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Do you really care if another member blocks you?

  • 73 votes
  • 8 votes
KKGator 9 Sep 22

Enjoy being online again!

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40 comments (26 - 40)

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No, not, pas, nee, na, niet, non, nein.......


Let that drama go! no big deal!!!


I only care if I am blocked by the one that I secretly admire. BTW, it says in my profile that "hookups" are in my interest. Please ignore that. I'm not driving 100 miles for a hookup and neither should you.


Nobody cares!?


It's stupid, but I have to say that it does sometimes. Especially on dating websites. I'm not a stalker and generally am not rude to anyone. But I guess it is a way for people to narrow their view.

What bothers me most are heartfelt emails that are deleted without being read.

Unfortunately, we cannot control what other people will do.
I have completely sworn off dating sites, and have only been here
for community.


Nah, I don't really care... I have a super abrasive personality and can get pretty scathing with the wit... being blocked is all part and parcel of being awesomeness incarnate


Nope. Life is too short to think about why a complete stranger may have blocked me.

On the other hand, I have blocked a couple of people who have either been uncivil, arrogant, or just plain too dense to have a reasonable discourse with. Although I have not done so on Agnostics yet, I have also blocked shallow and/or superficial people on social media who I feel are just trying to make impressions and earn brownie points from the ever-so-popular and growing PC crowd. Nothing is a bigger turn off for me than people who seek approval and fall into groupthink.


Wouldn't bother me at all unless it's someone I like as a friend. I've accidently blocked people before and unblocked them when I realized my error. Sometimes my device lags....


Trolls and scammers get blocked. They can speak and I can give them the STFU.

Keita Level 5 Sep 23, 2018

Does it tell you? Not sure I would even know.


Would I even notice?


No lifes a choice as to who you interact with and who you deem not worth it


i am delightful in such a rare way, i became used to being bullied, ostracized, declared a weirdo - why not being blocked? no skin off my nose 🙂


How would I know if someone blocked me? (That's a serious question.) I have blocked a few people who I felt wanted to turn every response on my part into an argument. I'd actually be interested to know if there were people I had so annoyed that they felt the need to block me.

About the only ways I know of are a) another member tells you that "so-and-so has blocked you", because so-and-so has told them they blocked you, or b) you consistently get "content deleted" messages, after receiving notifications that another member has commented on your response on a particular thread.

@KKGator Thanks for the information. I think that has happened once or twice -- far less frequently than I would have thought.

@ladyprof70 You are most welcome. Happens to me all the time. LOL

@KKGator That actually makes me like you better

@ladyprof70 Thanks! LOL

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