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Unpopular Opinions

I know you got 'em, what are they?

maturin1919 8 Oct 1

Enjoy being online again!

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73 comments (51 - 73)

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  1. Before any elected official in the US is sworn in, they must pass the citizenship test required for immigrants. If they fail, they may not serve.

  2. The possession of a y chromosome, a penis, or great physical strength does not in any way qualify an individual to run anything. -- a family, a business, a country. Leadership has been handed to a group of people who are largely incapable of handling it. The assumption that men are any better at being leaders is insane. The best and brightest -- e.g. most effective -- should be running things and if (when) they screw up they should be replaced but only by someone of a higher level of competence. I'm tired of stupid men assuming they can/should lead or have as much power as others and the rest of us just letting them screw things up for us.


That laissez faire capitalism would be great.

Ahhh so you would rather we see a return to child labour, legally endorsed unequal pay and slavery?

@Amisja So, I was right... I have an unpopular opinion. Since this is the random and silly group, I won't respond to your popular opinion...

@sfvpool just did 😉


We don't have enough time, and I don't think I have enough energy to debate all of it lol


I LOVE Twinkees...if I hear one more time that the shelf life is 1000 years, I'm going to eat another box! 🙂 I also happen to have a Twinkee Maker.

lerlo Level 8 Oct 1, 2018

I had no idea that there such a thing as a twinkie maker.....that is just sad lol 😀

@patchoullijulie the smiles on the faces tell it all 🙂

@lerlo ha ha ha that's great. I had no idea. 😀


Ownership, either of mates or spouses and/ or ourselves. We own absolutely NOTHING! We are here on rent only, dieing proves that to me!!


I lean toward a higher intelligence. That seems to be very unpopular on this site.

Funny, I don't feel you leaning on me...

You might find higher intelligence on this site


You don't want to know. Trust me on this.


I believe flag burning is protected political speech, it's okay to cheat at strip poker and the death penalty should be abolished, I did not support going to war in Iraq and attempting to change Afghanistan into a western style democracy was wrong. I don't believe that people waging jihad are true Muslims and Israel needs to stop oppressing the Palestinians and help them rebuild their country. I don't believe evangelical ministers who support Trump are Christians and we, men, women and transgender persons, don't need the government controlling our bodies. I hold many other unpopular views too numerous to mention here. I do believe that all people are created equal and have many more unalienable rights than are listed in the Declaration of Independence.


I strongly feel our life support system is paramount to everything else. I believe the adage "No matter what your cause it is a lost cause unless we come to grips with overpopulation." (this was repeated during the 1994 UN Conference in Cairo on population. Anything that increases a country's population, including immigration, is eventually destructive. Our attitudes should be based on policies not individuals.


Please also add 'Organic', the idea that if something is untested for safety in a lab to proper safety standards, it is therefore safer than something that has been. Especially if it has been used since the days when people poisoned themselves to death by thirty by boiling their wine in lead containers, and took carcinogens to expel worms. Mindless technophobia or what.


I think you and I talked several years ago. I remember the Samoyeds, and WV, and you building houses.


Vaccinations aren't as safe or effective as the media has everyone brainwashed into believing.


When it comes to the hot button topics of the day, immigration,gun reform, The Kavanaugh hearings,healthcare you name it..

Both the left and the right.....Are both right...And wrong.


Sport is an activity(usually) competitive that we do in our spare time to use up surplus energy, keep fit and socialise. The meaning of the word should not extend to include professional versions.


I think it is wrong to maintain a carnivorous animal and then allow it the freedom to hunt and kill or harry wildlife. (Fox hunters and cat "owners" )


I think people should have to take and pass a six month course on basic science as adults. At the end you sign that you agree to the terms and conditions of science. If you don’t then you can’t use anything that requires science to put together. 2. I think Christians should be forced to follow their own religion. I know there are many contradictions in the holy books, but come up with a list of rules from the book and if you are a Christian then you can be prosecuted for not following them. Watch church attendance fall like a rock. 3. I think marriage should be declared a religious contract and should be removed from all government records. Anyone can get married if they can find a priest to perform the ceremony. As for government records, when you file your tax return, one adult lists themselves as head of household and lists the others in the house. You do not need to declare your relationship with the others in the house. That is your business.


I don't like Neil deGrasse Tyson. He never really stood out to me, but when I gathered that he likely believes in a multiverse and pushes it as a fact.. I grew a distaste for him. Maybe push is too strong of a word, but at least implies that it is true when he is "educating" people. As someone who is seen as a science promoter, he shouldn't be promoting something that is theorized like it's a fact. To me, that's no different than a theist spreading their belief like it's a fact.

Could be too that I really don't like the multiverse theory. It's complete horse shit actually. It's ok as a hypothesis, but most who follow it believe it.. and as a belief system, it's no better than religion. Created in a way that it will always just be out of reach of scientific query, meant to make you feel good about your place in the universe. Sad you didn't ask that one girl out that one time? Don't worry, there's another universe where you did. Your job got you down? Don't worry, there's another universe where you are working your dream career. Always daydreaming about humans actually being robots that resemble C3-PO? Yeah, there's a universe out there like that. Just another ignorant, non falsifiable belief system that appeals to the human ego.

And anyone who thinks the pyramids were built by slaves or aliens or humans enslaved by aliens or anything other than humans being humans, I think they're an idiot.

Chicken and waffles should be chicken cooked in gravy over waffles, not fried chicken over waffles with syrup.

How you gonna shit on chicken and waffles?

I have no opinion on NDGT but, while being no expert, I do agree that a lot of cosmology and higher physics now seems based on pure speculation and belief supported by little experimental evidence, some of which is contradictory, and it is in real danger of beginning to act like a religion more than science. Cosmology is protected from an lot of the attacks that religious fundamentalists mount on biology, by the fact that it is seen as complex and difficult to understand, yet maybe the attacks are actually good for biology, because the need to answer them helps to keep it grounded.

@Deiter I've always felt like his cuddliness and charm was fake. Like there's a bad person under the facade. So it wouldn't surprise me. I Googled it and found the accusation, but couldn't find if anything came of it. Might be a stretch, but his belief in the multiverse would have probably helped him be ok with doing it, if he did. Just like most religious belief, the multiverse belief frees you from personal responsibility.

@Minta79 Chicken in gravy over waffles all day, everyday. Doing it Dutch style, not this Southern shit.

@Fernapple Yeah, unfortunately it'll be hard to prove the true nature of the universe. We will always have an observational limit and even if we didn't, it'd technically not be able to be proven to be infinite or finite. If it's infinite and we travel an infinite distance, at any point someone believes it to be finite, they can just say "well you can't prove there isn't an end further out". If it is finite and we travel to the end, someone who believes it is infinite can just say "well you can't prove there is or isn't something beyond this boundary".


Heading home from work and smelling BO on the bus. Really bad BO, like I don't know what a shower is BO.


Chaffed armpits after a long run feels great


Ok here goes: With regards to dogs it's not all in how you raise them. Genetics matter. Too many people get dogs that are "too extra" for them, that belong in the hands of highly experienced people.

Retail rescue is a thing the average person has no clue about and "adopt don't shop" actually just perpetuates the revolving door of homeless animals. Mills and flippers always have some form of income and a place to dump their dogs and love that mantra. It keeps them in business. Retail rescue IS BIG BUSINESS.

In my world you'd not get your hands on another dog if word got out you dumped a dog in a shelter or "rescue". Rescues due to the above now need to be vetted & screened as well as a breeder unless one doesn't care they're buying flipped or imported-for-profit "rescues".

People who don't question big pharma on vaccinations are no better or more enlightened than anti vaxxers. Your shots from the < 1970's do not contain the exact components as those manufactured today. Dismissing the epidemic of autistic children because "Wakefield" & Jenny McCathy is disgusting.
It's mind boggling that people give blind trust to an industry that creates false shortages, price gouging in the name of R&D while receiving government/taxpaper subsidies, outsources components to questionable producers like China, but will rail on parents who have but anecdotal experience with the before and after with their kids.
Where will those same pharma cheerleaders be when a link is finally found. Oh wait, there's no money in that.
Most epic campaign ever, the cognitive dissonance.


Immigrants and descendants of immigrants should not have the same voting rights as native inhabitants of any country until they have diluted their foreign descent to the point where they have fully assimilated to the native culture. It's clear, for example, that the descendants of foreigners who have moved into Britain should not be allowed to vote on issues like Brexit - collectively they vote differently from the native population, and that shows that they have not become British. It is ridiculous that people are allowed to move in and then vote against the interests of the native population. Fortunately there is no immediate threat from this beyond cultural dilution and the blandification of Europe, but if we keep running things in this idiotic way we will eventually end up under the permanent political rule of a vicious religion. We currently have a system where we discourage people from having children and rely on importing people from abroad to make up the shortfall, leading to our gradual extinction and replacement. I thought we had dreams about going to the stars, but our ambition seems to have become one of disappearing altogether, leaving the world to fall into the hands of fanatics who will reverse all the advances of civilisation.

Oh dear. Now which natives are you talking about Davey? You mean the Beaker people or perhaps the ancient Celts? I get that you never got the romans round your end, but what about invasions from the Vikings? Now come on may be your mean those Hugenaughts from Holland or our Jewish brethern from Eastern Europe who have been abused for generations. You see Davey lad, they didn't assimilate they blended in! They brought skills, language (pyjama, shampoo, caravan...words from India) from wherever they came from and they shared it with us. So you are free to eat your battered pizza as you like it!
I am sad to hear you say that because I love Scotland, Scottish people are the warmest and most welcoming of anywhere I have been. I went on marches in Edinburugh where the SDL where laughed at. As a northen English woman, I always was made to feel welcome. Oh and Davey newly arrived immigrants can't vote! They can't claim benefits and there is a pretty tough English test for anyone wanting to become British.

Okay I go along with that, after we have paid back all the money we got from empire with interest.

@273kelvin and maybe paid reparations to all those slaves that were shipped to the Caribbean.

@Amisja You can't undo the wrongs of the past with waves of invasions - over time populations do mix and you develop a new kind of native inhabitant. The Beaker people survive as 10% on average of each of the current natives. The Angles, Saxons and Vikings make up 40% of the current natives in the same way. These invaders weren't invited in or given permission to stay, so it was far worse than what's happening today, but lots of mixing has gone on since and you can't pick out anyone from any of those old tribes in the modern population, which means that the voice of the native people is in that mix. You can obviously look ahead to a future mix going on and on until there is only one race on the planet, one language, one culture, and a much less interesting world, and you can argue that that's better, but what I find objectionable is that we have people driving that process deliberately for political reasons. Here's an example: []


I have many opinions unpopular among conservatives and among religious people.

@maturin1919 The differences are too numerous to list.

@maturin1919 should be a badge.


That humans should stop reproducing, or at least sterilize themselves, to the extent of extinction.

@maturin1919 yes, please.

I disagree with extinction, but I do think humans should begin a population reduction program. One child per couple globally, until the population is brought back to a manageable level.

[EDIT]: As soon as I wrote that I thought about all the situations of second relationships and individuals wanting a child and I think we'd have to work all that out somehow because I do think anyone who wants to be a parent should get that opportunity but, I don't have ALL the answers yet.

@maturin1919 I am not reproducing again, and my son is dead. So yeah

@maturin1919 I said to stop procreating to lead to extinction. One of these days, I may kill myself, anyway. Won’t you be pleased?

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