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Unpopular Opinions

I know you got 'em, what are they?

maturin1919 8 Oct 1

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73 comments (51 - 73)

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That women should have the final say about their bodies.
That everybody should be informed.


My body, not yours, my decisions.


We don't have enough time, and I don't think I have enough energy to debate all of it lol


The death penalty should never be imposed. However, any prisoner should have the option to demand death by nitrogen asphyxiation (painless and easily administered) in lieu of serving the balance of his/her sentence.


Cyclists need to get off the fucking road lmao


Chaffed armpits after a long run feels great


Time to overhaul the concept of "private property."


Heading home from work and smelling BO on the bus. Really bad BO, like I don't know what a shower is BO.


I hate the way that cafes/restaurants pass soup though their blenders, and especially then put cream on top which adds nothing to the dish, today. I blame the trendy chefs who should all be made to stay in their kitchens and of the TV etc. anyway. In my day, (Grumpy old man phrase.) soup had lumps in it and texture, it was an interesting dish, and not just a boring way to get your customers to eat the leftovers.


Belief in art with a capital 'A' is another form of religion and does many of the same sort of harms. It stems from the arrogance of humans who believed that they were set apart from and above the rest of the animal world, and that therefore, the creations of our hands had a special 'spiritual' worth that the doings of other animals do not. It is arrogant, speciesist, causes pollution, diminishes our ability to appreciate the natural world and is used to lend a misleading 'spiritual' authority to many dreadful ideologies and no atheist or agnostic should beleive in it.. P.S. I love all the arts, being an atheist does not mean you can not admire the church spire just not accept what it means.


I think people should have to take and pass a six month course on basic science as adults. At the end you sign that you agree to the terms and conditions of science. If you don’t then you can’t use anything that requires science to put together. 2. I think Christians should be forced to follow their own religion. I know there are many contradictions in the holy books, but come up with a list of rules from the book and if you are a Christian then you can be prosecuted for not following them. Watch church attendance fall like a rock. 3. I think marriage should be declared a religious contract and should be removed from all government records. Anyone can get married if they can find a priest to perform the ceremony. As for government records, when you file your tax return, one adult lists themselves as head of household and lists the others in the house. You do not need to declare your relationship with the others in the house. That is your business.


I think it is wrong to maintain a carnivorous animal and then allow it the freedom to hunt and kill or harry wildlife. (Fox hunters and cat "owners" )


The idea of allowing cyclists to cycle on the pavement(sidewalk) or in pedestrian areas is plain wrong. Wheeled vehicles should stick to the road.


People who are fed up with being alive should be allowed to exit with dignity.


The termination of a pregnancy should be decided by the woman herself without outside influence or moral judgement.


In the U.K, the idea of the greenbelt should be scrapped and housing development allowed all over it. We should make every effort to retain green spaces between houses for our children to play near their homes. All children need need this. The green belt only supplies vistas for the rich.


Sport is an activity(usually) competitive that we do in our spare time to use up surplus energy, keep fit and socialise. The meaning of the word should not extend to include professional versions.


It's totally hypocritical for leftists and third-wave feminists to spend so much time bashing Christianity (which is usually good to do), and then turn around and defend Islam; an even more right-wing religion.


When it comes to the hot button topics of the day, immigration,gun reform, The Kavanaugh hearings,healthcare you name it..

Both the left and the right.....Are both right...And wrong.


Vaccinations aren't as safe or effective as the media has everyone brainwashed into believing.


Photographic copyright should automatically belong to the person who is the subject of the photo.
Ownership of the copy right should be none-transferable but permission could be given on a one off only basis


I think you and I talked several years ago. I remember the Samoyeds, and WV, and you building houses.


Please also add 'Organic', the idea that if something is untested for safety in a lab to proper safety standards, it is therefore safer than something that has been. Especially if it has been used since the days when people poisoned themselves to death by thirty by boiling their wine in lead containers, and took carcinogens to expel worms. Mindless technophobia or what.

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