10 8

Caught the bomber and he is a right wing nut job. How shocking when all this time Trump people said it was the democrats. Cannot grasp the concept the Trump said something not true. So hard to swallow . Let us call it an orange lie.

EMC2 8 Oct 26

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Predictable. Spend a little time on 4chan's /pol/ and you'll find that he's not alone. There's a lot of these guys out there. And Trump's basically been giving them permission, if not encouraging them, to do stuff like this.


Citizens of the U.S., and to a large extent Canada, need to reject the existing left wing / right wing confrontation. Both societies can improve socially and economically by embracing "Compassionate, Classical Liberal Capitalism".
I am NOT advocating another social engineering project. I do advocate that political decisions be made favouring that end goal.



Trump supporters on Yahoo say otherwise. They are saying he was planted by the Democratic party to make trump supporters look bad. Please, help put an end to inbreeding.


LOL. I can't grasp the concept of the Fake President saying something TRUE! He is a pathological liar and a conman.


He has a hell of a long police record so much more to come out. Yes he drove around like this, I live in a rural area of Florida and see stuff like this a lot. Not this major but I see confederate flags with Trump holding a gun, I see the boy trump peeing on Hillary. It is all here. And these people think all are looking at them like what a hero. One guy had a hate liberals sigh with a set of iron balls on his bumper, Now that is some class.

EMC2 Level 8 Oct 26, 2018

Interesting to hear what motivated him.

His life


Now we need to know who is fronting the money for the immigrant Caravan. Suspicious that it is arriving just before the election.

Wouldn't put it past Trump's criminal allies.


Right wing nut job.Sounds like trump. Be very afraid. Anyone who has any inkling of what happened in Germany in the 20s and 30s.

And who are the people in the east room as I write this giving trump their hats for him to sign. Many are black. Are you kidding me. How do you get that stupid?

The man was caught but it will mean nothing. trump emboldens the behavior of the far right crazies and racists. ANYone against them or perceived to be against are targets. Clearly I was not there in the 1930's but I paid attention in history and I have read a lot since, in many we are there. VOTE our lives really do depend on it.
I do not even want to address balck people in line to get their red hats signed - SMH.


An old, white trumpie. Of course.

You think this guy supports trump?

@Veteran229 lovely, so he's a self-loathing trumpie.


i know. it almost makes you lose faith that a congress not in session can pass a tax cut for the middle class that they never intended to pass and have never heard of, before the election except it will be after the election except it won't happen, right? what kind of world IS this when you can't even believe that five-year-olds have the legal, mental and emotional capacity to sign away their rights? i'm going to send a nasty letter to the tooth fairy about it.


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