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I have one tattoo, but would like a couple more. What is your opinion of tattoos?

I found that the process was enjoyable even with the pain. I know I'm not alone.

Cabsmom 8 Oct 8

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It's like watching The Titanic - I have been fine without for so long, why go there now?


IMO the human body looks best without tattoos.


These are two of.the three tats I have, the other is a small Roman numeral 13. The big one has a double meaning to it. I have found out that I have 6 Viking my family tree, hence the tat VI meaning 6 in Roman numerals then the word Kings, together make.the word VIKings.


Tattoos are fine until people get obsessed and get to many of them in close proximity and you can not even distinguish the individual tattoos .


I've got plenty of tattoos and will have more in the future, until I run out of skin (except I won't have any on my face, though may be something small would be ok). I love the pain of getting tattooed. I love colourful tattoos but I also have a couple of black only tattoos.

It seems people who don't have tattoos are the ones who have a lot to say about the "changes", etc. that would happen with tattoos. Fading tattoos can be retouched. Tattoos you decide you don't like can be changed with a coverup tattoo down the road. Also, tattoo removal is common nowadays. My only caveat is that you choose a reputable tattoo artist and studio, that you know they use good quality inks, and that you are aware of allergies to certain colour inks.


There are some good tattoos out there, but there are also some really bad tattoos out there. And there is also the recognition that tattoos can change as the body ages/changes.

As a result - like them...on other folks.

Can't think of an image I like well enough that I want it on my skin permanently.


I have 3. And two more planned in the future


I have no tattoos, but would like a couple of them, but can't decide what to get.

Why was it enjoyable in spite of the pain, or was it because of the pain?

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