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I keep seeing people posting about the allegations of sexual assault against Bill Clinton and how Democrats turn their head when it's one of their own. (This is coming from people who either believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford is lying or, they believe she was assaulted but think she is mistaken about who did it or, they just feel that sexual assault doesn't really disqualify Brett Kavanaugh from sitting on the Supreme Court.)

Actually, I believe the allegations of sexual assault by these women against Bill Clinton. So, please don't assume you know my thoughts on the matter. I would love to see someone actually go forward with a case against him and have him convicted. But, that's not happening. Until it does, there will be no retribution. I mean, think about it. Bill Cosby was considered "America's Dad" for years until these allegations came forward. And I would never have thought ill of the man until they did. Now, I hope he rots in whatever cell they put him in. I hope Harvey Weinstein is convicted too. I think that Al Franken did the right thing by stepping down. And if charges were brought against him, I would have supported the person bringing them too. So, stop trying to make this about party lines. When you do, you're just being an asshole for the sake of your party support.

Having said that, to the best of my knowledge, the first allegation against Bill Clinton was by Paula Jones and she didn't go public with it until 1994. That was a year after he was already in office. If she had gone public with these allegations before the election, you may very well have seen a different result at the polls during the primary or in the election (if he still made it as the choice in the primary).

These allegations against Brett Kavanaugh are being brought up before he gets the position. They need to be taken seriously. Yet, you're completely willing to disregard them as either false or irrelevant.

The claims against Bill Clinton were relevant. They were relevant enough to bring articles of impeachment against him. There were four total articles brought to the house. Two were considered strong enough to advance. Obstruction of justice and perjury. None of the Democrats in congress voted guilty. (Which I believe shows the stupidity of party support regardless of reality.) But, not all of the Republicans voted guilty either. so, he was acquitted on both accounts.

So, until someone brings charges against Bill Clinton for sexual assault, please shut the fuck up about him. It has no bearing on anything current. And if the women who were assaulted by Clinton don't move forward with charges, you're just throwing out distractions against what is currently going on because you don't want to face it and you don't want to admit that it's important. And that's a shame. You can't feel that sexual assault is a valid issue. You can only use it as a political tool. And, you care nothing for the victims.

Duke 8 Sep 30

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32 comments (26 - 32)

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Right On the Money Duke.


Your last paragraph nailed it and I believe every time I hear about Bill Clinton in this way today it's a dodge to avoid things about Kavanaugh or Bone Spurs himself. These allegations are all about power and those who seek, or are in power. Bill Clinton is no longer in that category. Discussing his history is avoiding current issues. Many forget that Trump was on tape as saying "you can go into their dressing rooms, grab 'em by the pussy, or do anything you want." Today he wants us all to think this was "fake news." It's the hypocrisy of double speak Republicons.


Well put.........


You nailed it, Duke!


Prosecute them all. End the special privileges of the rich, powerful, and politically connected. Every allegation against everyone should be investigated, and if proven true, the book should be thrown at them. However, if the allegations are proven false (without question), accusers should receive the same punishment the accused would have received. Time to show everyone that this kind of thing is not in any way acceptable or taken lightly in any way.


Well put sir, youre a gentleman and a scholar.

Brett Kavanaugh, by comparison, was the proudest, drunkest virgin the world has ever known apparently.


You can't expect better from most Trump presidency politicians.

Lies is the new truth. Bluster is the new dignity. Victimhood is the new strength. Ignorance is the new wisdom.

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