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So Trump is trying to say us atheists are responsible for the nazi terrorist bastard shooting up Bris.

And some of you people still support him.


LadyAlyxandrea 8 Oct 30

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I personally would've voted for Bernie Sanders. I already knew that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were like picking from 2 idiots who don't even know how to tie their own shoes. I had figured that Trump would sell the USA to the highest bidder and Clinton would infringe on our rights as US citizens.


I have no idea why anyone would vote Republican. Except for the top 1%.


Not me. I didn't vote for him. He's a disgusting pig of a man.


Did he really say that? Can you provide a link?

His administration did


It still boggles the mind how so many people are taken in by this crooked con man with serious personality defects. He is the worst person and the laziest president ever. He watches FOX and plays golf. We pay millions for security every weekend he spends at those clubs. Not only that, but he make money by charging the government for each room used at the resort. He probably charges the government for each round of golf he plays.


Another clueless remark from the Orange Cheeto! ?


Can we get a link? I'm not a Trump supporter, I just kinda approach most things in life like I do religion...I require proof, not just statements without factual evidence.

Kelly Conway said was anti religiosity not antisemitism that inspired the shootings.

So his spokesperson said it but thus far he himself has not

@Renickulous I didn't say whether I agreed or not with either Kelly or the OP. In truth, I didn't even read any of the articles where this headline ran.

I saw where jondspen question had not been answered so supplied him with the information that the OP was referring to

So here's a link that describes the whole scenario. Trump didn't say it, one of his echos in his echo chamber did. Any difference? That is reasonably debatable...

Then it wasn't directed toward atheist, but "anti-religious" late night talk show hosts and comedians. Again, a misrepresentation of what was said, but I can understand how it was taken out of context.

So essentially the OP either twisted the truth or made it up to suit her opinion and POV. I don't see how what @LadyAlyxandrea did is very different from the lies and deception coming from this admin or murdock's propaganda machine.



How any sensible person can support him is beyond me. Uncaring aholes with shit for agendas support him. Bigots and hypocrites all.


Did he. Does he have two brain cells to rub together? Did one jump maybe?

Trump is a billionaire Meat head

@ScienceBill72 Trump is not a billionaire. He has a long career of bad deals and failure. His father was constantly bailing him out. Every property you see is completely leveraged. The American banks won't even lend him money. He gets his loans through foreign governments(Russia, China) and various criminal groups. It's obvious that Putin groomed him and helped him win. That's why he kisses Putin's ass.

@DaveRohbock you have that correct. Trump is a shitty businessman. Given the money he has had access to he should be a lot richer. He is not a billionaire, his net worth is negatve.

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