without being obnoxious?


@genessa Being female you might get away with it, but in the North of England, it is a place where a Paediatrician was once chased out of her home by an angry mob because her title sounded to much like Paedophile.

@LenHazell53 if that were typical, it probably would not have been reported, right?


@genessa Again maybe it is local, but English, people, English men especially find it highly suspicious if a stranger talks to you, they are usually either after something, trying to sell you something or trying to distract you while someone else picks your pocket.
I worked in retail for years, friendly strangers who want to chat are usually up to something, or have a partner who is emptying the shelves in to a sack.

@LenHazell53 i've spent quality time in england, struck up conversations with stranger, including shop clerks, and never had a problem, except for one guy who chatted me up to get some money out of me. i found him amusing but he dropped me when he realized i was on to him.

your story reminds me of a poll here that found a certain percentage of participants would kick their kid out of the house if they found out he was a homo sapiens.


@genessa Paedophiles tend not to get reported in Teesside, they tend to be found dead in their front rooms and nobody saw nothing.


@genessa lol, yeah I've heard that one before, people that dumb I would rather not talk to

@LenHazell53 you mistake my meaning. i mean the idiots mistaking the person's job for the word for a sexual deviant and chasing her out of her home. that has to be unusual or it would not have been reported.


@genessa No I understand, but moral panic sells news papers, about twenty years ago the whole area was embroiled in the biggest child sex abuse case ever and the papers and TV made such a fuss over it that all the rent-a-gob wanna be vigilantes here abouts have been on the hunt ever since.
It turned out in the end it was two local child services doctors who were diagnosing almost every child referred to them as an abuse victim, but by the time this was discovered a culture of caution set in, talking to an unaccompanied child who is not directly related to you or who is not under your guardianship is a big no no especially if you are male. (my first aid instructor even told us not to administer first aid to minors with out first getting permission from a parent and being chaperoned.

It's a mad world.

@LenHazell53 well, a mad portion of it, anyway.


@LenHazell53 I would definitely want to hear more about Aunt Sally.
England sounds like a miserable place. I used to live in a country where people kept to themselves a lot and friendliness was perceived with suspicion. Being an extrovert, moving to California was such a breath of fresh air for me.

@MissMac I know, it happened in Portsmouth after particulally savage child murder, but it did happen in Teesside too at the height of the Doctors Marietta Higgs and Geoffrey Wyatt 1987 fiasco, and in then again Gwent where a Podiatrists office was vandalised with the word Pedo spray painted on the door.
It was all preempted by a cartoon in Private Eye magazine four months before which showed a man running from an angry lynch mob screaming "I'm a Paediatrician"
This lead to a mock weekly article
101 things to mistake for a paedophile.


I'm lucky, because I'm an extroverted Australian living in England. It means I can ignore many of the rather stuffy local conventions, and people don't think I'm mad, just antipodean.

Best of all worlds - apart from the b.cold and wet!


I fairly often strike up conversations with strangers and it sometimes surprises me to see how eager most people are to talk. I don't mind saying that I usually stay away from controversial topics like politics or religion (or lack there of). I find that most people seem very happy to engage is some conversation. A small number of people just keep it to a few words, some will want to keep the conversation going and others are happy with a short conversation but almost everybody engages at some level. It is also interesting to see stranger's face's light up and it is clear they appreciate that someone "broke the ice". I think it's great but not a great time to get on a "soap box".

OCJoe Level 6 Sep 19, 2018

We are herd animals.


I suck at it really. I struggle past the hello most of the time unless I can deduce a similar interest or one of their interests and ask questions about it, etc. I'm pretty bad with small talk, and I don't like it either.

Have you tried Toastmasters?

@FrayedBear Why are you angry? Lol

@Piece2YourPuzzle ?? how do you deduce from my suggestion for you to perhaps have a good time that I'm angry?

@Piece2YourPuzzle Ah my emoji!

@Piece2YourPuzzle Simple. In my world you are responsible for replacing what you do not like with something that you do. The emoji has a second meaning - "disagree".

@FrayedBear I don't "dislike" being bad at it and I don't see it as a problem for me. I dislike small talk, but I don't dislike not being good at it just like I don't dislike being bad at being a bridge builder (no pun intended). It's still my choice anyway.


Having moved a lot when I was younger I learned to make myself be outgoing. My wife and I just finished up traveling around the United States for 4 years and I thoroughly enjoyed meeting new people at every stop along the way. No matter where we traveled we found that most people have the same hopes and desires.

Desire to dominate the rest of the world and have it as your slaves and providers?

@FrayedBear I think the deilsire you speak of is wished for by only a very few %. Most of us just want to be happy, safe, and be surrounded by friends and family.

Have you watched the news clip from Israel about Israel going to DEFCON3?Israel on Defcon3?

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Hell, I talk to about anybody & everybody. The supermarket, waiting rooms, waiting for a light to change, never know when a conversation will teach you something or find you a new friend! I just a few hours ago had a half-hour conversation with two JW's on my front porch! I didn't get aggressive or insulting, tho I did state my case. Right from the get I said I was an active atheist that had read the bible! I listened as much as I spoke (as hard as that might be to believe!!!). I always want to leave folks with a smile rather than a frown, even if my chronic pain is raging, I know it's not their fault! I will never write the 'Great American Novel', or achieve world peace, but I can leave folks feeling a little better when I depart (no smarmy comments to that, please, LOL!) I tease & talk with all the staff at my local supermarket all the time, & even if they weren't before, they are usually smiling after we interact. My little contribution to try & make the world a better place! Better than nothing, anyway!


I am always a little timid to approach people at social gatherings if I haven't met them before. Especially if it is an entirely new group of people. As someone who has funky hair and lots of visible tattoos, I seem to make some people uncomfortable. There is one notiable time where I was speaking to a group of my peers about a project I was working on regarding ectoparasites. Someone joined the conversation, and kept cutting me off when ever I would try to answer a question about the subject. They hadn't realized I had brought up the topic, and proceeded to tell me after cutting me off a forth time, that no one cared for the opinion of a young woman with purple hair. They were absolutely not kidding.


I hope you told the effing prat you had more right to express yourself as you raised the subject and that the colour of your hair has nothing to do with your opinion. Effing prat!

How old was he?

@FrayedBear I absolutely put the guy in his place. He was probably 50/55. Unfortunately it happens more often than not, but it takes all kinds. There is nothing like being a little different to make middle aged men lose their minds. ?

@VashtaNerada The only problem that I have with purple hair is when it is menapausal purple on some batty middle age woman!

@FrayedBear I will likely have purple hair when I'm menopausal, lol. There is also the distinct possibility it could be blue or red. It is funny though, that purple hair has become to middle aged women, what sports cars are to middle aged men. I'm all for what ever makes your heart happy, as long as people stop being mean lol.

@VashtaNerada lol. Q. What's the difference between a clown and a Menopausal man wearing golfing trousers?
A. The clown knows that he is wearing funny pants.


It depends on a load of variables, whether I've had my morning coffee being an important one, but sure I'll say something, usually in a humerous vein, rather than just being in a vertical coma 🙂


It depends on my mood at the time. I do most of the time without being based on any preconceived notions.

JK666 Level 7 Dec 25, 2018
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