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So good people of the universe, how do you all handle the assumption from Christians that you believe in Jesus? I meet alot of people in my profession that assume I believe in Jesus and I find it a struggle to politely tell them that I don't without the feeling of them condeming my soul to hell.

Capricorn 6 Oct 22

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They don't need to know.


I am not clever enough to advise on how to deal on an emotional level, with these people.
But having said that, let me tell you that your soul is not going to go to hell. That is their belief, not yours. 😀
When people bring their belief up to me, I state my case and move the conversation on at the first available opportunity and then I leave them to their miserable thoughts. If they continue to push their issue on me, I will re-instate my position and ask them to stop pushing theirs. Politely, of course.


I don't explain unless they ask, which oddly enough, they rarely do.

Same here. At the most they might look to me for validation when they say something about the lord, in which case ill either change the subject or leave their assertion hanging there unappreciated if I feel like makin it weird.


There is an old religious song that goes, We will know they are CHristians by their Love. I hope people assume I am Christian because I act kindly. When they learn the truth, I hope it changes their basic assumptions.


If it's an impersonal situation, like a check-out person at a store, I just let it go. If it's an acquaintance and I expect it will keep coming up I say I'm a nonbeliever. There's something about the word 'atheist' that makes believers freak. If they keep bugging me, I've gone so far as to tell them I'm a witch. Boy, that backs them up. Of course they obviously don't know that even if I was Wiccan, evil magic is not allowed. I dabbled for awhile until I realized that to me casting spells was as dumb as prayer. It's supremely arrogant to believe that some imaginary being, or spirits, exists just to answer my whims.

So funny you mentioned witches and wicca, my family swears I'm a witch, so everytime they ask me what I want for my birthday I say a broomstick needless to say I never get it ????


Let them believe what they want, as long as they don't force it on you who cares.


I don't believe in Jesus at all, because they never proved that he existed. Well, except for the Dead Sea scrolls. But, that's not enough proof for me.


I'm always amazed when of my acquaintances (obviously not a friend) sends me one of those super religious Christmas cards as though we all worship Jesus. Are they just too dumb to realize some people would find it offensive?

I completely agree last year I said happy holidays to one of my tenants and she bit my head off lol


I tend to just play it off or ignore it. If they persist then I just let them know I simply don't believe the same way they do.

But worry more about being honest with who you are and less about what others may think of you. Ask yourself if you are worried about being condemed or about being accepted. Stand up for yourself and your position.

I have a quite a few friends who don't believe the same way; we can openly discuss things such as believes and still walk away without judgement. The key is finding those people while surrounded by the judgemental type.

If that doesn't work ask them how worshiping Jesus doesn't violate the commandment "Thou shalt have no other gods"? Ask them why more christians aren't pushing for universal health care like Jesus wanted. And other such arguments. 🙂

Best of luck

I'm completely content in my beliefs and I really don't care about people's opinions of me, it just aggravates me about how self righteous some people are when theyrre the one's typically doing the most dirt

@Capricorn I fully understand dealing with their hypocracy and feel your pain. Just remember how much better you are.


When I entered the hospital recently they didn't ask my religion, they asked how important my love for Jesus Christ was. I said none.

Whoa, I didn't know that had anything to do with patient care


I use humour most of the time. For the devout Christians I use brutal truths. ?


I try to remember that I'm an ambassador for my beliefs, and unless the person that I'm speaking to is open, they are in no position for their understanding of the world to change. Being pompous will only further the devide.


Stuff it off and make a mental note


Let them assume what they want. Assumptions have no affect/effect on me in any way.


Just simply tell them, I wish not to talk about religion or "jesus" at work. Let them know you're a private person about those matters. Refer them to Matthew Chapter 6, 1-8. Tell them "my Sunday school teacher" said to read this. ?


If it is just a passing "have a blessed day" or the like, I ignore it. I take it as them just trying to be nice, and there is nothing wrong with people being nice. But if people try and push their religion on to me, I let them have it. I was a catholic until high school, I've studied the bible, I can dismantle their beliefs any time, and have done so. But like I said, I only do that is they insist on pushing their beliefs on me.

MarcT Level 7 Oct 22, 2018

Let them condemn away. They may believe you are very smart, and the fact you don't believe may be a threat to their own beliefs. What is it you see they don't?


Thats their hang-up not yours. If they actually cared about you they would ask


I usually don't say anything about my beliefs unless they very insistent about talking about the subject. I generally don't discuss my religious beliefs or my sex life. As with any bully, I take a very level-headed approach to the subject and tell them that "I don't believe the same way they do". If they ask more questions I ask..."Do your really want to know? You may not like my answers, but if you really want to know I'll tell you" and if they still continue I tell them exactly what I believe. If they still ask more questions I figure they really want to know and we have a conversation about it all. If they start preaching, I stop them and tell them I don't need my soul saved or a sermon and I don't want to discuss it any further. If they still continue, I tell them how rude they are and leave, or I get as strong in my position as they are in theirs.....and I truly enjoy that tate to tate.


Just tell them you acknowledge a very different belief system and let it go at that.


Just tell them like it is

Unfortunately most people don't listen to understand, they listen to respond and listening to them quote Bible verses like robots irritates me

@Capricorn yes it's very irritating. I'll tell them not to talk about religion with me. You're going to have the be more straight forward and assertive.


I am luck to live in a cosmopolitan city with lots of different religions so not many stuck in the mud christians. When I see my family I just laugh as they try to fill me with their tired old sermons.


I choose my battles. I don't worry about it. I say this but eventually have to crack a joke or two and ask a question they can't handle. At work I humour them as I am in North Florida and work in a sort of customer service atmosphere. I have had people pray on me and I am laughing inside. It's hard to believe how even a recent mental therapist tells me I have to believe in god or I will go nuts. Wow! I use to ask smarty questions but I don't bother. I do get exhausted meeting women and to find out they are hardcore Christians and the churches a big deal in their lives yet they do drugs, smoke, drink excessfully, etc.

Good point, we are all heathens to some degree lol, but Christians love to pretend they're not

@Capricorn so true! I walk amongst the tribes but not cults and to me they are all cults. I mean I have friends from various religions and half my family is and half not. I believe in mother nature and just tell them that is my religion but it's really just being an environmentalist.


With me it's on a need to know basis, if they're being a pest I simply tell them I'm not a believer and leave it at that. Most people I just consider it none of their business and leave it at that.


I grew up in a country bumpkin small southern town and everyone thinks everyone believes in them some jesus. It was difficult growing up in this atmosphere not believing what most everyone else did, but I did learn how to weather it.

The best thing I have found to respond with when being put on the spot is to speak about religion in a general way rather speak directly to their beliefs. By housing all religion in one group and speaking about it that way seems to be less offensive when trying to tell someone you don’t believe exactly as they do. Not saying this will always work but, in my experience, it does soften the blow.

As far as the condemnation goes, that’s on them and solely on them for deciding to be an asshole. It not anyone’s fault that some people cannot be made to believe in other people’s beliefs. I can also appreciate, if they know I don’t believe, that just my presence alone feels like a refutation of their beliefs and that they have a hard time thinking of anything else, BUT it in no way gives them a license to be an asshole to me and speak to me as though I’m ignorant or evil. It bothered me when I was alot younger but now when I get that reaction it doesn’t really bother me anymore. Also it doesn’t happen near as much as it used to.

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