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I am an atheist like many of you but I really like satanic imagery,. Am I somehow a hippocrate for this? I've always wondered.

Zefboognish 4 Oct 7

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I love mythology. I don't believe in gods myself but I find mythology itself fascinating.


I don't think so.

I myself, having been raised religious, am often attracted to the irreverent. Religion made me unhappy all through my childhood, so ti is only natural that I'd seek out anti-religious themes to be happy.

Your interests in demonic imagery, is no different than someone who is interested in Star Wars imagery. Both are based o fictional stories and characters.


And I like jokes.

An Irishman is dying, and a priest came up to give him the last rites. The priest asked

'Do you renounce Satan?'

the Irishman replied

'This is no time to be making enemies.'

cava Level 7 Oct 7, 2018

IF you like Picasso, does it mean you need to have both your eyes moved to one side of your face?

No, but you should definitely have them examined??????

@JimG I'd like to be in That doctor's exam room.


Not at all. Liking imagery is completely different from immersing yourself in a belief system. I love the art and iconography from ancient Egypt but I don't worship at the altar of Amun 🙂

You're missing out! (On what exactly, I don't know.)


It is quite attractive to many people, atheist and religious alike. It is certainly usually exciting in a dangerous sort of way, a bit risqué and in some way erotic. I think that is probably why it is often associated with debauchery and sexual imagery. It, like all things religious including god, angels and other more supposedly “pure” imagery, are all the invention of man so there can be no hypocrisy involved in liking or even loving it. All things are temporal and therefore can’t be off limits.


i like prometheus, myself. does it mean i believe he ever existed? of course not! theists sometimes think we're atheists because we hate god (silly, since there are no gods to hate) so they may think you're a hypocrite if you like anything to do with gods or fairies or trolls (not the internet kind) or anything supernatural. i like eugene wrayburn. in fact i have a crush on him. know who he is? he's the antihero of dicken's our mutual friend. he doesn't exist except in the mind of dickens and in the hearts and minds of everyone who's read the book. i have SUCH a big crush on him. i'm not delusional; i don't fancy that he exists. that doesn't mean i can't have a crush on him! hypocrite, shmypocrite!



I doubt it. Many atheists still love the architecture of churches, for instance.

And since sooo many of them are for sale nowadays I'm always wondering how they can be repurposed to living space??

Count me in on that. I am especially fond of cathedrals like Chartres and Chichester. Truro, too, although it's not so old. I do sometimes wonder where all the man-hours and effort would have gone if it hadn't been into the building of them. Schools? Better farming? Most likely just more wars.


I'm a complete skeptic about all things paranormal, supernatural, psychic, and spiritual; but I really like ghost stories.

I know a lot of people who like dragons in art. None of them believe in dragons.

JimG Level 8 Oct 7, 2018

Liking imagery is fine as long as you don't believe in a god of any kind. Atheism is not a moral system it's just a philosophical position regarding the question if god exists. There are atheist satanists. They don't really believe in Satan but follow certain moral principles.

Dietl Level 7 Oct 7, 2018

No they arent comparable , I like reading science fiction but i have a good sense of what the truth of the matter is.


I don't think so? That's why I say I am spiritual.

Good song for a Sunday morning!

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